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((If you couldn't tell kenma is one of my favourite characters😌. I don't think i'll usually put any A/N's before the story but i had to let you guys know this important info.))

Kenma was being quieter than usual, nobody seemed to notice since he was known to be the 'moody quiet one' but Hinata knew his boyfriend better than anyone and this wasn't an antisocial silence; something was bothering the gamer, and the small ray of sunshine was determined to find out. It was the first day of training camp and at first the small middle blocker had assumed that Kenma simply wasn't thrilled to be surrounded by so many people, however he had quickly come to realise, although that may be part of the cause, it wasn't the main thing on Kenmas mind.

Shoyo had been bouncing the whole bus journey, excited to spend an entire week with his boyfriend, he had to admit, he was kind off let down when he exited the bus and wasn't greeted by the setter. However his mind was quickly taken elsewhere as he was lifted up by Kuroo and embraced tightly. He had seen Kenma walk into the school with his switch in hand but thought nothing of it. The first day had passed now and the tangerine was becoming increasingly worried; his boyfriend was clearly avoiding him, having not made eye contact even during the practice match between their two teams.

Hinata had begun to worry, nervous that he had done something wrong, somehow aggravated the blonde in order for him to apparently not even want to look in his direction. He found himself running back into the building, away from everyone sat on the grass eating the barbecued meat, as tears rolled silently down his face, a small pale hand clasped over his mouth so as not to worry anyone of his teammates. Kenma, who had been stealing glances at his boyfriend all day, a knot forming in his stomach everytime he saw him high five a teammate or hug the opposite team after a win, saw this and silently jogged after him. He had been playing games on his switch in the morning and lost track of time, not realising that Karasunos bus had arrived until they had already exited. This was when the issue began... He walked outside to see Hinata being embraced firmly by Kuroo, jealousy gnawed at him. He didn't want anyone touching what was his. He hd simply turned on his heel and returned to Nekomas dorm, he hadn't even meant to but he had avoided Hinata the entire day, slowly letting the anger of seeing other people enjoying spending time with the person they knew was his build up inside him.

He followed the faint sound of sobs through the hallways until he traced them back to a small storage cupboard hidden away from the rest of the teams. Kenma knocked softly, "Sho? It's me baby...can i come in?"
The door creaked open slowly to reveal a small orange-haired boy, curled up in a corner, clutching his knees to his chest. "Do you hate me? What did i do wrong? I can fix myself i promise...", the small boy trailed off the last sentence as Kenma shut the door behind him, kneeling in-front of his puffy-eyed partner. He didn't say a word as he lifted Shoyos chin up with his finger, gently forcing him to look him in his eyes. He nuzzled into the slightly older boys touch, eyes softening as he was calmed.
" could never make me mad. i'm so sorry that i've been ignoring's just that seeing you with other people makes me so.."
"jealous?", Hinata cocked his head to the side, looking at Kenma quizzically, "you should have shown them who i belong to then silly", he finished his sentence, giggling quietly. The setter couldn't help but blush at both the implications of his adorable boyfriends words mixed with his innocent face, wide puppy eyes not leaving the blondes own. Kenma leaned in pressing a soft and romantic kiss against Shoyos lips, he broke away and whispered, "i'm sorry baby, i promise i won't ignore you again and i'll try not to get jealous", before planting his lips on his boyfriends once more, feeling his boyfriend smile lightly, content once more, knowing that his boyfriend didn't hate him.
"i love you ken"
"i love you so much sho<3"

((748 words :p Not bad i don't think for my first oneshot :) if anyone reads this please comment ships to do nextt, and lmk any improvements or tips you have.
Also not all of my storys will be 3rd person many will be first person just to let you guys know💕))

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