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((AN: requested by shooxmii honestly i don't think i've ever seen a fic of this pair and i couldn't even find a picture of them so i edited one myself😭its shit but its better than nothing ig😭😭😭))

Ennoshita sat in the corner of the equipment cupboard, head on his knees as he sighed. Daichi and Suga were both off school sick and Asahi didn't think he could handle the responsibility so he was stuck as temporary captain until the third years returned. Between stopping Tanaka and Nishinoya from accidentally setting the school on fire and preventing Tsukishima and Kageyama from murdering each other whilst simultaneously trying to keep training organised, the second year was exhausted. He looked up as he heard footsteps entering the cupboard, a small smile appearing on his face as he saw his little boyfriend walking towards him. Hinata frowned he could tell that his boyfriend wasn't coping well with the pressure of being captain. "Chikara, I can tell you're stressed, is there anything i can do for you?", asked the tangerine cocking his head to the side innocently as he waited for an answer. Ennoshita looked away, breaking eye contact as he looked at the floor shaking his head. Hinata was confused, his boyfriend was always straight forward when he wanted something, this shyness was extremely out of character. He paused before leaning in and kissing the second year on the lips, intending for it to be a soft reassuring kiss, however that idea was quickly overthrown as Ennoshita grabbed his hips and deepened the kiss almost immediately. "I guess I lied; there is something you can do Sho, but only if you want to." the older said as he broke away. Shoyo blushed, "Anything to help you relax Enno".
Ennoshita smirked as he pulled out his dick, "I know it was hot today Sho but was it really necessary to take of your shirt in the middle of training? I was having a difficult enough time concentrating already but i've been hard since which definitely didn't help."
Shoyos face was now so flushed it almost appeared that he'd been painted red, "s-sorry i didn't mean t-".
He was interrupted by his boyfriend, "I know baby it's okay, just help me out here okay."
Hinata nodded shyly as he began cautiously licking his boyfriends length, circling the tip with his tongue as he gripped the shaft lightly with one hand. Hearing the breathy moans this drew from the older gave Hinata confidence as he took Ennoshitas length in his mouth slowly bobbing his head up and down on it, tasting the olders precum. He hollowed his cheeks out and took slightly more of the olders cock into his mouth, using his tongue to try and ensure that Ennoshita was receiving as much pleasure as Hinata could give. Ennoshita was groaning loudly, he knew that everyone else had left already and didn't bother trying to keep his voice down. Hinata looked up at the temporary captain; making eye contact in surprise as he felt his hand grasp his hair, moaning a little at the slight pressure it applied, sending vibrations down Ennoshitas dick. The little tangerine felt his boyfriends dick twitch in his mouth as the older pushed his head down making him gag as tears formed in his eyes, feeling his length hit the back of his throat. A warm liquid slipped down Hinatas throat as Ennoshita moaned out a loud "Sh-shoyo...f-fuck baby that was good", as he took his dick out of the smallers mouth.
"Did that help you relax Enno?", Hinata asked eyes still slightly teary as a strand of saliva mixed with cum rolled down his chin.
"Very much so", replied Ennoshita before leaning in and licking the substance of off his boyfriends face and pecking him on the lips. He pulled up his shorts after cleaning himself quickly with a towel, grabbing Hinatas hand and walking out of the store room.

The next day Ennoshita felt Tanaka glaring at the back of his head all day. "How could you do that to the innocent baby!!!!".
Apparently not everyone had left the gym...

((694 words AN: This one was kinda short but i think it turned out okayy. I'm not sure if the end makes sense either but i tried something different to my usual "ily" or "they went to sleep". shooxmii was this okayy, i hope enno wasn't too ooc i triedd😭))

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