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(( AN: requested by shooxmii💞 ))

Yamaguchi, Hinata and Tsukishima sat around the small table that had been placed in the middle of Tsukishimas room, papers and opened books sprawled in front of them in a disorderly fashion. Usually there would be four at their weekly study session, however Kageyama was sick and unable to attend this week, leaving just the three of them to struggle with the maths homework. Well, to be honest, there was only one person struggling, Yamaguchi was doodling mindlessly on the margins of his paper and Tsukishima was leaning against the bed behind him with his headphones on, Hinata however was much relaxed, he let out a loud groan of frustation as he dropped his pencil, causing Yamaguchi to look up, a slight pinkish tint adorning the freckled boys face upon hearing the sound his friend mindlessly emitted.
"Do you want me to help with that question Hinata?", asked the pinch-server, shuffling over when the ginger nodded meekly. The brown haired boy leaned over Hinata as he looked at the question, shooting back up straight when Hinata let out an abrupt moan.
"nGh- s-SORRY", stuttered the red-head, covering his burning face in embarrassment, "y-you brushed against my thigh a-and i'm kind of s-sensit-AH", he moaned again, muffled this time as Yamaguchi suddenly pressed his lips against his whilst caressing his thigh softly. Yamaguchi pulled away quickly, cutting the kiss short,
"i've been wanting to do that for a while, c-can i do it again?", he stuttered. He was answered by the tiny middle-blocker pulling him into another kiss, slightly more lustful than before as they pushed their mouths against each other urgently. They were interrupted once more as Hinata was pulled out of Yamaguchis grasp, however the ginger wasn't even given time to exclaim before another pair of lips were pressed onto his.
"I want a taste of the shrimp too, you don't get him all to yourself you know", smirked Tsukishima as he pulled away from Hinata, a small strand of saliva connecting his lips to the bewildered orangette's who kept looking between him and an also smirking Yamaguchi in confusion.
"We both like you dumbass", explained Tsukki, rolling his eyes at the confusion evident on Hinatas face as Yamaguchi just chuckled.
"o-Oh i-I like you both too! i-I didn't think you guys would like me back though!", Hinatas eyes glistened in realisation, "PLEASE BE MY BOYFRIENDS!", he exclaimed semi-shouting as even Tsukishima let out a curt laugh at his adorableness.
"Of course!", "Sure shrimp", replied the two boys respectively before they attacked the ginger, Tsukishima once more claimed Hinatas lips, running his hands up the youngers shirt who whined and rocked his hips in response, Yamaguchi dived behind Hinata, softly dragging his fingers up and down the smaller boys thighs, causing him to shiver at the touch, whilst also latching onto the boys neck, nibbling until Hinata let out a particularly loud grunt. Having found the boys sweet spot Yamaguchi sucked, slightly harder than before,
"mine", he growled as he pulled away to admire his work.
"correction, ours", replied Tsukishima as he broke away from kissing their new boyfriend. The looked at each other smirking as their eyes swept over Hinata, his eyes were half lidded, his hair was ruffled and his breathing was uneven; the darkening hickey in the crook of his neck standing out magnificently against his pale skin. To Yamaguchi and Tsukishima he looked like a masterpiece and both could feel themselves get hard, they looked down in embarrassment, faces slightly red at the fact that they got turned on so easily, but how could they help it their boyfriend was just so...hot.
"c-Can I help you guys with those?", stuttered Hinata, having crawled over whilst both of the boys were distracted in their own thoughts, they had never nodded their heads so enthusiastically as they tangerine tugged at both of their trousers. They let him remove their bottoms until both the taller boys were sat on the bed and Hinata was kneeling on the floor between them, the red-head tenderly took a cock in each hand and began to pump, slowly at first before gradually speeding up, encouraged by Tsukkis soft grunts of pleasure and Yams slightly more vocal moans of "f-Fuck Hinata, you're aH". He felt Yamaguchis cock twitch in his hand, leaning forward, without slowing the pace at which he pumped Tsukishimas length, he took Yamaguchis member into his mouth, only having to bob his head up and down a few times before the brunette came in his mouth, he pulled back his head, sticking out his tongue before swallowing and grinning at the wide-eyes and blushing Yamaguchi. Hearing Tsukkis grunts get louder Hinata leaned towards the blonde, taking his cock into his mouth and immediately feeling a hand grasp his hair, he moaned at the sensation as his head was pushed down onto the huge cock, gagging as it hit the back of his throat and the salty middle-blocker came, just managing to grunt out a quiet "nGh fuCK" as Hinata pulled his mouth of his dick, a strand of saliva still connecting his lips to the tip as he swallowed Tsukishimas load and sat back on his heels before beaming up at his two boyfriends.
"Was i good?" questioned Hinata as the two stared down at him. The ginger squealed in surprise as Tsukishima leaned down and picked him up placing him across both his and Yamaguchis lap, before they both leaned down and pecked him on the cheek in turn.
"That was fucking amazing baby", "If this is our new way of studying I mind it alot less.", came the replies, causing Hinata to giggle cutely, before getting off their laps and kneeling in front of the table once more,
"Can I actually get some help with this question noww, the homeworks due tomorrowww".

((997 words AN: shhdhdhd idk how i feel ab this one but i hope you enjoyed itt shooxmii))

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