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(( AN: requested by shooxmii. ahagshhd my babies🥰🥰🥰...even though in these fics they're not exactly innocent😭))

Kunimi hated seeing Hinata upset for any reason. Whether it was simply because he woke up in a bad mood or someone said something mean to the precious sunshine he found it impossible to be comfortable without cheering up his tiny boyfriend first. Usually through hugs, kisses and reassurance, though often he would show his gratuity for Hinata in bed, a method which they both appreciated greatly. When Aoba Johsai beat Karasuno at the interhigh prelims Kunimi could tell that Hinata felt as though it was his fault and a hug wasn't going to suffice this time. Once the match had ended he quickly ducked under the net and grabbed his boyfriend by the wrist, pulling him out of the sports hall, he was met by no resistance as he heard soft sniffles coming from Hinata. Kunimi quickly pulled Hinata into a large storage closet and sat crossed legged on the floor, pulling the crying first year into a soft hug, wrapping his arms around him. "I know exactly what you're thinking Sho, but that loss was not your fault. When playing volleyball there will always be losses and wins, you need to take this as encouragement to win the next time we play each other, okay?", he whispered as he ran his hands through the gingers hair, the younger began to calm down. Surprising Kunimi, Shoyo suddenly grabbed the older by the collar and pulled him into a heated kiss, not even waiting for the older to bite on his lip for entrance before opening his mouth and allowing his tongue in. They kissed for minutes, only pulling apart in order to breath, both panting for air as a string of saliva connected their lips. Kunimi smiled at Hinata softly though his eyes were full of lust, he grunted quietly as Hinata wiggled in his lap, grinding against his already hard cock as he tried to get comfortable on the olders lap. Shoyo squeaked as looked up at the older upon hearing his quiet expression of pleasure. The redhead toyed with the waistband of the olders shorts, looking into Kunimis eyes for permission, he slowly pulled his shorts and boxers down after receiving a quick nod from the older. Bringing his head level with the black-haired boys dick, Hinata carefully licked the tip as a quiet groan escaped the olders lips. He wrapped his mouth around the taller boys length as he began to bob his head, he wrapped his hands around the bottom of his boyfriends shaft, pumping the bottom where he couldn't reach with his mouth. He looked up, egged on by the sight of Kunimi engulfed in pleasure, eyes closed and head tipped back slightly as his mouth hung open, small grunts and moans escaping every few seconds as Hinata took more and more of the olders dick into his mouth. The younger moaned, sending vibrations down the olders cock as he felt Kunimis hand grab his hair pulling slightly before pushing his head down completely, making Shoyo deepthroat his entire length. Pulling out of Shoyos mouth, the older pumped his length one more time before cumming on the youngers face, smirking at the erotic sight in front of him as he noticed the younger squeezing his legs together trying to hide his own hard-on that had formed as he gave the older a blowjob. After pulling up his shorts Kunimi pulled Hinata back onto his lap, palming the youngers dick through his shorts as he moaned out breathily. The older slid his hand beneath the youngers shorts and underwear and began pumping his member, diving beneath the boys shirt with the other hand and playing with his nipples, causing the crow to tremble from the stimulation. Kunimi dragged his tongue across the youngers neck, latching onto Hinatas sweet spot and sucking, leaving a blotchy purple mark as he drew a sharp "aAgH", from the tangerine. "Akira, i-I'm gonna c-cum", moaned Hinata as he was overcome by pleasure.
"Go on baby, cum for me", whispered the older, warm breath blowing into the youngers ear.
"a-AH! Akira, i l-love you AH", yelled Hinata as he came in the olders hand, slumping back into his chest as he came down from his high.
"I love you too Sho,", replied Kunimi as he grabbed a towel from a shelf and cleaned them both up before placing a soft kiss on Hinatas forehead, "and don't forget what i said earlier, i want to see if you guys can get closer to beating us next time.".
Hinata turned to face his boyfriend, his usual determined glint back in his eyes, "Next time we WILL beat you, you'll see!", he exclaimed as he stood up kissed the older quickly and walked to the closet door, leaving his smiling boyfriend standing there, smiling as in the moment his world felt complete.

((829 words AN: shooxmii another onee😌. Tehe two in one nightt, i'm feeding you guys well today✨✨✨))

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