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(( AN: requested by OrangeSherberty. Asahi would definitely not approve of this book yet here are😌✨))

"The ace is so cool! FWAHHH!", exclaimed Hinata with stars in his eyes as Asahi landed from the spike he had just performed.
"That was nothing special Hinata", chuckled Asahi, rubbing the back of his neck modestly, a small blush appearing on his face as his crush complimented him.
"YES IT WASSS! IT WENT LIKE BAM AND IT WAS ALL GWAH AND FWOOSH!!", replied the younger, flailing his arms about as he attempted to demonstrate how 'gwah' the spike had been.
"Oy you two, since you're the last ones in the gym tidy up whilst me and Suga go and lock up the clubroom", interrupted Daichi, popping his head through the door and leaving before either of the boys could complain. Honestly neither was too upset that they were being told to tidy up since it meant they could spend more time together, however, of course, being the oblivious idiots they were neither realised but everyone else on the team knew that the dumbasses had a huge crush on each other.
Hinata was stood on his tiptoes attempting to place the net on the top shelf in the cupboard, he lost his balance as Asahi walked past him holding a few volleyballs, though he quickly dropped them in favour of catching Hinata as they dropped to the floor. Hinata sat up quickly, causing Asahi to groan as he unknowingly grinded against his member.
"I'm so sorry Asahi-san, I didn't mean to fall on you! Are you okay? Are you hurt?", the younger began to spiral, asking all sorts of questions at a rapid pace with a worried expression on his face as he rocked back and forth slowly.
"nGh... h-Hinata i'm f-fine.", mumbled Asahi as the smaller stayed situated above his growing erection. The younger didn't appear to hear as he continued mumbling something about hurting the ace. So Asahi did the only thing he could think of in the moment, the ace leaned forwards slowly and captured the first years lips in a tender kiss, holding his small face in his large hands lightly, allowing him space to pull away. To the tallers surprise the shorter didn't pull away, but rather melted into the kiss, wrapping his tiny arms around the spikers neck as he opened his mouth slightly, allowing the older to push his tongue into his mouth, exploring every corner as if looking for hidden treasure. When they finally pulled away they were both red in the face and panting for breath. Hinata giggled and looked down, "Asahi-san I think you have a problem I can help with", he said as he palmed the olders erection through his shorts. Asahi gasped and became even more red at the first-years straight forwardness, giving a tiny nod as Hinata looked at him for permission before pulling down his shorts and boxers. The gingers mouth formed an O shape as he sat back on his heels, shocked at the size of the third years member, Hinata collected himself and smirked at the tomato-faced ace as he wrapped his hands around his cock and began pumping it. Squeezing the shaft and moving his small hands up and down the huge length.
"i'm-i'm gonna cu-", Asahi was cut off as Hinata removed his hands and leaned down, placing the tip of the olders cock in his mouth as he came, spurting the bitter substance into the youngers mouth before he pulled away swallowing every drop and licking his lips with a loud 'yum'. Pulling up his shorts Asahi pulled the smaller towards him and kissed him softly on the lips, "Be mine Hinata?", he asked as he pulled away.
"As long as you'll be mine", replied Hinata, smiling as he rested his forehead against his now-boyfriend's forehead. They both laughed before standing up and finishing tidying up what they had been clearing away before, leaving the gym hand in hand. Suga and Daichi watched quietly from the school gates, "I'm not that i want to know what they did to get together, but i'm glad that it finally happened", chuckled Daichi,
"As long as they left the gym clean i'm happy for them.", laughed Sugawara in response.

((718 words AN: shshjfjfjf this ship is so soft ahh🥺. OrangeSherberty I hope this fulfills your expectations💞))

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