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(( AN: requested by Litten_Kitten. This is my first proper attempt at angst so can you guys lmk how i did if thats okay :)
MAJOR TW- SH, body dysmorphia, domestic abuse, ED mentions !!!
None of these are light topics and I'd like to clarify that i am not glorifying or romanticising any of them.))

Hinata wrapped his hand around his wrist, his fingers overlapping on the other side. Yet when he looked in the mirror he knew his hands were lying, playing tricks on him, he was still fat, he needed to eat less, lose more weight; the boy who stared at him in the mirror was ugly, just as his mum said, a 'pig'. He thought of his mums praise when she noticed that he was losing weight but couldn't help his mind from wandering back to harsh words yelled when he made a mistake or upset her, words that he knew held truth, Hinata flinched as vivid memories of beatings that left him bruised for weeks flashed through his head, gingerly touching his temples where a bruise that was placed just before he had left for the training camp was still fresh; luckily, he thought, he was able to hide it with his fringe and the boy always changed after his teammates and friends in order to hide his beaten torso. He was finally drawn away from his thoughts as he felt the familiar sting of a blade dragging across his skin, sighing as his mind went blank, focusing only on the dull ache in his forearm. He had taken the blade out of his wallet without even noticing, moving on autopilot, so accustomed to ending his days like this that even when not at "home" it still felt like routine. Hinata watched as his blood dripped down his wrist and onto the floor as he continued to pull the blade across his skin rapidly, each cut varying in size and depth, unworried about their appearance. He startled when he heard a gasp and a strangled cry from behind him. 'Shit I forgot to lock the door!' was all he though as he turned around, eyes to the floor as he heard the people approaching. He was shocked when he felt strong arms wrap around him, looking up to see that it was Kuroo pulling him into his lap with Kenma sitting next to him, tears threatening to spill from both of their eyes as they looked at Hinata who, for the first time in months felt tears rolling down his face, burying his face in Kuroos shoulder as he sobbed, body shaking from the full intensity of the emotions that the ginger had been suppressing for so long. They sat in near silence for 20 minutes, Hinatas now quieting sobs the only sound in the empty changing room.
"Hinata.", Kenmas voice was loud in the silent room despite the obvious waver to it, "why?", was all he could bring himself to say as the small middle blocker looked up at him, eyes red and glassy.
"Its nothi-", he began before Kuroo quickly interrupted,
"Don't say it's nothing Hinata, it is something. Clearly something is hurting you and its not okay for you to go through it alone.", Kuroo said softly, not letting the boy out of his firm hold.
"Kuros right Shoyo. The reason we came here was to check on you because i noticed that you weren't eating at dinner and you look like you've lost an unhealthy amount of weight in a short amount of time," Kenma paused, reaching out to hold Hinatas arm and pressing a soft kiss to the younger's palm as he studied his outstretched forearm, "I also saw the bruise on your forehead when you jumped to spike earlier. Please Sho, let us help you with whatever's going on. Please".
A tear rolled down the gingers face at his best friends pleads, only intensifying when he felt Kuroo squeezing his hand comfortingly.
"I- My- My mum-", whispered Hinata focusing only on the feeling of Kuroo and Kenma holding each of his hands, grounding himself with their presence, "she- she hurts me when I mess up. I know its my fault but- I just want it to stop".
"What do you want to stop Shoyo?", It was Kuroo who asked as he gently ran a hand through Hinata hair, frowning as he felt how thin it had become since he'd last seen the boy. Kenma stood up and grabbed a first aid kit from a nearby cupboard and wetting a towel, handing them to Kuroo who immediately began tending to Hinatas arm, softly dabbing at the already semi-dry blood and wrapping it tightly with gauze once it was clean.
"I just- I just want her to stop. I- I don't want everything to stop yet,", both off the older boys drew in a sharp breath when Hinata uttered those words, relieved to know that the younger wasn't on the verge of ending it all, but still unable to sate their nerves knowing that the small boy- the boy that they loved- had been through hell, "I mean, I- I still have volleyball, which makes me genuinely happy and- and my crushes", Hinata blushed as he finished speaking, reaching out to hold Kenmas hand again as he stayed curled against Kuroo, he felt safe with them.
"Hinata, Im so glad you trust us enough to be telling us this right now, we really care about you and want to help you,", Kenma inhaled deeply, "In fact me and Kuroo both love you and seeing you hurting breaks our hearts, so please..."
"Please move in with us to get away from your mother", Kuroo carried on after Kenma trailed off, "Like that we can support you in getting clean and hopefully, if you'll allow us we can give you the love that you deserve.".
Hinata looked away, despite the circumstances they were in a small and shaky, but genuine, smile made its way onto his face as he turned back to face them,
"I- I love both of you guys too,", he whispered out, a stray tear dripping down his cheek as Kenma squeezed his hand softly, "If its really okay with you guys i'd really like to be able to get away from her and live with you guys...if you don't mind".
Kuroo swiped his thumb across the youngers cheek, cleaning away his tears with a soft smile of his own, Kenmas face mirroring the same expression as he leaned in to Hinatas other side, wrapping him into a gentle hug between the two Nekoma students.
"And Hinata, we know that recovery won't be easy; recovery is never a linear process, but we want you to promise to remember that we'll always be here for you, no matter how bad you're feeling. We're going to help you get better.", Kuroo finished off his short speech with a soft kiss to Hinatas forehead.
"Promise you won't leave me?", replied Hinata peeking up at the olders through his eyelashes.
"Promise.", replied Kenma with no hesitation leaning forwards to place a kiss over the place where Kuroos had been.
"Okay, then i'll try as hard as I can.", replied Hinata as he attempted to ignore the blush that was rising to his cheeks.
"Thats all we're asking baby", said Kuroo as he nestled his chin into the crook of the gingers neck and beckoned over the blonde second year. And as Kenma leaned down to rest his head on the first years other shoulder, Hinata realised that this was the first time he had felt happy and loved in something outside of volleyball in a long time.He slowly relaxed in the arms of his new boyfriends and allowed himself to think that maybe, just maybe everything would be okay.

((1279 words AN: Hinatas circumstances we're definitely not based off if my life haha no sir. Its a shame that irl its hard to find people like Kuroo and Kenma in time :) Please remember guys I'm always here to talk to if you need, whether you want advice or just someone to rant to, i'd never judge anyone for anything they feel comfortable telling me. My page is a safe space for anyone {excluding racists, homophobes, pedophiles etc} I love you guys sm, please don't forget to drink water today and try to eat well <333))

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