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(( AN: requested by IDHEMFCN. hsdhhdh its so weird how the last three oneshots are the only rqs so far that aren't lemons😭 This is Daishou x Hinata for anyone confusedI also made a new cover what do you guys think of it?😋))

Hinatas soft giggles reverberated throughout the room, Daishou could have sworn that the youngers smile physically lit up his bedroom. The older relented his tickle attack on his tiny boyfriend and pulled him into his chest, burying his nose in his soft, orange curls, the scent of coconut shampoo enveloping him like a warm hug. Hinata looked up as his giggles finally died down, bright smile still plastered on his face as he leaned his forehead against his boyfriends, feeling the olders warm breath fan across his face. The younger squealed in surprise as Daishou rolled them around on the bed quickly switching their positions and trapping Hinata between his arms before attacking his face with light, innocent kisses. The snake-like ex-captain placed sweet but fleeting kisses across the youngers face, making sure to leave no place unloved before finally placing a longer, slightly more lingering kiss on the gingers lips, smiling against the smallers lips as he heard him hum absentmindedly as he soaked in their domestic bliss.
"I love you Shoyo", Daishou whispered as he pulled away from their light-hearted kiss,
"I love you more Ru", replied Hinata, sticking out his tongue cheekily as he entwined his fingers with his boyfriends own, linking their hands.
"I can't wait until you're Shoyo Daishou", the older grinned lazily as he pulled Hinatas hand up along with his, placing a soft kiss against his boyfriends ring finger where a gold ring with a small emerald rested.
"Me neither,", sighed Hinata as he gazed at the sparkling engagement ring decorating his hand, "but for now...revenge!", he grinned evilly as he launched himself at the taller tickling him until they were both in a tangled and tired pile on the floor, breathless from laughter.

((325 words AN: IDHEMFCN this was a bit short i hope it was okay and you enjoyed it🥰. I find it difficult to write fluff without a plot but i think i did okay... also I HATE ONLINE SCHOOL SM. ))

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