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((AN: requested by _Isako_Chan_. I love my small bbs, even though they'd definitely both hate me for calling them that😭✨Also i'm not sure if anyone needs this b just to be safe TW: Homophobia+slurs its only short but i don't wanna trigger anyone :) ))

Hoshiumi dropped the volleyball he'd been holding as his red-headed boyfriend ran over to him, tears brimming in his eyes, threatening to spill over and onto his cheeks. He opened his arms, engulfing Hinata in a tight hug immediately, stroking his back as he reassured the younger. "What's wrong baby? You're okay, you're with me now, calm down baby. Breath okay.".
Hinatas breathing slowly began to steady as he stopped crying, nuzzling into the olders shoulder, seeking comfort. "Shoyo baby, what happened?", asked Hoshiumi softly, not releasing the slightly shorter boy from his embrace.
"th-These boys outside, th-they called me-". Hinata was interrupted as a group of boys walked past the open door of the gym.
"fucking ginger faggot!", they yelled, causing Hinata to break down once again, shaking in his boyfriends arms. Despite the fury Hoshiumi felt in the moment and his immense urge to run after the group and attack them for doing this to his boyfriend, he resisted, instead staying, he knew that Hinata needed him right now. Hoshiumi turned to their coach who had witnessed the whole scene, the coach simply nodded before the white haired boy picked Hinata up, carrying the tear stained boy out of the gym.
The walk to Hoshiumis house was only short and the older refused to put his boyfriend down until they arrived at the front door. "i-i'm fine now you don't wanna be with me right now i'm sure", muttered Hinata as the older unlocked the door. The redhead turned to leave, but was instead dragged inside by the older and pulled onto his boyfriends lap after being dragged upstairs. Hoshiumi gazed into the youngers eyes intensely, "Hinata don't listen to what they said. I love you okay baby.".
"b-But they're right i'm just a stupid little gay. I don't deserve you. i-i'm ruining your life...", the smaller trailed of as Hoshiumi lifted his chin, forcing eye contact between them once more. The older gently pressed his lips against Hinatas, softly, conveying what he couldn't with words.
"If anything, i don't deserve someone as perfect as you Shoyo.", the older stated before peaning back towards the younger, this time nibbling on his neck as small moans left his mouth.
""K-korai, m-more please", whispered the tangerine causing the older to look up at him in surprise.
"Are you sure baby? I don't want you to do this just because you're upset?", replied the Hoshiumi, attempting to ignore the semi-hard on hearing his boyfriend moan put his given name had caused.
"n-No i-I love you, a-and i trust you, so i want to do this with you Korai," murmured Hinata as he brought a hand down to the olders lap, stroking his crowing erection through the thin fabric of his shorts, "a-and i-i think you want to too..."
Hoshiumi wasted no time in pulling off both of their shirts before attacking the youngers chest, unable to hold back after feeling the youngers fingers on him. Hinata gasped in surprise as he felt his nipples being sucked after a dark purple hickey was sucked onto his chest. His moan was cut short as Hoshiumi put three fingers into Shoyos mouth, instructing him to suck as he continued to adorn his chest with dark hickey, scraping his teeth against the youngers swollen nipples now and again. The older removed his fingers from the gingers mouth, placing them at Hinatas entrance pushing them in one by one until he felt that the younger was sufficiently prepped. Hoshiumi removed his fingers and aligned himself with Hinatas entrance, slowly pushing himself in until his cock was completely enveloped in Hinatas ass. He waited for a nod from the younger signifying that he was comfortable and it was okay for him to to move before beginning to thrust. He moved slowly at first as Hinata moaned. Hinata moaned loudly as the older hit his prostate, "a-aAh mOre pLease korai AH T-THERE, FASTER PLEASE". That was all it took for Hoshiumi to begin pounding into the younger at an immense pace, ensuring that he hit Hinatas prostate with every thrust, causing the redhead to grasp the bed sheets below him as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. He grunted as he felt the tangerines asshole tighten around his length, slamming himself into the slightly smaller boy one more time as they came at the same time, Hinata spilling his seed on his own chest as he panted whilst Hoshiumi released inside Hinatas tight hole, painting his insides with his warm cum. The white-haired boy pulled out, drinking in the sight of his boyfriend lying in front of him, drool running down his chin as cum spilled out of his fucked-out pink hole. He pulled Hinata into a tight hug as he kay down beside him, "I love you baby, and no idiot will ever be able to change that fact.".
"i love you too Korai", muttered Hinata as he cuddled into his boyfriend, already half asleep, "thank you for everything.".
Hoshiumi just smiled to himself as he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the next day when he could finally beat the shit out of the monsters who had earlier upset his little tangerine.

((904 words AN:_Isako_Chan_ haha yeah idk how i feel ab this one but i hope u like itt :) Also can u guys lmk if these start to get repetitive bc i'm not sure if they're starting to get boring to read :( anyways tysm for all the votes and reads!!! I JUST HIT 5K READS WTH U DIDNT EVEN EXPECT LIKE 100😭))

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