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(( AN: requested by Sweet_Bloody_Devil & KhdjLchd. Its valentines day and my gay ass actually managed to get a valentines this year so surprisingly i actually wanted to write this😃))

"Happy Valentines Shoyo", the grey-haired man whispered as he draped his arms over his husbands shoulders, pressing a soft kiss into his unruly orange curls before the shorter turned around and connected their lips in a passionate kiss.
"Happy Valentines Eita", replied Hinata with a grin as they separated, softly entwining their fingers and pulling the older towards their bedroom. Semi audibly gasped when the ginger opened the door, revealing deep crimson rose petals scattered across the floor and arranged to form a heart across their bed. In no time Semis tongue was caressing the inside of the smallers mouth as they stumbled towards the bed, shirts thrown haphazardly across the room, both men groaning in want as they disconnected their kiss to remove any unwanted remaining clothes. The older wasted no time in laying the younger on the bed, unable to suppress a loving smile as he reached for the bottle of lube on their bedside table and clicked it open, squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers. The two once again engaged in an open mouthed kiss as Semi slowly pushed a finger into Hinatas awaiting hole, all of the youngers pleasured gasps swallowed by their lip-lock as the older added more fingers and stretched him open. Gazing at the drooling and panting form that was his husband, the taller man pulled away, lining himself up with the smallers entrance and slowly pushing himself in at the others signal. It wasn't long before Hinata wrapped his legs around Semis back -a clear sign that he could enter fully- and the older complied, bottoming out with a grunt. Soon Hinatas broken exclamations of love filled the room as Semi continuously thrusted into him, the grey-haired man placing soft, caring kisses across the others ankles that rested on his shoulder as he pushed himself in and out at a constant pace.
"Fuck baby- Fuck Shoyo-", was all Semi could groan out as the smallers hole fluttered around his cock as he reached his climax, his tight clenching quickly pushing the other to his release as well. Hinata smiled tiredly at the older as he grabbed his hand and pulled him down onto the bed next to him,
"How was that for our first valentines day as a married couple?", the ginger giggled out as he finally felt the exhaustion from their activities set in.
"Lets just say I hope every years this good", grinned Semi as he wrapped his arms securely around his husband, whispering one last quiet 'I love you' before letting sleep consume him as well.

((458 words AN: pls i just realised how often i use the same tropes for the endings lol lmk if they get too boring😃. anyways uh happy valentines and that😋))

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