tsukihina (🍋ish?)

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3rd person:
Tsukishima sat down, slowly drinking as his eyes swept over the room, taking in the busyness and noise that seemed to fill the sports hall, the soft thud of recieves bouncing of off arms and the loud smack of service aces and spikes hitting the floor reverberating off of the walls. He continued to look around his eyes sweeping over his best friend who was currently practicing his pinch serve before settling on a certain small middle blocker. He didn't remove his gaze as Hinata ran forwards and jumped, his shirt lifting slighlty, teasing Tsukishima with the view of his smooth, unblemished chest. Tsukishimas mind wandered;
'i wonder if his thighs are as smooth as his upper body...imagine if i could be the one to find out'
He was suddenly brought back to reality by the appearance of a certain orange-head waving his arms in front of him,
"earth to tsukkiii!"
Tsukishima didn't waste any time correcting him as he ran out of the gym, uncomfortably hard and extremely embarrassed by the close call he had just had with his crush.
Back in the sports hall everyone was dumbfounded...
Tsukishima didn't stop Hinata from calling him Tsukki?!
Even Hinata had stood still, mouth agape, unsure of what just happened. Yamaguchi, knowing his bestfriend recognised exactly what had happened; he  hid his smirk behind his hand and turned to Hinata 'innocently',
"I think you upset him Hina, you should go find him. He's probably in the bathroom"
Hinata looked upset at the possibility of having made someone sad, he didn't even think before running out of the room on his way to find his secret crush; he was definitely the last person he wanted to upset.

Tsukishimas pov:
I arrived in the bathroom, after checking it was empty i immediately locked myself in a stall and palmed my member, squeezing softly as i ran my hand up and down it, closing my eyes as i imagined hinatas small mouth wrapped around my thick length. I couldn't help but let out small grunts along with a low growl of "hinata fuck".
"Tsukki open the door", came the reply, FUCK he had followed me and there was no way he hadn't heard that, but...he didn't sound disgusted. It almost sounded as if he was smirking? I quickly pushed my still achingly hard member back into my pants and opened the door hesitantly. Hinata walked into the small cubicle. "So i didn't upset you, i upset your little buddy", he whispered giggling, "i interrupted though didn't i", he carried on, making puppy eyes as he said it.
I blushed, however hard to admit, him talking about such lewd things with such an innocent face...it didn't calm me down and it was becoming painful obvious, my erection straining against my shorts. I simply grunted in response to what he had asked, unsure what to say. I froze as he knelt on the floor of the stall, head level with my hardness. He looked me in the eyes and i nodded.

Hinatas pov:
Tsukki nodded and i wasted no time, i had wanted this for so long, i wanted to pleasure him, i wanted him to grunt out my name softly again. I swiftly pulled down his shorts and boxers to his knees, his member springing up erect and proud, slapping me on the cheek. I licked the tip nervously and looked up at him; lust had clouded his eyes and the look of pleasure on his face drove me to try my best despite never having done this to anyone before. I bobbed my head up and down, hollowing out my cheeks in order to gain more suction as he bit his lip, hands tangled in my hair. I looked up, meeting his eyes as i took the entirety of his cock in my mouth, tears forming as it hit the back of my throat, this seemed to be his tipping point as he came in my mouth, some of the bitter white substance slipping down my throat. He began to clean himself with paper before turning to me, realising i hadn't moved; i grinned at him slightly, sticking my tongue showing him his own semen, before swallowing it all and smiling up at him.

Tsukishimas pov:
...fuck. Im not sure if he realised how fucking hot he is. However we're in a bathroom stall at school missing training. "As much as i'd love to carry this on, we're missing training shrimpy", i said as i walked away from him and out of the bathroom, "come to mine after training, my parents aren't home."
I smirked before jogging back to the gymnasium smiling to myself leaving him wide eyed sitting on the bathroom floor.

((AN, er yeah so this is my first kinda smut? Is it okay? and ty to everyone who added this to your reading lists i'm genuinely so grateful that u guys are actually reading what i write😽))

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