iwahina 🍋

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(( AN: requested by Hajispook. I actually have sports training tomorrow but i'm here at 11pm writing instead of resting for some reason😃👍ALSO TYSM FOR 10k READ AH?!?! ))

"Crappykawa go home, i'm going to Shoyos house tonight.", sighed Iwaizumi, hitting the annoying setter on the back of the head with his bag. Instead of complaining like usual Oikawa simply smirked, shoving a box of condoms into his best friends hands and telling him not to break the little crow before running off in the opposite direction. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes before smiling to himself as he carried on walking, Oikawa definitely didn't have the wrong idea though he'd never admit it. He arrived at his destination, opting to text the crow telling him that he'd arrived rather than knocking, in case of waking up anyone who may be sleeping inside. The door was quickly flung open and Iwaizumi nearly fell over as a tiny ball of sunshine immediately jumped into his arms, he steadied himself as he walked in with Hinata still wrapped tightly around him, his legs around his waist as his arms were wrapped around his neck. "Hey Sho can i have a welcome kiss since i'm guessing your parents aren't home?", laughed the older. The redhead giggled as he jumped down from him, "looks like you're ready for more than a kiss Hajime", Hinata grabbed his boyfriends wrist with one hand and snatched the box of condoms out of it with the other before pulling the older upstairs to his bedroom. Releasing the older from his grasp Hinata sat on his bed after pulling off his tshirt, "come on iwaaa, i've been waiting for youuu", whined the younger, blushing as he played with the hem of his shorts.
"Go on then shorts off too.", said the older as he removed his own tshirt, revealing his tightly toned chest. Hinata quickly took of his shorts and positioned himself on all fours on the bed looking back at the older over his shoulder, "Please Haji, i stretched myself already, i really want you right now, i've been waiting all week". Having removed all of his own clothes Iwaizumi quickly removed a condom from the box, unwrapping it and expertly putting it on. He moved to stand behind his boyfriend, grabbing his hips and pushing himself in, groaning as he felt the youngers tight walls envelop his thick cock. Hinata let out a loud moan as the older began to thrust rapidly, reaching deeper and deeper with every thrust, pounding into the ginger as if his life depended on it, the small middle-blockers erotic moans only driving him to go harder and faster until Hinata was a drooling mess, unable to even ask for more as his prostate was slammed into repeatedly.
"c-cumAggH", the younger managed to moan before spurting thick white liquid onto the sheets below him. Hinatas legs had long since given in, Iwaizumi was holding up the youngers overstimulated body as he thrust one more time before releasing into the condom. The younger mewled, feeling the warm semen through the rubber. The wing-spiker pulled out, taking off the condom and tying it before throwing it away and getting a towel to clean up the smaller, who was curled up in a ball, already close to falling asleep. The older boy leaned down, kissing the smallers forehead before covering him with a blanket and heading downstairs to make some food for him to wake up to.

Hinata limped down the stairs, greeted by a plate of Katsudon. "Thankyou Hajime! I would come over and hug you but i'm not sure if i can jump right now", he giggled. Iwaizumi chuckled as he walked over to his boyfriend and picked him up, taking him to the table and sitting him on his lap.
"I love you Iwaizumi-san!", exclaimed Hinata excitedly as he tucked into the food in front of him.
"I love you too Sho", replied the older as he gazed lovingly at his perfect little boyfriend.

((666 words AN: uh yeah its nearly 11:30pm now imma log off now😃. Anyways i hope this was close to what you wanted Hajispook💞.))

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