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((AN: requested by Cucumber4677 . Fanon Ushijima makes me so soft he's so oblivious😭😭🥺))

"JAPANNNN!" shouted Hinata, jumping into his boyfriends outstretched arms as he stood at the gate to Karasuno high school.
"Hello Shoyo, how was training?", Ushijima replied with a genuine smile, chuckling quietly to himself as Shoyo immediately began spewing his latest updates about how how 'gwah' and 'woosh' all the new moves he had learnt were and how much everyone had improved. He gazed at his loud boyfriend as they walked towards the tangerines house. Hinatas parents were on a business trip that weekend, and Hinata had asked Ushijima if he would stay over so he wouldn't be scared. In truth Hinata had stayed home alone many times before, but he had decided that he was finally ready to take the next step with his boyfriend. The shorter boy unlocked his door , immediately dragging his boyfriend upstairs after having removed their shoes, pushing him onto his bed and climbing onto his lap, straddling him. Ushijima blushed asking, "Shoyo, are you ready for this?".
"Y-yes, i want to have my first time with you, so yea," stuttered back the small middleblocker before giggling, "also its friday so i don't have to worry about not being able to train tomorrow".
Ushijima looked slightly confused but dismissed it as Shoyo pressed his small, soft lips against his, kissing him fervently as if trying to become one with him. The taller boyfriend broke the kiss pulling off both of their shirts before attacking his partners pale neck, leaving dark hickeys that Hinata would definitely struggle to explain to his teammates come monday. They weren't thinking about that however, as they both pulled of their trousers and boxers standing in Hinatas room naked staring at each other in awe. Surprisingly Shoyo moved first grabbing his boyfriends hand and putting his fingers in his mouth, sucking on them whilst looking up at his boyfriend. This simple action woke Ushijima from his trance as he removed his hand from the tangerines mouth and picked the boy up, placing him on his bed on all fours with his small, perky ass in the air. He slowly inserted a finger, leaning over and whispering in Shoyos ear reassuringly as he pumped it in and out, adding two more fingers and scissoring the little ones hole as he moaned in pleasure, both of their dicks standing tall and aching.  Ushijima removed his fingers and flipped Hinata around so that he was lying on his back facing him. Without any warning he slammed into the boys hole, thrusting slowly as the other adjusted to his size before beginning to slam into him, Shoyos moans of ecstasy fuelling him as he stared down at the boy, their eyes meeting as he wrapped one hand around the smallers throat. Shoyo squeaked in surprise before letting out a loud "u-ushijima y-yes", as his boyfriend applied slight pressure on his neck as he continued to wreck his tight asshole.
"That's not my name baby. Call me daddy.", grunted out Ushijima, smirking as Shoyos eyes widened before he practically screamed out, "d-Daddy! r-right there pl-please!".
Ushijima growled as he hit Hinats prostate repeatedly feeling the boy tighten as he got closer to his limit. After a few more sloppy but hard thrusts they both came at the same time, Shoyo screaming "daddy" so loud the neighbours must have heard it whilst Ushijima whispered lewd things into his ear; letting him know what they were doing next time. Ushijima pulled out of Shoyo, some of his cum dripping out of his stretched hole onto his bed, as Ushijima began to walk away he felt a hand pull him back. He was pulled onto the bed as his small tangerine cuddled into him, muttering that they could clean up when they woke up.
"I love you Ushi, even though i might not be able to walk tomorrow", whispered Shoyo as he closed his eyes.
"I love you too Shoyo, though i hope i didn't genuinely harm you.", replied Ushijima eyebrows furrowing in worry as he stroked Hinatas hair.
Hinata giggled as he buried his face in his boyfriends chest...the ace had been much less innocent in bed,
"Don't worry i enjoyed it, alot." he almost sighed out quietly before beginning to snore softly. Ushijima smiled, kissing his adorable boyfriend on the forehead before shutting his own eyes and falling asleep happy.

((743 words AN: I'm sorry that this took so long to post Cucumber4677 :( I've had barely anytime due to being really busy but i'll still try to update at least 1/2 times a week so pleasee comment more requestss :) Also tysm to everyone who's reading and voting for this book ilysm🥺🥺🥺))

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