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((AN: requested by shooxmii. Shdhbd i have no idea what the picture says b its the only sunahina (i think) pic i could find so...😃😃😃))

Shoyo and Suna had been dating for 7 months now and had still done no more than kiss. Unknown to either if them, they both wanted to escalate their relationship but thought the other didn't. Suna often found himself zoning out at practice as his boyfriend sat in the bleachers cheering him on, he would find himself wondering what it would be like to have the small tangerine moaning his name instead of cheering it, constantly being brought back to reality by a ball to the face courtesy of Atsumu, who would shift his eyes between Hinata and Suna giving his teammate a knowing smirk as Suna blushed slightly. Hinata was regularly met by a similar fate, forgetting to hit the ball whilst practicing a new quick as a result of him becoming distracted by lewd thoughts of what he hoped would happen between him and Suna at his house later that night; he was always grounded however by Kageyamas menacing glare and iron grip on his head.
Shoyo sat in the bath, eyed closed and body submerged as he remembered that his boyfriends was coming over later, he was sleeping over for the whole weekend since Shoyos parents were on a business trip. Shoyo adjusted himself in the bath attempting to draw his mind away from the thoughts it was already heading towards, he wouldn't have time to sort out the inevitable hard-on these thoughts would provoke before Suna would arrive. He groaned looking towards his lower body, his tip poking out just above the surface of the water, looked like it was too late.
"Oh, looks like we have a little problem here.".
Shoyo jumped at the sound of his boyfriends voice-he'd forgotten that he'd given him a key- quickly covering his abdomen, blushing as he turned to his smirking boyfriend who was already removing his clothes, peeling his tshirt over his head as he pulled of his shorts with the other hand and got into the bathtub lifting Shoyo onto his lap, situating him above his already growing erection. "There's no need to be shy baby, I've wanted you like this for a while", Suna whispered, licking the tangerines earlobe as he said it, smirking inwardly as Shoyo shivered beneath his touch.
"r-really? you actually want to do it with me too?", stammered Shoyo, hiding his beet-red face behind his hands. Suna moved the smaller boys hands from his face, kissing him softly on the lips before beginning to play with his nipples, causing Hinata to gasp softly into the kiss, allowing the black-haired boy to slip in his tongue, exploring Hinatas mouth fervently, lust evident in his demeanour.
"yes.", the taller middle blocker replied bluntly as he drew away from the kiss for a split second before attacking the smallers neck, leaving hickeys scattered across his pale collarbones, licking each one after having placed them, as if sealing his masterpiece. He could feel Hinatas erection digging into his torso and his own was becoming painfully hard beneath Hinatas muscular thighs. He moved a hand behind Shoyo, teasing his entrance slightly as the younger bucked his hips. Suna quickly pushed a finger in, the water acting as lube as he thrusted in and out quickly adding two more fingers, stretching Hinatas tight little hole. Shoyo whined a little at the loss of heat as his boyfriend removed his fingers and gripped his waist, lifting him up so that he was hovering above Sunas cock. They made eye contact as Suna slammed Shoyo down on his dick, thrusting up at the same time, the pleasure for both was amazing. Suna bit his lip as he felt his length being swallowed by his boyfriends tiny ass, he had waited for so long and it was finally happening.
"t-the wat-aAh", squeaked out Shoyo, attempting to form a coherent sentence amongst the pleasure he was feeling. "What is it baby?", replied Suna, not slowing down the rhythm at which he pushed Shoyos hips up and down, thrusting up now and again in order to make contact with the particularly sensitive bundle of nerves in the smallers ass.
"t-the water, i-inside,", panted out Shoyo as drool slid down the side of his chin, "feels- feels so good...a-aAh SUNA!", the little orange crow threw his head back as he came screaming his boyfriends name, overwhelmed by the sensation of his partner thrusting against his prostate as water entered his hole with every bounce. Suna growled as Shoyos asshole tightened around his dick, clenching as Hinata attempted to come down from his high despite still being fucked into roughly. Suna thrusted one more time, dropping Shoyo down, the ravenettes dick completely swallowed by the smallers hole as he came, spurting his hot semen inside Shoyo, smiling as the younger moaned out at the feeling, legs trembling in pleasure. Suna pulled out of Shoyo, both panting as he planted a soft kiss on the little sunshines forehead who just giggled, "I think that was worth the wait to be honest". Suna just nodded in agreement as he stared at his adorable boyfriend, still unable to fathom how he'd managed to get quite so lucky.

((895 words. AN: tysm for all the requests shooxmii i'm literally so greatful<3 I also feel like my writing is improving slightly as i get more used to writing but maybe thats just me? N-e-wayss TYSM FOR 2K READS!!! guysss like wtff, i didn't even think i'd get like 20 when i first posted tysmmm😭😭😭))

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