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(( AN: requested by Leyou37. Tanakas hot and more people need to appreciate it✋✨ Also i j wanted to say i have ab 5 kenhina requests atm, and despite it being one of my favourite ships, i'm trying to get the requests that i haven't done any of finished before u do repeats so i'm really sorry if you're still waiting for that🥺))

"Kiyoko-san you look amazing today", screamed Tanaka as the teams manager walked into the sports hall, he dropped his boyfriends hand and ran after the third-year, completely disregarding the conversation he had been having seconds before. Hinata walked out of the room, tears brimming as he left, breaking into a run as he headed towards the club room. Everyone was stretching in the gym already so he knew he'd be alone. He sunk down against a wall and let himself cry, his boyfriend clearly liked Kiyoko more than him, and why wouldn't he? After all she was everything he wasn't; pretty, calm, and well... she was a girl. Kiyoko could offer him so much more than he could. Hinatas thoughts were interrupted as he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him.
"Hinata, whats wrong?", Tanakas voice echoed as the younger slumped into his arms, still craving the olders warmth and affection despite his thoughts.
"Y-you like Kiyoko more. You d-deserve her more. Sh-She's better than me.", mumbled the younger into the second years neck. Tanaka grasped Hinatas shoulders, uncharacteristically serious as he pulled his boyfriend back to make eye contact.
"Baby, my actions towards Kiyoko mean nothing, I'm dating you because I love you Shoyo", he expressed before pulling in the younger for a heated kiss, which the ginger immediately melted into. Without breaking the kiss Tanaka pulled Hinata onto his lap, slipping his hands beneath the sunshines tshirt and running them up and down his back and chest, before stopping at his nipples, pinching and twisting them, causing Hinata to gasp into the kiss and wriggle his body, accidentally grinding against Tanakas clothed member, causing the older to growl softly too.
"Let me show you how much I love you baby. Let me make you feel good", whispered the older as he slid off both of their shorts before quickly claiming his lips again. Hinata lifted himself up as Tanaka explored his mouth with his tongue, positioning himself above the olders cock before slowly sliding himself down onto it, throwing back his head and letting out a loud moan as he felt himself slowly being filled up by his boyfriends member.
"ah-nGh rYuU", moaned the younger as Tanaka grasped his hips, quickly bouncing the younger up and down on his dick, making sure to reach as deep inside him as he could. He grunted as the younger dug his nails into his back, knowing he'd hit the spot he'd been looking for and pounding into it repeatedly until Hinata was a drooling mess, unable to let out a sound between his short, uneven breathes. The red-heads tongue hung out of his mouth as he tightened his grip on the olders shoulders, signalling that he had reached his limit. Hinata came all over Tanakas abs, eyes rolling back as his legs shook, Tanaka pushed him down onto his cock one more time before cumming too. Shooting his load inside of the trembling first-year as he moaned out his boyfriends name,
"aH shoyo agH". He pulled out slowly as Hinata whined from the lack of warmth before wrapping his arms around the tallers neck and quickly falling asleep.
"I love you so much Shoyo, you're the only one i ever want to be with, in every sense, i'm so sorry for not letting you know properly", whispered the second year before planting a soft kiss on Hinatas forehead and dressing him, "No one could ever compare.".

((647 words AN: Idk why i made Tanaka so soft but honestly I live for soft Tanaka🥺. Leyou37, I hope this was okay💞))

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