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(( AN: requested by SinfulRat517. This is one of my main ships so i enjoyed writing this oneshot alot😌 Also guys i have alot of requests to do atm, but i have them written down so you can keep commenting requests i really don't mind💞))

The practice match between Aoba Johsai and Karasuno had ended in the crows just barely winning the game, they were now standing around talking to players of the other team, discussing when the next practice match would be as well as conversing about the upcoming training camp that both teams would be attending. Oikawa was stood by the door of the gym, leaning against the doorframe as a bouncing Hinata waved his hands around, babbling excitedly about "how amazing the grand kings serve is!". The tangerine jumped into the air mimicking the actions of a serve, he yelped as he landed wrong, losing his footing as he felt himself falling face first towards to floor... except Oikawa was in front of him. Unprepared to catch the falling tangerine, both the boys fell as Hinata bumped into the older, landing in a compromising position. Hinata rubbed his head before noting that he was lying on top of the Grand King who still seemed to be dazed from the impact of the fall. The tiny middle blocker sat up quickly, causing Oikawa to grunt as he sat directly on top of his member, mistaking the noise for pain Hinata attempted to adjust himself, accidentally pushing his ass against the olders now hardening cock once more. Feeling the olders hard-on poke him in the back the younger finally realised what was happening. "i-I think Oikawa hit his head, i'm gonna take him to the nurse!", shouted Hinata before jumping up and pulling Oikawa out of the sports hall by the hand.
The two boys quickly reached the nurses office, "i'm fine Hinata, I don't need to see the nurse.", Oikawa said as he rubbed the back of his neck, diverting his gaze from the smaller.
"i-I just thought y-you might like some help with th-this...", mumbled Hinata as he pointed towards the now-blushing olders crotch.
"oh, well that would be amazing Chibi-chan", the setter was now smirking as he realised what was being offered to him. It was Hinatas turn to blush now as he kneeled in front of the older whos shorts were already around his ankles. The smaller boy grasped the olders length in his hand, pumping the base as he licked the tip timidly. He was egged on by the olders soft groans of pleasure, taking Oikawas tip into his mouth and beginning to bob his head up and down, he moaned as the setter gripped his hair firmly, pushing his head down and up as the younger moaned once more, sending pleasurable vibrations down the brunttes dick. The younger, closed his eyes as the taller pushed his head down completely as he released down Hinatas throat, he felt Oikawas warm cum slip down his throat, both the physical feeling pf it and the thought of having Oikawas cum inside him made the younger feel warm. Oikawa pulled his member out of Hinatas mouth with a loud 'pop', "Thankyou for that chibi, how about you take the title of my boyfriend and i can repay the favour later today?" he whispered. The younger blushed before nodding with wide eyes, "Meet me outside after you've changed babe", smirked Oikawa before pressing a quick kiss against the dazed youngers lips and leaving the room. Hinata brought a hand to his face, brushing a finger over his lips as he replayed what had just happened. He giggled to himself as he left the nurses office, smiling as he headed to the changing rooms, eyes glinting and he thought about what was to come later.

((642 words AN: SinfulRat517 I'm not sure how i feel about this but i hope you liked itt.))

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