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(( AN: requested by firery_vrx and Sarahrock12💕. First post of 2021😃, its so weird how when i downloaded wattpad i didn't even intend on writing anything and now here i am...😭))

"Happy new yeaaarrr!", exclaimed Hinata, smiling giddily as his boyfriend leaned towards him. A tinge of alcohol was present in their breath but neither Sakusa nor Hinata noticed or cared as they leaned in for their new years kiss, coming together in a sweet lip lock as fireworks could be heard going off somewhere down the street. Hinata had insisted they stay home, aware of Sakusas aversion to large social gatherings and more than happy to spend New Years Eve alone with his boyfriend. Maybe due to their slightly intoxicated state or maybe simply due to the romantic atmosphere but the two soon found themselves making their way to the sofa, shirts and pants abandoned, leaving them only their boxers as they continued their now intense kiss. As they reached the sofa the older wasted no time in pinning the younger to the coach, finally breaking their kiss in order to catch their breath. Their clothes were quickly discarded and in no time at all moans were escaping the gingers mouths as Sakusa fingered his tight hole open. Satisfied with how stretched Hinata was the older rolled a condom onto his aching cock before slowly pushing himself in, leaning down and swallowing the youngers soft moan of satisfaction in a shallow kiss. After a short pause filled with sloppy kisses and dark hickeys in order to give the younger time to relax, Sakusa began to thrust at a leisurely pace, relishing in the wanton moans that spilled from his tiny boyfriends lips. The taller boy wrapped a hand around the smallers shaft and began pumping languidly in time with his thrusts as he felt the familiar warmth beginning to pool in his stomach.
"o-Omi, g-gonna cum", warned Hinata before releasing on his stomach, eyes closed as felt the olders cock twitch inside him, barely registering as he announced his own release before feeling the semen that was stopped from filling his hole by the thin layer of rubber the older was wearing. Sakusa pulled out, grabbing a wipe from the living room table and wiping down Hinatas chest and his own hand before pulling the younger into his lap, acting as the big spoon as they sat on the sofa together, basking in the after-sex glow.
Sakusa turned the younger so they were face to face, unable to stop himself from pecking him quickly on the tip of his nose, "I think that should be our new years tradition", he whispered as he buried his face in his tiny boyfriends neck, a smile gracing his lips as Hinata simply giggled in response, this was going to be a good year for them, after all they had the best start he couldn't help but think.

((487 words AN: firery_vry & Sarahrock12, once again im so sorry this took so long, I hope it turned out okay💕. I may or may not have impulsively cut half of my hair off last night without anyone knowing haha lol))

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