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(( AN: requested by shooxmii💞 ))

Bokutos eyes sparkled and the corners of Akaashis mouth lifted into a small smile as they opened the door to their apartment, eyes falling to the trail of rose petals leading down the corridor towards their bedroom. They took of their shoes and immediately headed towards their bedroom, it was their first year anniversary with their tiny boyfriend, the day marked a year since their relationship had been complete, since Hinata had accepted their confession and told them that he returned both of their feelings. Bokuto dropped the box of chocolates he had been holding as they entered the room seeing Hinata naked and handcuffed to the bedframe.
"Happy anniversary guys", whispered Hinata as he blushed. Akaashi smirked as he placed the bouquet of flowers he had been holding on the bedside table before immediately taking off his shirt and heading towards the tangerine, leaning down and kissing him deeply, quickly sliding in his tongue and exploring the gingers mouth. Akaashis actions seemed to snap Bokuto out of his trance, he quickly stripped to his boxers before heading over and beginning to trail soft kisses on Hinatas chest. The grey-haired male trailed light hickeys down the gingers body, reaching his thighs and stopping, inching slowly closer to the younger boys member before kissing the tip softly, hearing a soft gasp in response as Akaashi finally released his lips from the kiss. As Bokuto took Hinatas member into his mouth and began sucking, Akaashi pulled off his own trousers and boxers,
"suck.", he commanded the smaller, who immediately wrapped his lips around his cock, looking up with puppy eyes at the older as he bobbed his head slowly, moaning lightly against the setters cock as Bokuto pleasured him at the same time. Akaashi began to thrust his hips forwards fucking the smallers face as his muffled moans increased in volume slightly as he came in Bokutos mouth, he swallowed as Akaashi grunted, cumming in the young boys mouth, being pulled into a rough kiss by Bokuto as Hinata swallowed the bitter substance and Akaashi unlocked the red-heads handcuffs.
"Do you want to both go today?", asked Hinata after coming down from his high, smirking as he turned to face the wall, wiggling his plump little ass in the air in front of his boyfriends, feeling their lustful gazes burning into him, "I'm already prepped", he added as he reached back, spreading his cheeks apart with his hands, displaying himself to the olders.
Bokuto growled, "We won't hold back today Shoyo.", he said as he pulled out his cock and aligned it with the boys entrance before immediately slamming all the way in and staying with the tip pressed against the youngers prostate causing him to mewl in satisfaction.
"You won't be able to walk tomorrow baby.", added Akaashi as he slid himself slowly in next to Bokuto, closing his eyes as he felt Hinatas tight hole engulf his dick next to the oldests. After giving Hinata time to adjust the two tops began thrusting, starting fast and getting faster, ensuring that at least one hit the smallers prostate with every thrust. They both smirked as the ginger arched his back in pleasure,
"aH-AH, d-daddies, s-so big-aH", moaned out Hinata, as his face contorted in pleasure, his eyes snapped open as he felt a hand begin pumping his dick, "nNgh, k-Keiji nYaH". Akaashi turned to Bokuto, grunting quietly as he nodded towards the younger, understanding immediately Bokuto leaned down and began roughly sucking dark hickeys across the youngers back, reaching around and playing with his swollen nipples whilst continuing to pound his hole in time with Akaashi.
"AH- k-Kou- a-AH", Hinata was practically screaming at this point as pleasure surged through him from every part of his body, "c-cumming". Arching his back even deeper as he felt Bokuto and Akaashi push themselves as deep as they could get Hinata released, all three cumming in unison. The ginger panted, drool running down his chin as his semen splattered across the bed below him, his legs buckled as he felt two loads of cum being dumped inside of his hole. Hinata gasped as both boys pulled out with as satisfying pop, collapsing onto the bed as he felt warm liquid dripping down the inside of his thighs, not caring about the mess.
"Happy 1st Anniversary Kou, Keiji!", he said with a smile as he turned to face them.
"Happy Anniversary baby, but don't relax just yet", replied Bokuto as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Hinatas nose, Akaashi nodded as he ran his finger down Hinatas thigh,
"Remember our anniversary lasts till midnight.".

((779 words AN: Please tell me the end made sense idk😭. I'm so sorry it's taking me a while to update, I have exams soon so schools been hectic. Anyways shooxmii, hope this was okayy💞))

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