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((An: requested by Infinitegalaxy708695. i love this ship ahhh))

The players sat in a circle in the middle of the gym, members of karasuno, seijoh, shiratorizawa and date tech all sat cross legged next to each other. Conversations flowed mainly within teams, although a certain energetic tangerine bounced around the circle, mingling with his teammates and opponents alike, easily slipping into conversations and entertaining people. The main representatives of the Miyagi prefecture were having an unsupervised sleepover in Karasunos gym, an idea formed by the coaches in order for the players to get to know and understand each others strengths and weaknesses better, both on, and off the court. Everyone was silenced as a loud cry of "Who wants to play 7 minutes in heaven!?", was uttered by Karasunos resident pair of trouble makers, everyone nodded, aware that Nishinoya and Tanaka would insist and they were better off not fighting back. As the loud second years returned to the circle they placed an empty bottle in the middle. "Who wants to go first?", exclaimed the boisterous second years, immediately Hinata jumped up, "OOOO MEEEE! I've never played this beforee!", the small boy exclaimed as he spun the bottle in front of him. Everyone shifted their gaze to Date Techs silent blocker as the bottle slowed to a stop in front of him. Hinata bounced to his feet, grabbing his hand and pulling a blushing Aone into the storage closet, closing the door behind them.
"So, Aone what are we meant to do in here?", questioned the younger, tilting his head to the side, giving him the appearance of a lost puppy. He was shocked as Aone delicately placed a hand on his face and pulled him forwards kissing him quickly and softly on the lips. It was now Hinatas turn to blush, turning almost as red as his hair he covered his face, before looking up and leaning in to kiss the older again. Having removed the surprise element from before, this kiss was more urgent, Aone licked Hinatas lip, asking for entrance, which he was easily granted. After a minute of sloppy french kissing they pulled away, a strand of saliva connecting them as they breathed heavily. No longer distracted by the kiss Hinata noticed something poking him in the abdomen, he looked up in shock as Aone grunted when he brushed his fingers over the large object, making eye contact with the tall blocker as he knelt down, "d-do you want me to, erm, help you with this?", stuttered they younger, eyes moving between the bulge in the olders pants and his eyes. Aone simply nodded, remaining a man of few words as Hinata pulled down his shorts and boxers in one go, gasping at the size of Aones length. Having recieved consent from the white haired boy Hinata took the others length into his mouth, circling the tip with his tongue as he traced the veins with a finger. "Only 4 minutes.", grunted Aone quietly. Hinata nodded, sealing his mouth around the tallers dick, sucking as he bobbed his head up and down, earning quiet groans from the older, he felt a hand in his hair as his head was pushed down completely, causing tears to form in his eyes as Aones cock slammed against the back of his throat, feeling the older releasing down his throat before he pulled out of his mouth. Hinata swallowed the olders load before licking his lips, cleaning up a sticky strand of cum that was threatening to slip down his chin.
A knock sounded on the door as Aone hastily pulled up his shorts, "times up kids someone elses go!", yelled Tanaka as he threw open the door. Aone took Hinatas hand as they walked back to the circle together, placing the now blushing smaller boy in his lap when they reached his spot. The other players noticed Hinatas red face and messy hair but decided to look past it, they trusted Aone more than anyone else in the room with the baby crow. Aone leaned down and whispered softly in the smallers ear, "I like you Hinata Shoyo, would you like to be my boyfriend?". Hinata gasped quietly as he blushed more intensely, "y-yes, i-i like you too, i-i'd love to be your boyfriend", he managed to stutter out before turning and burying his face in his new boyfriends chest in embarrassment. Aone just chuckled to himself, glad that he was now dating a perfect piece of sunshine.

((763 words AN:Infinitegalaxy708695 i hope that was okayy. Guys please lmk if my stories are getting boring or repetitive, i want to keep them as interesting as i can for my readers:( i also currently have a long list of requests to complete but im working my way through them so feel free to request as long as you don't mind a small wait<3 ))

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