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(( AN: requested by S3r3n_d1p1ty💕. Well...this is gonna be difficult, i've never done a four person ship, it should be fun to write though i'll try my hardest i hope this turns out okay😭))

It was the day of the third years graduation and as they walked back to the apartment they shared with their soon to be second year boyfriend, they couldn't help but smile fondly as they thought back on the three years they had spent in high school. Though nervous none of the boys were too upset about leaving, they were all going to the same local university and they weren't going to live on campus, meaning they'd still see their tiny ginger boyfriend everyday. The younger had of course attended their graduation, crying for them when they reached the stage and received their diplomas, however he had left after the ceremony whereas the olders had stayed a while longer to gather the remnants of their stuff from their lockers, saying one last goodbye to the clubroom and the gym before leaving (despite knowing that they'd definitely be back to watch their boyfriend and other ex-teammates train). They finally reached their apartment, surprised when they opened their door and weren't immediately met by a rib-crushing hug from Hinata. After inspecting the kitchen and living room and finding them empty, Daichi, Suga and Asahi began to worry, heading straight towards their bedroom; the last room they hadn't checked. Daichi opened the door, a small gasp of surprise leaving his mouth before a smirk quickly formed on his face. He moved out of the doorway and into the room so the others could see the beautiful sight that had been laid out for them as well.
"Oh? Whats this?", questioned Suga as he stepped into the room, already beginning to remove his shirt as Asahi also took initiative and moved towards Hinata, "Is this our graduation present Sho? You've tied yourself up all nice and pretty and naked for us to use?".
Hinata nodded, letting out a quiet whimper as Asahi bit down on his neck leaving what would later be an extremely dark hickey.
"Fuck baby, thats hot", growled Daichi as he moved towards where Hinata was bound, wrists handcuffed to the headboard and ankles tied to his thighs, the older had stripped down to his boxers already and he could see Suga and Asahi undressing between kisses as he claimed Hinatas lips. Their kiss was long and heated, Hinata was soon moaning into it, Daichis tongue in his mouth as Sugas littered hickeys across his thighs and Asahi ran his hands up and down the youngers sides. Daichi pulled away, a strand of saliva still connecting his lips to Hinatas as he admired his handywork; the ginger was a blushing, panting mess. Asahi replaced Daichi in front of Hinata, however he didn't bend down to match his height, instead removing his restraining boxers and threading his fingers through Hinatas hair as the smaller got the message and slowly took his cock into his mouth. Suga undid Hinatas handcuffs and other restraints and pulled the youngers hips up roughly causing him to arch his back and moan against Asahis dick, making the ace groan in return.
"I-I already prepped you can go straight in", whispered Hinata, quickly removing his mouth from where it had previously been bobbing up and down on, replacing with his hands as he spoke, "y-you can both fit I think... i-if you want of course", Hinata cursed his stutter as Daichi and Suga shared some sort of look between them as if silently communicating.
"Pay attention to Asahi.", said Daichi as he pulled off his boxers,
"Get ready.", added Suga as he slowly began to slip himself into the younger, stilling as he bottomed out.  He grinned at the moans that escaped the ginger as Daichi slowly inserted himself as well, muffled by Asahis cock that was now being thrusted into the youngers mouth, face-fucking him roughly. They paused for a moment before beggining to pound into their boyfriend from behind in tandem. They groaned, knowing that they wouldn't last long as Hinatas walls squeezed around their cocks, causing them to rub together as they thrust. Hinatas moans suddenly rose in volume as Asahi pulled out of his mouth, the smaller sticking out his tongue as the taller pumping his cock once more before releasing all over his boyfriends face, grunting as he watched Hinata lick his lips as cum ran down his forehead.
"n-nGhH", it wasnt long before Hinata reached his limit, "a-aAhH cumminG-AH", he practically yelled, pressing his face into the mattress below him as his orgasm crashed over him.
"Me too", groaned out Daichi as he felt his boyfriends tight hole squeezing his cock.
"Same-nGh", grunted Suga as he came alongside Daichi, filling the younger with their cum.
The two olders pulled out slowly and knelt by the bed where Hinatas face was, Asahi walking over to join them in placing soft kisses all over their youngest boyfriends face, smiling at the soft giggles he let out.
"Happy graduation", slurred Hinata as he let the fatigue from being fucked so roughly set in, "Love you guys s'much".
The three soon to be university students smiled as Daichi picked up Hinata, heading to the bathroom to clean up.
"We love you more.".

((900 words AN: I think that was the longest one-shot i've written in a while lol, i just got a random burst of motivation. I hope it turned out okay (: TYSM FOR 80K READS WTF GUYS ILYSM!?! ))

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