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((AN, this was requested by iSimpButWhoDoesnt i hope its okayy and tysm for the requestt💕))

The two teenagers sat tangled on the sofa, Hinata's head nestled into Akaashi's chest as some sort of cartoon played in the background. The silent setter gazed at his boyfriend in adoration; he ran his fingers through the youngers fluffy orange hair, who nestled into his touch and moved from sitting beside him to his lap. Hinata look up at akaashi grinning cutely, giggling as Akaashi smiled stepping out of his usually reserved and quiet persona- something only Hinata got to see frequently. They had been dating for 3 months, the best 3 months of both of their lives so far. Everything felt complete to the pair. Well...almost everything.
Hinata adjusted himself on akaashis lap, getting himself comfortable before turning back to watch the cartoon again. Akaashi stiffened, Hinata had situated himself directly ontop of his member, he tried to relax and stop the incoming flood of dirty thoughts but failed as Hinata wriggled again. Akaashi grunted quietly and Hinata giggled turning around. "I'm getting warm so i'm going to change, i'll be back in a minute", hinata said before speeding up the stairs, Akaashi closed his eyes hearing the slam of Hinatas door. He grabbed a pillow placing it on his lap. As much as he wanted Hinata to be his completely he didn't want to pressure him into doing anything he didn't want to do.
Hinata interrupted his train of thoughts coming downstairs wearing one of Akaashis training shirts, which stopped at his mid-thighs. Apparently wearing  only akaashis tshirt which became obvious when he bent over in front of his boyfriend to pick up the tv remote that had fallen. This was the tipping point for Akaashi, he grabbed Hinatas waist and pulled him into his lap this time facing him so that he was straddling him. Hinata giggled quietly, caramel-coloured eyes staring down into the olders deep blue ones. The tangerine blushed covering his face with his hands, suddenly shy as he muttered something under his breath. "What was that Sho? I couldn't hear you", replied Akaashi, wondering what had made his usually bubbly partner to become so shy.
"I think i want to do 'it' with you" he whispered, loud enough for Akaashi to hear this time.
Akaashi smirked, "Are you sure baby?" he said as he stood up, arms wrapped around Hinatas waist. He felt the tangerine nod into his shoulder and carried him upstairs.
He set him down on the bed, placing his finger beneath the orangettes chin and lifting his face to make eye contact before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. They had kissed many times before but this time was different, there was a lustful atmosphere, an almost intense feeling consuming then as they thought about what this kiss was leading to. It was Hinata who bit Akaashis lip tenderly, asking for entrance surprising Akaashi but he allowed entrance anyways. Their tongues fought for dominance within their mouths but as usual Akaashi won, exploring Hinatas mouth with his tongue, as if attempting to memorise every corner and detail of it. The heated kiss was broken by Hinata as he quickly struggled out of his tshirt leaving him flushed, sitting on the bed in his boxers. Akaashi removed his sweatpants and tshirt just as quickly, eager to finally have a proper taste of his little tangerine. He leaned forwards flicking his tongue over Hinatas nipple whilst playing with the other, softly sucking, smirking as Hinatas breathing hitched slightly. He trailed kisses up Hinatas chest stopping at his neck. Continuing to play with Hinatas nipples he attacked the small middleblockers neck, sucking and biting, attempting to find his sweet spot. Suddenly Hinata moaned loudly, quickly covering his mouth with his hands and looking at his boyfriend worriedly. Making a note of the spot, he made eye contact with Shoyo, moving his hand away from his mouth and kissing him chastely on the lips. "Don't be quiet, baby. I want to hear you", he smirked before returning to his neck attacking the spot he hd marked before, drawing a string of moans out of Hinatas mouth, who was now so hard and needy that his self-consciousness disappeared.
Akaashi placed three fingers into Hinatas open mouth, simply instructing him to "suck". Hinata did as he was told, turned on by Akaashis bluntness. With his other hand Akaashi pulled off Hinatas boxers, leaving him fully exposed on the bed, member standing hard and tall. He removed his fingers from Hinatas mouth and put one at his entrance. "This might hurt a bit at first baby but it will feel good after, i promise".
Hinata nodded, eyes locked with Akaashis, gasping as he felt the setters long finger enter him, thrusting in and out once Hinata had relaxed. He added another then another, scissoring them in Hinatas hole, recieving only moans in reply. "P-please Keiji more", the shortie stuttered, overcome by pleasure.
"What was that baby?", smirked Akaashi, he stopped pumping his fingers, removing them from the others hole and taking off his own boxers. Hearing his boyfriend moan out his given name had somehow made him harder.
"P-please, i- i want you inside me Keji.Plea-", the tangerines pleads were interrupted as Akaashi entered him, groaning as he felt his boyfriends asshole tighten around his length. He waited a few seconds before moving letting Hinata adjust to his size. Receiving a small nod he began to thrust slowly, gradually gaining speed until he was slamming into Hinata gripping his waist as the smaller repeatedly screamed his name.
"Y-yes Keiji, m-more...AH", the smaller gasped digging his nails into his boyfriends back as he felt a knot beginning to form in his stomach, "im gonna cu-"
He didn't finish his sentence before reachung his limit; the sticky white substance decorating his chest and face and his tongue hanging out of his mouth as drool ran down his chin. The sight pushed Keiji to the edge as with one last thrust he released inside of Hinata, pulling out as semen spilled out of the tangerines gaping asshole. He lay down next to his boyfriend wrapping his arms around you deciding they'd clean up when they woke up. "No matter how much i tell you i don't think you'll ever understand how much i love you", he whispered into the youngers fluffy hair,
"I still love you more" came the muffled response from the exhausted younger. Akaashi chuckled before burying his face in the already-snoring Hinatas hair.
"Impossible", he muttered falling asleep with his love in his arms, both with smiles that didn't leave their faces until long after they woke up.

((1127 words. AN: this was my first attempt at a proper lemon...is it okay? I hope this was close to what you wanted iSimpButWhoDoesnt <333
If anyone has anymore ship requests or plot requests feel free to commentt i really appreciate all comments and votes💕))

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