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((AN: requested by NicoleAPeet. Honestly i stan this ship bc i ship kuroken, kurohina and kenhina so all 3 together is perfect😌✨. Also i'm sorry this took so long to get out, i'm doing really badly mentally atm b i still wanted to write this😀👍))

Hinata woke up to the sound of muffled shouts coming from the kitchen of the apartment that he shared with his two boyfriends. He got out of bed, not bothering to change out of Kuroos oversized t-shirt before shuffling out of the bedroom in his boxers. He remembered falling asleep between his two lovers the night before, so why had he woken up alone in his bed? And why was there some sort of argument occurring in the kitchen at 9am? Hinatas questions were quickly answered as he arrived in the kitchen, greeted by the sight of Kenma and Kuroo shouting at each other in a slightly hushed tone, clearly trying (and failing) not to wake up the tangerine. Shoyo giggled as Kenma attempted to push Kuroo, failing miserably as Kuroo stayed rooted to the spot, smirking down at the blonde. Finally the two older boyfriends noticed the presence of the younger, turning to face him, expressions immediately softening at the sound of Hinatas adorable laugh. They forgot about their argument as Hinata ran up to them, embracing Kenma tightly before jumping to kiss Kuroo on the cheek. Both older boys blushed as the red-heads shirt lifted, his firm peachy ass displayed for no more than a few seconds, but long enough to give them both half boners before the tangerine had even landed. The cats each grabbed one of Hinatas hands, wordlessly pulling him to their shared bedroom.
Wasting no time Kuroo pulled his t-shirt of the first year, revealing his slim yet toned figure as Kenma claimed Shoyos lips, slipping his tongue into the youngers mouth as he gasped in response to Kuroo pulling off his boxers. Kenma moved down to Hinatas neck and chest, sucking light purple bruises onto Shoyos milky skin, marking him as Kuroo put his fingers in the youngers mouth who was now drooling in pleasure. Once his fingers were coated in saliva Kuroo removed them from Shoyos mouth, immediately pushing one, then two into Hinatas entrance. Shoyo moaned as both his nipples and his ass were stimulated, complaining quietly when Kenma left his chest alone and he felt Kuroos fingers leave his hole. He looked towards his boyfriends as they both lined their members with Hinatas entrance, they had done double penetration many times before, but the look of pure lust that filled both the older boyfriends eyes before they entered him never failed to make Shoyos cock twitch in anticipation. Kuroo slowly slid himself into Shoyo first as Kenma waited for the orange-haired boys nod before pushing himself in alongside Kuroo.
"a-aAh...d-dAddies...so b-big!", moaned out Shoyo as they began to thrust into him perfectly in sync with each other, practically screaming at the sensation of both dicks hitting his prostate spot on with each thrust. Kuroo and Kenma both smirked, leaning in to kiss each other without disrupting the steady rhythm they had created, before Kenma pulled away and kissed their little crow, whose whines and mewls of pleasure filled the whole apartment.
"You're so tight baby", groaned Kuroo as he felt the tangerines asshole tighten around him and Kenmas dicks, "Where do you want us to cum Sho?", added Kenma as he felt himself getting closer to his release and sensed Kuroo tense next to him as Hinatas own cock began to twitch.
"i-inside p-please. please daddies, f-fill me up really go-aAh", screamed Hinata as he came on his chest, clenching his already tight hole around the olders dicks as his legs shook in ecstasy.
"f-Fuck baby, i'm cumming", grunted Kuroo as Kenma just nodded in response, growling lightly as they both released into the smallers asshole at the same time; filling his tiny, pink hole with their warm semen. They pulled out, admiring their work as they did so, watching as their cum dripped down Shoyos trembling thighs, whose chest was still covered in his own cum as he breathed heavily, drool glistening on his chin as he tried to catch his breath. Kuroo picked Hinata up, carrying him bridal style to the bathroom as Kenma went ahead and ran a bath for the three of them. Passing the tiny crow to Kenma, Kuroo climbed into the bath, leaving space for his two boyfriends next to him. Kuroo pulled his boyfriends into his chest as they sat in the water together, resting his chin on his blonde boyfriends head.
"I love you guys so much", whispered Hinata before turning around and pecking each of them quickly on the lips, "why were you guys arguing this morning by the way?", he added as he resettled himself between his partners.
"We love you too Chibi-chan", replied Kuroo with a grin, earning a playful punch to the arm from both of his boyfriends, "don't worry about what we were arguing about", Hinata turned to face the older boys once again, this time staying silent and making puppy eyes at them.
Kenma sighed, Shoyo knew he couldn't resist those eyes, "We were arguing about who got to make you breakfast Sho", answered Kenma meekly as he blushed.
"Oh", giggled Hinata, "Looks like it doesn't matter since i'm not that hungry anymore" he said, Kuroo and Kenma both laughed, ruffling Shoyos hair, realising how stupid their argument had been and just how lucky they were to have such a perfect boyfriend.
"We really do love you so much Shoyo".

((954 words AN: i had no idea how to end this but this was my first three person ship so i hope it was okayy. NicoleAPeet I hope this was like what you wantedd!! As i said in the earlier an, my mental healths kinda shit atm, however i'm on school break for the next two weeks so hopefully i'll be able to write a bit more and have a bit more motivation :D))

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