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(( AN: requested by May-AnnTee. Because it's still valentines and the last one was soft what better way to celebrate than a kinky public threesome😹))

Hinata giggled, leaning on his hand as he watched his two boyfriends arguing with each other across the table.
"I love you both equally, shutup".
His breathe caught in his throat as both the twins turned to face him, a predatory glint in their eyes as the grinned at him lazily, clearly having forgotten their argument.
"Did you hear that Tsumu?"
"Mm, looks like baby's forgotten who's boss. Think we should punish him Samu?"
Hinata shuddered as their grins seemed to widen, he could practically feel their gazes on his skin, their eyes causing a warm prickly sensation to rise on the back of his neck. Hinata didn't even realise that he had zoned out and apparently missed the rest of his boyfriends conversation until he was snapped out of his trance by Atsumu grabbing his hand and standing up, dragging him towards the bathroom. He couldn't help but shiver and smile to himself in excitement as Atsumu instantly pinned him against the wall and connected their lips in a fervent, open-mouthed kiss. The ginger let out a surprised moan as he felt fingers pinching and rolling his swollen nipples.
"You couldn't even wait until i paid the bill, seriously 'Tsumu?", deadpanned Osamu as Atsumu broke his kiss with Hinata, the grey-haired twin using the opportunity to remove the gingers t-shirt. The blonde simply shrugged as he pulled down the youngers trousers and pants, leaving him standing completely naked. Atsumu was quick to kneel and take Hinatas dripping length into his mouth before he could become embarrassed, quickly undoing his pants and jerking his own throbbing cock in his hand as he bobbed his head up and down, looking up and groaning at the sight of Hinata biting his lip to suppress his moans in fear of getting caught. All attempts at silence were abandoned when Osamu slowly pushed two fingers into Hinatas tight hole, scissoring them before adding a third and brushing them repeatedly across the sensitive bundle of nerves that were able to draw such sweet cries from Hinatas lips.
"I'm, i'm gonna c-cu-", Hinata was abruptly cut off as both twins quickly withdrew, stopping his oncoming orgasm, leaving the ginger standing there with tears in his eyes.
"Hands and knees. Now.", Osamus command sounded almost like a growl as Hinata complied, mind too hazy from being brought so close only to have been denied his orgasm.
"Fuck- you look so hot like that Sho-chan", drawled Atsumu as he positioned himself in front of Hinatas face, "Open your mouth.".
Hinata did as told, opening his mouth obediently,
"You can fuck my mouth if you want", he said quickly before sticking out his tongue and looking up at the blonde. Atsumu looked slightly surprised for a second before gaining his composure and letting a smirk grace his features as he placed his cock against the youngers lips.
"Noted.", he said before roughly pushing himself in and thrusting into the gingers mouth with no restraint, the miniscule gagging sound the smaller made as it hit the back of his throat only serving to arouse the blonde more. Tired of Atsumu getting all the attention Osamu quickly pushed himself into Hinatas hole, revelling in the muffled moan that left the smallers mouth as he entered. Neither twin held back, one pounding into the ginger from each end as if in competition with the other. Atsumu soon pulled out of Hinatas mouth, only jerking himself once more before releasing his load all over his boyfriends face, who's moans were now echoing freely throughout the bathroom.
"C-Cummi-NGH", moaned out the ginger as he released on the tiles beneath him. His legs gave out as he was fucked into oversensitivity by Osamu, who gripped his waist firmly as he thrust a few more times before burying himself deep inside Hinata and throwing his head back as he came.
After dressing and cleaning the evidence of their activities of off him, Osamu lifted Hinata onto Atsumus back and they exited the restaurant, choosing to pointedly ignore the glares sent towards them by the staff on the way out.

((715 words AN: wow i actually managed to write ! anyways i think i've decided that once i complete all the requests i have at the moment i'm going to finish this book. I've been thinking of writing an actual story for a while and I kind off have a plot and stuff in the back of my mind so i'm thinking of doing that after this (: ))

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