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(( AN: requested by SAT0RI_N0RI💕. I've finally fixed whatever was wrong w my account and my dms and message board work now😸))

Yaku smiled down at his orange-haired boyfriend who was currently lying on his chest as they watched some old christmas movie that Hinata had insisted on putting on since it was finally december. He leaned down to place a soft kiss on the youngers forehead, startling slightly when Hinata turned to face him and caught his lips in a heated open-mouthed kiss.
"Oh, eager today baby?", questioned the older with a smirk as they broke the kiss, slightly gasping for air as they stood up, Yaku quickly pulling Hinata upstairs to their shared bedroom, the sounds of the abandoned film fading behind them as they entered the bedroom. Closing the door behind them Yaku turned to be met with a beautiful sight. Hinata had already pulled of his clothes and was sitting on the edge of their bed in his boxers, gazing at his boyfriend expectantly. Wasting no time the older quickly rid himself of his clothes and made his way to the younger, hooking his fingers in the waistband of the gingers boxers and swiftly pulling them down. The blonde drew a soft gasp from Hinata as he slowly pushed a finger into his hole unexpectedly. Adding another and scissoring the younger open, Yaku revelled in Hinatas whines and pleads when he pulled out his fingers. Hinata grabbed the tops wrist as his asshole clenched and unclenched, waiting to be filled. Unable to deny both his boyfriend and himself the pleasure any longer, Yaku pushed his throbbing length into the younger. Pausing until the smaller nodded once he was fully seated, having received confirmation that he could move in the form of a nod and the tightening of the grip on his wrist, Yaku stopped holding back. The sight of Hinatas face contorting in absolute ecstasy as Yaku pounded into him, abusing his prostate as loud mewls of pleasure escaped his mouth an image the older wished he could burn permanently into the forefront of his brain.
"n-NgH, y-Yaku, s-so go-aH! good-nGh", managed to stutter out Hinata in between moans, "g-gonna c-cu-aHh". The younger couldn't even conplete his sentence as he was overcome with a wave of pleasure. His vision went starry for a moment as he released all over his stomach, losing all sense of being as he was completely overcome by pleasure. He whimpered as he came down from his high, oversensitive as his boyfriend continued fucking into him at a steady rough pace.
"I'm nearly there baby, hold out for me", grunted out the older. Yakus hips began to lose rhythm, stuttering as he neared his limit, the blonde wrapped his hand around the youngers cock, bringing the younger to his second orgasm as he came inside his hole, remaining seated inside of him as he felt Hinata clenching around of him, milking him dry. He finally pulled out with a wet 'pop' and collapsed next to the sweaty younger, deciding to ignore the drying cum that was on his chest and leaking out of his entrance, and wrapping and arm around him. Both Yaku and Hinata smiled as they lay, sweaty and dirty, but uncaring as they fell asleep wrapped in the arms of the person they loved.

((575 words AN: idk how to feel ab this but uh i have such bad writers block atm i'm so sorry. I felt so bad about not posting so i kinda forced myself to get this written for you guys anyways, i hope its at least half decent :/ ))

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