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(( AN: requested by Micalle_Mizuki101💞. Also sorry for not posting for so long, as i said i've had sports training the last few days and its really intense and i'm in so much pain atm😀))

Daichi scowled in disdain as he watched his orange-haired boyfriend jump onto their teams libero, shouting in glee as they celebrated another point scored. He quickly broke into a wide grin as Suga pulled his arm, reminding him that it was the end of the match and they had won. The winners walked over to their coach, Ukai, who was waving them over, he congratulated them before telling them that they'd all have dinner on him at a local barbecue place. Daichis attention was once again captured by his boyfriend as Tanaka and Noya jumped on him, all three making excited exclamations about meat.
"Lets go then,", shouted Daichi bluntly before turning on his heel and heading towards the changing rooms, "We change and head straight to the bus, no messing about.". Everyone went quiet, hearing the sharpness in his tone, despite being slightly confused the team was soon changed and kneeling around a long table with plates of meat laid out in front of them. Hinata nudged Daichi after a loud cry of 'Itadakimasu!' was uttered and everyone was digging into their food.
"Daichi, what's wrong, you seem annoyed?", whispered the tiny middle-blocker as he leaned slightly against the older. Daichi smirked down at his tiny boyfriend who shivered as the captainran his hand down his spine beneath the smallers shirt.
"Noya and Tanaka were all over you baby, and you didn't seem to mind", whispered Daichi as his his hand wandered towards the waistband of Hinatas shorts.
"I- W-We were just happy, thats all Daichi", squeaked out Hinata as his boyfriend slipped his hands beneath his shorts and boxers and placed a finger at his entrance, "D-daichi, the team will see!".
"Mm, well you need to be reminded who you belong to baby. I guess if you really don't want them to see you'll have to say quiet won't you.", Daichi smirked as Hinata let out a stifled moan as he quickly pushed two fingers into the smallers hole. Kageyama who was on the other side of Hinata turned slightly to look at him,
"Oi Boke, quiet making noises and eat.", the blueberry muttered before turning back to his food scowling, the tangerine didn't reply verbally for fear if letting out a moan, so he just nodded as his boyfriend added another finger and began thrusting at an extremely fast pace.
"d-Daichi, p-please nHg", Hinata whined quietly in the captains ear. Daichi removed his fingers from the youngers hole before standing up with and hand on Hinatas shoulder,
"I'm just going to show Hinata where the bathroom is we'll be back soon", the captain announced before dragging his flustered boyfriend with him to the bathroom. The captain quickly locked the bathroom door behind them and pulled down the youngers pants, leaving him exposed. Hinata blushed, covering his face with his hands as he felt his boyfriends lustful stare boring into him.
"Turn around baby, i've prepped you enough", grunted the older as he pulled down his own trousers, rubbing his already hard cock as Hinata turned to face the bathroom wall, sticking out his ass for his boyfriend and turning around to make eye contact. Daichi slammed himself into the smaller quickly, immediately pounding into the smaller boy from behind, hands on his waist as Hinatas knees buckled from the pleasure.
"Ngh- aAH d-Daichi harder-AH", moaned Hinata as the older leaned down, sucking a dark purple blotch on the nape of his neck. The older complied, thrusting into the younger as if both of their lives depended on it, driven by the erotic sight of drool running down Hinatas chin as he arched his back, unable to form a proper sentence without it being interrupted by his expressions of pleasure, "c-aAh-cumming-nGh", he managed to gasp before shooting his seed over the wall in front of him.
"Shit, you just got tighter, i'm about to cum too Sho, nGh", grunted the captain as Hinatas asshole clenched around his cock. With one more powerful thrust he released inside his boyfriend, pulling out and standing there for a second, watching as his cum dripped slowly out of the youngers hole.
"Daichi! Don't just stand there! We have to go back to the team and i don't think i can even walk.", Hinata pouted crossing his arms in front of him in mock anger. Daichi laughed before cleaning them both up and picking up his boyfriend bridal style much to Hinatas disdain. The captain simply chuckled again, "Well they already know you're mine, and you said it yourself, you can't walk right now. Anyways i'm sure they understand how hard to resist you are.", Hinata blushed before playfully punching Daichi in the shoulder,
"Fiiiineee, but next time at least wait till we get home".
"No promises here".

((840 words AN: Micalle_Mizuki101 sorry this took so long to get outt :( idk why but i'm finding it really hard to write atm, i'll still post at least once a week but i probably won't be posting as much as before, sorry :( I also have ALOT of requests so sorry if you requested and its taking a while to get out:( ))

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