Chapter Thirty

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Lou rushed to Amy with towels and Jack helped.
"Let me have a look sweetheart".
Jack looked and saw the blood was slowing down, Lou grabbed an ice pack Jack told Amy to hold on to Lou and squeeze her eyes shut, he carefully put his Thumb and finger either side of her nose and very quickly moved and pulled down her nose, click, Lou placed the ice pack on her face and got her to lay down on the sofa.
"That ting you did Gampa, did he beak my Nise".
"Ha ha, yes he did sorry for laughing love , it was the way you said it ".
"What got into him Grampa, I've done nothing wrong to deserve this it's Just like Tim all over again".
"That Prince is making Ty think differently, he found out you were at the Hospital and turned up with Flowers, then he has an expensive gift for you making it look like there's something going on ".
"Oh No, I would never".
Amy started sobbing, why her , she's done nothing wrong.

Ty didn't know where he was going but ended up at Caleb's.
After a few beers he started telling Caleb what happened.
"There's no smoke with out fire Ty".
"What do you mean Caleb".
"Well I'm not saying Amy is or has , but you were hardly at home for two weeks man , maybe she felt you were ignoring her. Who told him she was in hospital , and why the expensive gift man, it makes you wonder".
Ty didn't want to hear this, Amy would never cheat on him.

Later, everyone was in bed when Lou was woken up by loud shouting coming from Amy's room. She walked into the hallway to hear what was being said , she had never ever heard them arguing like this.
"So come on Amy, how long have you been seeing this prince, he turns up at the Hospital with flowers, then turns up here with a big expensive gift for you".
"What the hell are you talking about Ty , I've seen him twice here at the Ranch first time Grampa was here and the second, Lou was here and yesterday everyone was here. You've been drinking, let me guess CALEB what's he been filling your head with EH, how I'm cheating on you, is that it, You know I would never do that, I love you Ty and this is going to ruin us if you don't trust me. I don't want to work with his horse, he's trying to put a wedge between us, DON'T YOU SEE THAT ".
Lou walked in and told them to keep there voices down Just then Ty grabs Amy's phone and starts looking through it.
"What the hell do you think your doing Ty".
"See how long you two have been keeping in touch".
Amy was sat on the bed Sobbing, trying to understand what the hell was happening , Ty couldn't find anything so threw Amy's phone at the wall shattering it.
Then a deep voice spoke.
"Your drunk and not thinking straight Ty , you go sleep in the Loft and sober up, then you and I will talk about your actions, that was an order Ty, this is still my house, now get out".
Ty barged his way out and went to the Loft but his Jealous mind was still whirling around inside his head.
'Maybe they met up here' he then started searching the Loft for anything that wasn't his virtually destroying the Loft.
Amy was in pieces and she was shaking uncontrollably as she had never seen him this mad before, then she had trouble breathing and a hammering Headache causing her to grab her head, Lou shouted Grampa and he decided to take her to the Hospital especially as she had a broken nose too. Lisa told Lou to go as well, peter was home with Katie and Lisa said she'd watch Lyndy.


Jack and Lou were waiting when Lou had a horrible thought.
"Grampa, what if all this Stress and the punch and the argument has reignited her Thyroid problem ".
"Let's keep our fingers crossed Lou".
"Mrs Borden".
They got up and found it was the same Doctor from last time.
"Follow me please".
They sat in the office.
"I was afraid this may happen if she didn't remain stress free, first I need to know what the hell happened to her considering the state she was in when I saw her".
Jack explained everything from the Prince and his manipulation of events, to Ty accidentally punching Amy in the face to the massive argument.
"Did he punch her again during the argument".
"No, he wouldn't do that, the punch was an accident as he tried to throw her arm off him".
"I see, well Amy is seriously ill I'm sorry to say, everything that's happened has brought on a Thyroid Storm, and I have to warn you now that it can be Fatal".
Jack and Lou were stunned into silence.
"We are treating her, and the next 24 hrs will determine whether she lives or Dies, I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I explained to her husband how critical it was for her to remain calm, we are still in the later part of the 2nd week and what he's done is inexcusable, he may of well pulled a gun and shot her.
Please wait back in the waiting room while I try to save your Granddaughter, Sisters Life.".
The doctor got up and walked out the Office.
They returned to the waiting room, Lou was in tears, and Jack wanted to kill the Prince and beat the hell out of Ty for what's happened.

To be continued

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