Chapter One

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Amy had just had her 18th Birthday and was getting ready to start on her last assignment before she Graduated.
Ty was totally in Love with her and she was in love with Ty who would do anything to help her.
He knew she was clever at most things she did which was the push he needed to Finish School on line so he could go to university to become a Vet.
Amy was so pleased and Proud of him for changing his life around.
Lou was pleased with her Business Studies Diploma but couldn't understand how Amy was probably smarter than her.
"Hey Ty, what time are you at the clinic today".
"Oh hi Lou, well I'm in class at 10am then start at the clinic at 4pm why".
"Well Amy wants me to drop her off at the Library and I wondered if you could drop her off and I'll pick her up".
"No problem Lou".
" Thanks Ty, your the best, hey You know I can't work out how Amy is so clever, she never forgets anything".
"You know Lou I've been thinking about that and I reckon that Amy Has
"Eh,, english Ty please".
"Ha ha ha, It means she has a Photographic Memory Lou".
"Ohh right, thank you ".
"Your Welcome".
Ty ran out to the Barn to let Amy know he would drop her off  and they needed to leave at 8.45 if he was going to get to Uni in time.

Amy gave Ty a super extra long kiss for dropping her off and told him to be careful.
Amy was meeting Soraya at the Library,  they both had different subjects but at least they'd be together.
Amy went straight onto a PC when they got in, she had her Laptop but the PC was faster and more powerful for the start of her project and she'd brought her USB Flash Drive with her and if that wouldn't hold the information she had an external Hard Drive with her just in case. Always prepared was Amy.
She'd been on the computer for two hours and needed a break, she saved everything that she had onto the USB including the Link to where she had got to, she even opened up a user account, password protected and booked her next slot on the same PC for two hours time at 1 pm, then went to find Soraya to go have a break and some Lunch at Maggie's.

"So found anything that you can use".
"Not for my year of birth,  so I'm going to go back one year".
"Ohh the year you were conceived ".
"Yes Soraya, if you want to put it that way, ha ha ha".
"What about you , found anything  interesting ".
"Yeah I think so, a Rapist was caught,  he had apparently attacked 3 young teens but somehow before they got him to court he escaped but unfortunately they never found him, so I might give it a go and see how far I can get".
"Nice, let's hope I can find something before Lou picks me up, should be able to get another 2 hours in".


Amy and soraya got back to work on there assignments and it wasn't long till Amy found a story that caught her eye. One thing Amy hated was the way some men thought they could do what they like without consequences.
She found an article about a woman who was attacked beaten and possibly raped but she insisted that she wasn't and just robbed her but it was here in Hudson, Amy continued to get as much information as she could,  She was getting a few more links to follow up on the story when she froze.
The name staring back at her brought tears to her eyes.
Soraya looked over at her friend and was by her side in a matter of seconds. "Amy, what's wrong you've gone as white as a sheet and your crying ".
" L Look at this article I found , very similar to yours except it's the name of the victim Soraya and it's the year before ,  it says Marion Fleming ".

Amy finished with what she needed but was going to ask her grandpa Jack about it. She had what she wanted to write her assignment leaving out the Name of her mother of course.

Lou picked Amy up and they headed back to Heartland.
"Lou, did you know that the year before I was born mum was attacked, beaten, and robbed. They mentioned Rape but mum denied he got that far as she fought him off."
"What, are you kidding me, I would of been nine. No one has ever mentioned it Amy".
"Well I'm going to mention it tonight at dinner so your forewarned".
I'll have your back sis, I want to know about this as much as you".
"Thank you Lou".
"What time does Ty finish tonight Amy".
"Not till late so he'll probably Just go straight to bed".
"Aww, You miss him".
"Yes Lou, I do so much and when he has to do University classes and then go straight to the Clinic, it's a long day".

When they got back Amy went to the Barn office and set up her Laptop to write her essay, she already knew how she was going to write it, and with her other gift she didn't really need her notes.
Her fingers ran across the keypad as if they already knew which keys to press. By the time Dinner was called Amy had finished and sent it in to her Teacher on line.

Everyone was sat down for dinner, Amy, Lou, Jack, Lisa, and Tim.
They were about half way through dinner and Jack had noticed how quiet Amy was which was unusual.
"Did you get your assignment done Amy or have you got more to do".
"Actually Grampa I need to bring up something which is troubling me as the Item I found concerns our family, I mentioned it to Lou and she didn't know about it either".
Jack looked at Tim and he looked at Jack.
"What year are on about Amy".
"The year before I was born, apparently Mum was attacked and robbed and they mentioned Rape but she told them she fought him off and he ran away".
Jack and Tim looked at each other again then Lou spoke up not liking the silence.
"So are you going to explain this because I don't remember it and I was Nine.

To be continued

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