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((AN: requested by mapisups . Even though he was only in like 2 eps i love Terushima idek why he's just...hot😃))

Terushima was a jealous boyfriend. Both the Karasuno and Johzenji team knew this. Terushima and Hinata had been together for 4 months and countless times had the baby crow come to training limping and unable to jump properly after his boyfriend had come to pick him up from training the night before and seen him hugging one of his senpais; it wasn't hard to deduct what had happened after Hinata was dragged out of the sports hall by and angry Teru.
The Karasuno volleyball team was currently at Johzenji highschool, having just finished a practice match. The teams bowed to each other before Karasuno began celebrating their victory. They quickly went silent as they watched two second years from Johzenji approach their little tangerine, draping their arms over his shoulders as they congratulated him on their win, complimenting his jump as he blushed slightly. Everyones attention turned to Terushima as he stormed over to the three and grabbed his boyfriend by the wrist, dragging him out of the room wordlessly. The two second years turned to the rest of their team laughing, they all loved teasing their captain.
Terushima pulled his small boyfriend into an empty classroom, locking the door behind them before pushing Hinata against the wall and kissing him roughly, Hinata shivered as he felt his partners cool, peirced tongue exploring his mouth. "What do you think you were doing, flirting with them like that", growled out the blondie.
Hinata let out a little squeak, "i-i wasn't, we were talking about the match. You know i'm yours master", the little middle blocker looked up as he said this, making puppy eyes at the captain, giggling slightly as he felt the olders hard on pressed against his abdomen, "Would you like me to help you with that master?".
Terushima didn't reply, nodding silently as the tangerine kneeled in front of him pulling down his shorts, his dick springing up. The smaller immediately took the olders cock into his mouth, deepthroating it and sucking, circling the tip with his tongue as his boyfriend moaned in pleasure, gripping his fluffy orange hair and pushing his head down as he came in his mouth. The younger opened his mouth letting a few drops of cum dribble down his chin before swallowing his boyfriends load, licking his lips after whilst keeping eye contact with his partner. "On all fours slut", growled Terushima.
He didn't wait, pulling down the smaller boys shorts, knowing that his slutty little baby most likely prepped himself before the match, he slammed himself into the youngers hole, groaning as his boyfriends asshole enveloped his thick length. "Did you plan this baby? You're already stretched out.", groaned the older as he continued to pound into the crow, making sure to hit his prostate with every thrust.
"N-no, i just knew you-aAh-would end-aH up getting jealous of someo-aAh", Hinata moaned loudly as he climaxed, cumming everywhere, moaning even louder as his boyfriend continued to thrust into his used hole sloppily, before reaching his own release, pulling out and cumming on Hinatas back. The smallers legs were shaking from the overstimulation as he was pulled onto Terushimas lap and had his neck covered in kisses. "You did so good baby, you're such a good slut for me.", whispered the older, making the orange-haired boy blush at the mixed degradation and praise. He nuzzled into the olders chest, "That's because you always fuck me so good master", he whispered as he fell asleep on his smirking boyfriends lap.
Terushima cleaned up and dressed them both, carrying his boyfriend bridal style back to the sports hall glaring at his team who burst into laughter when they saw him, before handing the sleeping crow to Daichi, ignoring the stares he was receiving from the rest of the Karasuno team. Daichi sighed, "You better not have gone too hard on him, we have training tomorrow".
"Oh, oops", replied Terushima sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "I doubt he'll even be able to walk", he shouted over his shoulder before quickly running back to his team, hitting them on the back of the head as he arrived, trying to ignore the intense glare he was receiving from Karasunos Sugawara, praying that he wasn't murdered in his sleep.

((739 words. AN: mapisups I hope this was okayy. Guys i just wanted to say that i write these on mobile and really late at night so please excuse any spelling mistakes :( Also please keep requesting although i probably won't post again this week, i have a two week holiday after this week so i'll be able to write much more often :D Anyways i hope this was okayy, i love this ship smmmm))

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