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(( AN: requested by 8Goblin8💞. Some fluff to soften the sting of the last one :p))

Hinata closed the door of the apartment he shared with his boyfriend behind him, sighing as he removed his shoes; training had been overwhelming that day and all he wanted to do was curl up in his boyfriends arms and fall asleep, letting the stress of the upcoming tournament dissipate, even if it was only for the evening. The ginger went to shower first, knowing and respecting that he wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Kenma if he reeked of sweat, it was understandable, and honestly the warm water on his muscles felt so relaxing that he almost didn't mind having to delay his cuddles. Almost.
He finished showering, throwing on an old tshirt and a pair of shorts before heading to his boyfriends 'work' room, though a more accurate label would be 'gaming room'. Upon receiving a mumbled come in Hinata walked into the room, wasting no time in clambering onto Kenmas lap and snuggling his face into the olders shoulder.
"Missed you. 'm tired", muttered Hinata, already half asleep, "love you Ken", he added as he nuzzled against the blushing gamers neck.
"Sho? Sho I'm streaming,", whispered Kenma as he shook his boyfriend softly, to no avail of course, the blonde sighed as he turned towards his camera, honestly not minding the prospect of finishing work early to cuddle up with his boyfriend, "Sorry guys, looks like I'll have to cut the stream short today, see you next week", he announced to his subscribers, ignoring the hearts being spammed in the chat and ending the livestream. Switching off his monitor Kenma switched his gaze to his boyfriend who sat curled up on his lap, snoring softly as he slept peacefully, clearly exhausted after all his strict training. He smiled giddily to himself, 'Oh my god I love him so much', he thought to himself as he got comfortable underneath him, Kenma wrapped his arms around Shoyo as he fell asleep with him on his gaming chair, there was no point even bothering to try carrying Shoyo to bed; despite still being shorter than Kenma (albeit not by much) the younger had a significant amount more muscle and Kenma was aware that there was no chance he would be able to carry him.
They woke up in the morning to hundreds of twitter tags, all gushing over how pure and cute their relationship was and asking if Hinata would ever be in a stream whilst actually awake. The two boyfriends laughed together over breakfast, sharing a quick kiss before Hinata left for training. They couldn't have been more in love.

((445 words AN: Sorry that this ones kinda short, I hope it was still okay🥰 Kenhina brainrot go brrrrrrrr😋))

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