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(( AN: requested by Leyou37💞 You guys know the drill at this point😀 Also TYSM FOR OVER 30k READS WTFF! I started this book expecting less than 100 AH!!!))

The three boys laughs were carried away by the wind as Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka sat on a picnic rug in the middle of a clearing of a forest they had found earlier that day. Nishinoya wheezed, clutching his stomach as he doubled over in laughter, apparently dying from the hilarity of Hinatas joke as Tanaka pouted, attempting to hold in his own laughter as he watched tears roll down his boyfriends cheeks due to the fit of giggles that they were experiencing. The sun peeked through the heavy foliage of the trees, warming the three boyfriends as they calmed down, protecting them against the slight breeze. Hinata shivered slightly as a small gust of wind swept through the clearing, still cold despite the suns feeble attempt at warming him up.
"You cold baby?", enquired Nishinoya winking at Tanaka as Hinata nodded.
The bald-headed senpai crawled towards the first-year, "You want us to help warm you up?", he asked with a smirk.
Hinata giggled, understanding what the older meant as he nodded, "Yes please. Please help me warm up... Senpais".
The older boyfriends looked at each other in surprise before pouncing on the younger, the libero immediately claiming the red-heads lips as the wing spiker pulled off Hinatas trousers. A shiver ran up the younger boys spine as his hard member was exposed, Noya took advantage of the boys shock, pushing his tongue into the kiss and slipping his hand up the youngers tshirt, pinching and squeezing the middleblockers nipples as he squirmed in pleasure. The ginger let out a muffled moan as Tanaka pushed a long finger into his entrance, quickly adding another two in succession as he scissored the youngers hole, prepping him to take two dicks in one go.
"He's ready", whispered Tanaka, Noya finally released the youngers now-swollen lips and knelt next to the other second year who was already pushing his length into the youngers stretched hole. The libero stroked himself lazily as one of his boyfriends grunted in pleasure besides him and one whimpered in ecstasy below him. Once Tanaka was fully inserted, Noya slowly pushed himself in beside the other, savouring the feeling of Hinatas asshole clenching around their dicks as he let out tiny mewls of satisfaction at being so full. Once fully in the two waited for Hinatas approval before beginning to thrust, completely in sync with each other, their rhythm practically memorised due to the frequency at which they did this.
Hinata arched his back, "r-Right th-there nGh s-SeNpAiS AH", he moaned as the two found his prostate and began slamming into it repeatedly, "c-cumming nGh", the tangerine grunted as he came, painting his stomach white as his eyes rolled back and a wave of pleasure washed over him. He moaned as his boyfriend continued to fuck him steadily through his orgasm, keeping their rhythm for an intense while before their thrusts became sloppy, signifying that they were about to cum. They released inside Hinatas gaping hole, as the younger came for a second time at the sensation of being filled with his boyfriends warm cum. Hinata giggled as Tanaka and Noya pulled out, squirming slightly as he felt their cum dripping out of his hole.
"Well...I definitely like that way of warming up", giggled the tangerine as Nishinoya and Tanaka lifted him up, dressing him before pulling him into a tight hug, pressing kisses all over his face between their own laughs.

((610 words AN: Leyou37 I hope that was alrightt💞. Tysm to everyone who left messages or reached out to me, you guys genuinely don't understand how much it means to me🥺))

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