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((AN: requested by 8Goblin8. This is still one of my favourite ships like ahhhhh🥺🥺🥺🥺!))

Kenma was busy trying to beat the final boss in his game and was unintentionally ignoring his tiny tangerine of a boyfriend. Shoyo sat on the gamers bed eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the olders back, deep in thought attempting to brainstorm ways if getting the others attention on him.
"Kenmaaaa", whined the younger, getting only a soft hum in response as the setter kept his eyes on his video game. Shoyo pouted, annoyed that the fictional boss was getting more attention than him. The tangerine then smiled inwardly as an idea formed in his head; he huffed loudly before leaving the room, making enough noise that Kenma would be aware of his departure without having to turn around. Having waited a few minutes the orange-haired teen crawled back into the room in silence, making his way underneath his boyfriends desk without making so much as a squeak. He looked up, checking if his boyfriend has realised that he'd returned but saw no acknowledgement of his presence on Kenmas face. Until Shoyo tugged at the waistband of the olders sweatpants that is. Kenma looked down in surprise, "Sho, not now i'm still playing...", muttered the younger glancing back up at his screen as his thumbs continued to twiddle with the controller.
"Don't worry KenKen, you can carry on playing", was the reply given by the younger, as he pulled down the olders boxers, exposing his now half-hard cock. Shoyo wasted no time, slowly licking the tip as he wrapped his hands around Kenmas base, pumping his shaft slightly as precum began dripping from his tip of the blondes now fully hard cock. Kenma was still playing his game, though his mouth was hanging open and small gasps escaped every few seconds. Shoyo took Kenmas whole member into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down as he deepthroated. He swallowed, wiping his lips with a grin as Kenma groaned out a quiet, "Fuck, Sho...mMgg", as he came in the youngers mouth. The older set down his remote, no longer caring if his character died and picked up his smaller boyfriend, practically throwing him onto the bed, "so this is what you want baby", he growled as he pulled off both of their clothes attacking Hinatas neck, adorning it with dark hickeys covered by soft kisses. He placed a finger at Hinatas entrance only for it to be pushed away by the smaller, "i- i already prepped myself", blushed the younger.
Kenma smirked realising why Shoyo had left the room earlier. "You really want me that bad huh?", he whispered in the blushing tangerines ear, feeling the smaller shiver at his words as he nodded slightly. Kenma lined up his cock with Shoyos twitching hole, entering him slowly as Shoyo moaned out, digging his nails into the gamers shoulders as he began to thrust into him, increasing the speed with each thrust until he was going at an animalistic pace. Sweat ran down Shoyos face as he panted out, drool running down his chin and tears of pleasure pooling in the corners of his eyes as his boyfriend continued to pound into him mercilessly, grunting as they both neared their release.
"aAh-k-KENM-AH", Hinata finished first, cum spurting out of his tip, adorning his chest as he screamed his boyfriends name in ecstasy. Kenma thrusted continued thrusting into the overstimulated tangerine, sloppily now, cumming inside the boys pink hole minutes after. The slightly taller boyfriend pulled out, gazing at his partner as he lay on the bed, eyes closed, chest rising and falling slowly, decorated in his own cum whilst Kenmas spilled out of his gaping asshole. Kenma chuckled to himself as he cleaned himself and Hinata with some tissues before lying next to him. Hinata was already half asleep as Kenma whispered into his hair, "Sorry for ignoring you baby, i love you."
"love...too", muttered back Shoyo following up with a little snore, Kenma smiled to himself before drifting of to sleep too.

((684 words AN:8Goblin8 I hope this was along the lines of what you were thinkingtysm for the request i appreciate being given a plot as welll😽))

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