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((AN: requested by oyaoyamylife & disfujoshiluvsyaoi. I love this ship smmmm. Also can i just say that after watching the new episode i'm literally simping for the entire of inarizaki as well as literally every other team thats ever played against karasuno and karasuno themselves😀))

The twins sat on their bed waiting for their little boyfriend to exit the bathroom. They were sat in their boxers waiting to see their sunshine in the new outfit they'd bought him. The twins had been in a relationship with Hinata ever since he confessed to both of them 7months ago. They hadn't even hesitated when he said he liked both of them, they had agreed that since they both loved him equally it worked out perfectly. They grinned as Hinata exited the bathroom fidgeting with the bottom of the skirt that accompanied his outfit. The twins had seen a maid costume whilst shopping and had had to stop themselves from getting boners in public from just imagining their little tangerine wearing it. They didn't need to control themselves now however, Hinata noticed their boners and blushed at the sight of his two boyfriends sitting on the bed half-naked, clearly impatient to have their way with him.
"D-daddies i want to take it off. The p-panties are uncomfortable", stuttered Hinata, avoiding eye-contact with the older boys. Osamu moved forwards lifting the smaller boys chin with one hand and pulling off the lacy panties he was wearing with the other, the youngers hard-on springing up as he did so. As he did this Atsumu had moved behind the boy inserting a finger straight away, unable to contain himself. Hinata squeaked in surprise before breathing out shakily as Atsumu added another finger, impatient to stretch out the smaller boys asshole. Osamu quickly claimed Hinatas lips, muffling his moans as their tongues fought, Osamu eventually dominating Hinatas and exploring his mouth. Atsumu removed his fingers and guided Hinata so that he was positioned on all floors on the floor, he kneeled behind him, not warning him before pounding into him rapidly. Osamu knelt in front of Hinata, simply instructing him to suck, which Hinata did, taking the grey-haired twins length into his mouth and sucking, moaning as he was pounded into from behind, sending vibrations onto his dick. It wasn't long before both twins came, Hinata swallowing Osamus cum whilst Atsumu pulled out and came on his back, Hinata cumming on the floor beneath him as his legs shook in pleasure. He wasn't even given a chance to calm down before he was slid onto Osamus dick sitting on his lap, instantly hitting his prostate.
"A-aAh Osamu...r-right there", the ginger moaned as his boyfriend guided him with his hands on his hips, thrusting upwards everytime the smaller boy came down, making sure to hit his prostate every single thrust. Atsumu crept up behind the red-head sucking on his back and neck littering his plae body with hickeys. Hinata arched his back as he came once again, asshole clenching around Osamus dick causing him to spill his seed inside the tangerine. He pulled out and both twins watched their smaller boyfriend as he lay on the floor, chest rising and falling quickly, cum spread across his back and chest and dripping from his tight hole. The small middleblocker gasped as he was entered again surprised when he wasn't immediately thrusted into, he leaned up on his elbows, looking at Atsumu who had just inserted himself into him with a confused look on his face, realising what was happening as he was sat up and Osamu sat close behind him. He couldn't keep himself from moaning loudly when Osamu inserted himself alongside his brother. It was almost too much pleasure for Hinata when they began to thrust in time with each other, his eyes rolling back into his head as a string of incoherent,
"d-daddies pleaAse aAhh" and "fUck me hard-Aghh" left his mouth, tongue hanging out as drool dripped down his chin. The twins stared at their baby tangerine unable to take the erotic sounds and faces he was making anymore, they began to thrust faster and sloppier as Hinata came, screaming their names in ecstasy as they didn't stop pounding into him. Both twins came at the same time, moaning as the tangerine moaned their names once more and they cane inside of him. They pulled out as their mixed cum dripped down Hinatas thighs. ""Did you enjoy that sunshine?",Osamu smirked, "Yeah, was that fun baby?", Atsumu added. They turned to Hinata as he simply grunted in response eyes fluttering shut, exhausted from the pounding he had just recieved. The twins laughed, "We'll take that as a yes", they said in unison, before lifting Hinata into bed, knowing there was no point trying to make him shower now, deciding to simply all shower when they woke up. They wrapped their arms around their little sunshine, one either side of him as he snored softly, slowly drifting to sleep wondering how they'd managed to score such a perfect boyfriend.

((853 words AN: Here u go guyss, I hope this didn't disappoint youu disfujoshiluvsyaoi & oyaoyamylife, i hope thus was what u guys wantedd. I also wanted to say tysm to everyone who's adding this to their reading lists, voting and/or requesting, you guys have no idea how much i appreciate itt<333))

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