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((AN: requested by shooxmii teehee i love this ship so much so i hope u like thiss<3))

It would be a lie to say that Tsukishimas teasing didn't irritate him at times, but for once Yamaguchi didn't tell him to stop, he was curious about the topic at hand too.
"You really don't know how sex works shrimpy? You're in a relationship? Talk about taking things slow." scoffed Tsukishima turning away from Hinata who he had been addressing and facing Yamaguchi with a look of disbelief plastered on his face. Honestly Yamaguchi had thought that his boyfriend was simply shy and despite-of course- having his wants and urges, he hadn't wanted to pressure him. However if he simply wasn't aware maybe just maybe...
Hinata turned to his boyfriend who seemed to be lost in thought, whilst blushing he tugged on the greenettes sleeve and muttered quietly, "can we go to your house now yams?", he received only an absent minded nod in reply, he couldn't help but wonder what Yams was thinking about.

(timeskip to yams house cause i cba to write the journey😃)
When they entered the house Hinata was instantly grabbed by his boyfriend and pulled upstairs to his room. Smashing his own lips against his the red-heads, yamaguchi kicked the door closed, softly biting hinatas bottom lip as he slid his hands up his shirt and began to play with the smaller boys nipples. The smaller boy squeaked and pulled away slightly. "Yams we haven't done this before...but...i wanted to...", the smaller boy trailed off at the end not completing his sentence.
"What did you want sunshine?" yams asked, removing one hand off of hinatas chest and tucking a strand of orange hair behind his partners ear.
"i- i wanted you to...to touch me", hinata made eye contact with his boyfriend who was now smirking,
"all it took was asking baby", yams said quickly claiming hinatas lips again, slipping his tongue into the others mouth before he could even react. The taller boy broke the kiss heading to his bedside drawer from which he removed a bottle of lube. He returned to Hinata, "tell me if your uncomfortable or want me to stop, okay baby?", hinata nodded in reply, excited by what was happening. Yams leaned in pushing his boyfriend so that he was beneath him, lying on the bed, this time pressing his lips to Hinatas neck, sucking and nibbling softly looking for that special spot, he knew he'd found it when Hinata let out a lewd moan. He bit down slighltly harder, sucking a dark purple bruise onto him, marking him and letting everyone know he was taken. Satisfied with his work he popped open the bottle of lube, squeezing some onto his fingers, pressing them to Hinatas now uncovered entrance, teasing him as the smaller rolled his hips attempting to pull a finger in himself, he quickly pushed his finger in thrusting in and out, adding fingers and scissoring hinatas hole until he felt that he had been prepped enough. He had long since removed both of their clothes as he coated his dick in lube and positioned himself against the smaller boy.
He leaned forward and whispered in his ear,
"be ready for daddy okay. I want you to be loud for me baby." Hinata shivered, already hard dick twitching in anticipation for what was coming, he let out a loud moan of pleasure as Yamaguchi pushed himself into him, immediately beginning to thrust at an inhuman speed whilst simultaneously pumping the smaller boys length; causing waves of pleasure to engulf hinata. Eyes half-lidded and drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, hinata no longer thought about what he was saying.
"Please daddy, faster, you feel so good inside me", he moaned as he felt his asshole being recked by his usually less forward boyfriend. Yams groaned- hinatas innocent voice saying those words should be illegal.
"D-daddy i feel like- i feel- aAhh TADASHI", hinata screamed his boyfriends given name as he came all over himself and the bedsheets. Yamaguchi felt his ass tighten around his dick, he gritted his teeth and grunted out a small "good boy you made me cum" as he came inside the smallers somehow still tight hole.
He pulled out and got some tissues to clean up, lifting hinata up bridal style and carrying him to the bathroom. He set the tangerine down on the counter as he filled the bath and got in lifting hinata onto his lap and nestling his head in the crook of his neck.
"So that was sex...".
Yamaguchi chuckled at his boyfriends cluelessness,
"yes baby, that was sex".
"Well then i definitely liked it although my lower back kinda hurts; we can do it again soon riighhttt?"

((801 words) AN: shooxmii  i hope thats okay and didnt disappoint youu, tysm fir tge requestt<333. I honestly love this ship, although i don't understand why people think yams is innocent, he's definitely a bitch, just one w social anxiety😭✨))

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