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(( AN: requested by shooxmii. This is my second time writing a threesome so don't judge it too harshly please😭))

Daichi and Sugawara had already been dating for nearly two years before Hinata came into their lives and joined their relationship. They had both swiftly fallen for the little crow and had agreed that if he felt the same towards them both that they would be open to a polyamorous relationship with him. Of course Hinata had fallen in love with both of the third years within the first month of knowing them and had been shocked to find out that they actually both liked him back. However despite having been together for 3 months now Hinata couldn't help but feel insecure at times. Sometimes he felt like he was intruding on the olders relationship and perhaps they didnt truly want him to be a part of it. Of course he never told them his worries, but today he was feeling more insecure than usual. He couldn't bring himself to be his usual bouncy self and walked to school in silence, deciding to miss morning training since he simply didn't feel energised enough to practice. Daichi and Suga happened to be leaving the clubroom after having completed morning practice as Hinata trudged past making his way to class. Worried by their boyfriends down demeanour and his absence from training they sprinted to catch up with him, Suga immediately wrapping the younger in a tight hug. "Hey Shoyo, what's wrong?", the grey haired third year whispered as Daichi knelt on the small boys other side, taking his hand and adding his own concerns, "yeah, you seem down baby, can we help?".
To their shock the first year began to cry, tears pouring down his cheeks as he muttered something about "you two are better together" and "i'm just an intrusion in your relationship". The third years shared a look as Daichi picked the tangerine up and carried him bridal style to the clubroom, Suga following closely behind the both of them. Suga sat on the floor and Daichi placed the sniffling tangerine onto the others lap before sitting in front of them both. "Shoyo baby...", the captain said softly, "we love you so much baby, please don't doubt that.".
"We love you just as much as we love each other, or we wouldn't have invited you into our relationship, okay sunshine?", added Suga as he embraced Hinata, who had now stopped crying. The smaller boy nodded slightly, still insecure about his position in the relationship; after all he had spent nearly two less years with them, they had much more history with each other. Suga sighed, sensing that his youngest boyfriend still didn't believe them. The setter leaned in and kissed the boy lightly at first, but soon more urgently, attempting to convey what he couldn't with words. He pulled away and smiled warmly at the younger, "do you understand now?", his reply was a shy nod from a blushing Hinata.
"My turn to show you now.", saud Daichi as he pulled Shoyo onto his own lap, immediately placing their lips together and slipping in his tongue, this kiss held alot more urgency than the previous one, Hinata gasped as he felt Suga start sucking his neck, leaving soft hickeys across his shoulders and collarbones after his shirt was pulled off. Daichi broke their kiss, now trailing kisses down Hinatas chest stopping just above the waistband of his trousers, he looked up, "are you okay with this Hinata? Do you want this?", suga stopped what he was doing and looked at the ginger as well.
"Y-yes, i-i want this", stuttered the ginger as Daichi pulled down his trousers and boxers, he was then turned around to face Suga who immediately took the redheads member into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down on his member, smirking slightly as the youngers breathing hitched at the new sensation he was feeling. Shoyo gasped loudly as he felt a long finger enter his tight hole, he whipped his head around to be met with a smirking captain who added another finger and began pushing them in and out of the boys hole, scissoring him open as he pulled down his own pants. He pulled out his fingers and lined himself up with Hinatas entrance, slowly pushing himself in as the tangerine moaned in ecstasy, both from being filled from behind and being sucked off by Suga. Suga paused as Daichi began to thrust, looking at his boyfriends in adoration as they both groaned in pleasure. Daichi began to speed up his thrusts upon hearing Hinata let out an especially loud "nNgH th-THERE AH!", knowing that he'd found the boys prostate. He pounded into the boys a few more times before cumming inside him with a grunt whilst Hinata released onto the floor beneath him with a loud moan. Before Hinata could even come down from his high he felt something else prodding at his entrance, he opened his eyes and craned his neck, locking eyes with Suga as the silver-haired thirf yeat pushed his cock into the younger. "I haven't cum yet baby, I want to feel you too", Suga whispered as he began to pound into Hinata, gripping onto his waist as the overstimulated boys legs trembled, threatening to give in as his entire body shook from the pleasure he was receiving. He pulled out until nearly his entire cock was outside of Hinata before slamming himself back in completely, hitting the gingers g-spot straight on. "k-Koushi nGhH!", moaned the younger, "a-AaH d-Daichi i'm aH!", he continued as the captain wrapped his hands around the youngers dick, pumping his length as he got closer to his release. "c-Cumming!", was all the ginger could force put of his mouth as an intense wave of pleasure swept over his body and for the second time he came partly in Daichis hand and partly on the floor below him, adding to the puddle of semen on the floor of the clubroom. Suga hissed in pleasure as Hinatas ass tightened around his cock, he continued to thrust into his boyfriends tight hole, finally cumming only minutes later, adding more cum to the seed Daichi had already left inside the boy. Suga pulled out as both years stared in adoration at their beautiful boyfriend, laying naked in front of them.
"Do you understand how much we love you now?", questioned Daichi, the orange year giggled as he nodded and attempted to sit up, grimacing at the pain in his lower back.
"Oops, looks like you won't be able to practice today.", laughed Suga as Hinata pouted, "hey, would it make you feel better if we skip practice too and go to your house to cuddle?". Once again Hinata nodded eagerly as he made grabby hands towards Daichi, asking to be picked up,
"Since you clearly can't walk right now, we'll head home now and watch a movie.", stated Daichi as he picked up the ginger and placed him on his back.
"I love you both", whispered Hinata as they walked out of the school, half-asleep on Daichis back. The two older boyfriends smiled at each other, they couldn't be any happier that Hinata was a part of their relationship.

((1221 words AN: Thats like the longest oneshot i've written so far😳. shooxmii i hope you enjoy this onee, it was actually quite fun to write😌))

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