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(( AN: requested by Fukurodasani💕. for those who are interested i'm doing the lil q&a thing at the end of this one-shot🥰))

Suna turned to look over his shoulder, a scowl plastered across his face as an airy giggle echoed across the sports hall. Kita sighed as he watched the middleblockers actions, aware of his tendency to get over jealous, especially when it came to his tiny orange-haired boyfriend. Abandoning the conversation he had been having with the Inarizaki captain, Suna made his way to where his boyfriend was standing, flanked on either side by two of his teammates and fellow Inarizaki second years, none other than the Miya twins. Suna growled quietly as those pesky Miyas continued complimenting Hinata on his volleyball skills, clearly enjoying the sight of the smaller blushing at their words, slowly becoming more flustered as they draped their arms over his shoulders, all the while still throwing compliments his way. At this point Suna had enough, he approached from behind, grabbing his chibi boyfriend by the wrist and dragging him out of the sports hall, not before sending multiple glares towards the Miya twins, the intensity of which left them shivering where they stood.

((timeskip to after Suna and Hinata arrive at Sunas house))

The walk to Sunas house had been silent, there was undeniably an underlying sexual tension surrounding the couple that even the naive Hinata was able to pinpoint. The smaller middleblocker had barely removed his shoes before he was roughly pinned against the wall and kissed with a passion that truly reflected the earlier tension.
"You seemed to enjoy having those nasty Miyas all over you baby", whispered Suna as he pulled away from the younger, breath ghosting over the youngers earlobe as the older continued, "you're such an attention-whore, drinking up all that attention like the little slut you are.". The younger shivered at the words that the older elicited, his body reacting as his mind turned to mush.
"I-i only want your attention though s-sir", the younger whispered, shaking slightly with need as his erection strained to be freed from his confining gym shorts, squealing in surprise as the older pushed a knee in between his legs, applying slight pressure on the gingers dick, "only you're words matter to m-me". Suna smirked as Hinata began to grind down on his leg, observing as his beautiful boyfriend became putty right in front of his eyes; he loved how big of a response he could elicit from the younger with so few words. The taller of the two flipped the smaller around so that his stomach was against the wall as he pulled down both of their shorts, freeing their aching cocks before reaching around and pushing three fingers into Hinatas mouth. The smaller immediately began coating his fingers in saliva, swirling his tongue around them until they were completely coated.
"That's it keep doing what I tell you, be a good boy for me.".
The younger whined at his boyfriends words, the praise making him impossibly harder, a fact that his boyfriend knew well. The black-haired male removed his fingers from the gingers mouth, breaking the thin trail of saliva that connected them to the smallers lips as he situated his hand at the boys entrance and quickly pushed in two fingers, scissoring open Hinatas hole as he gasped at the strange but pleasurable feeling. Feeling that he had stretched the boy out enough Suna lined himself up with the youngers puckered hole, licking his lips as he leaned down, breath ghosting over the smallers ear,
"Lets see just how well you can take me baby.".
An erotic cry echoed throughout the empty house as the older abruptly pushed himself all the way into the younger, barely letting him adjust before beginning the thrust roughly, one hand softly applying pressure on the boys neck whilst the other snaked around his torso and began pumping his twitching length in time with his thrusts. The ginger was an moaning mess, unable to form a coherent word as his top whispered dirty praises in his ear whilst rearranging his insides, moans loud enough to be heard from the other side of the locked front door. Hinata arched his back as his vision went blank and he shot his cum all over his chest and his boyfriends hand, letting out an extremely erotic gasp as his hole spasmed around the dick that was still pounding into him relentlessly. This was enough to push Sunas over the edge too as he painted the youngers insides white, grunting as his orgasm washed over him. He pulled out, picking up his boyfriend and heading to the bathroom and cum slid down the smallers chest and the inside of his thighs.
"You did so well for me baby well done", whispered Suna, littering Hinatas face with kisses as they made their way to the shower, "you're so perfect Shoyo, I love you so much.". The middleblockers heart swelled in affection as the smaller nuzzled into his chest at the genuine praise, murmuring something mainly indistinguishable other than a clear 'love you too'; even covered in cum Hinata couldn't be any more adorable. After placing the worn-out ginger in the bath the older quickly pulled out his phone, composing and sending a quick but clear threat to both of the Miya twins, 'Stay the fuck away from my baby, he's mine and mine alone.'.

((912 words AN: i kinda like how this turned out anyways onto the q&a ig :D ))

So uh I got a few questions but not many so ig i'll answer the basics and then the ones a few of you commented🥰:
age- 15
pronouns- they/them :)
sexuality- lesbian
And I live in London :)

(the next questions were commented, tysm if you commented🥰)

-What got you into writing?
•Honestly i'm not even sure, i was always labelled a 'gifted kid' (even though i'm definitely a burnout now lol), but i never really enjoyed writing in my spare time until wattpad :)

-Did you wish to start writing as a career or just a passion?
•I mean I guess i'd love to be able to get somewhere with my writing, but for now i think it's definitely going to stay as more of a hobby for me :)

-If you're writing for fun what type of career would you like?
•I actually play basketball so i'd love to play professionally one day! However realistically if that doesn't work out I've been told that a job as a lawyer or such would suit me, but i honestly have no idea :/

-Whats your favourite ship?
•This is so difficult for me as a multishipper but other than Hinata Harem i'd probably have to say Kenhina, they were one of my first Haikyuu ships and i loveee their dynamic sm🥺

-Do you like writing smut? (you're really good at it btw)
•First off ty for the compliment🥺, and secondly, to me it's kinda fun, like i've seen some authors say they find it weird but i really don't mind at all. It could be since i'm quite desensitised to sexual stuff but i really don't mind at all🥰.

-Did you expect to get so popular?
•Definitely not and i'm SO grateful for 60k views, i can't help but feel like i definitely don't deserve it, i can't thank you guys enough, ilysm🥺🥺🥺

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