Chapter Eighteen

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After Jesse left ,Amy and Duke got in the truck and Amy put Jesse out of her mind and drove back to Heartland.
Lou noticed something was off with Amy and followed her to her room.
"Amy, what's up sweetie, and don't say nothing,  I know you very well little sister.
Amy sat on the bed.
"Had a run in with Dumb and Dumber".
"Ahh, Ashley and Jesse, I heard there back".
Amy proceeded to explain what happened to Lou and how angry  Jesse makes her.
"I can't believe he'd say that, but then again he's a Stanton, Try to Just put it behind you and if he try's to get to you again  Just walk out. Don't stand and give him a chance to get you angry, that's what he wants.".
"Okay, thanks Lou".
"Your welcome".

"Ty, can we Talk please ".
"Yeah love, what's wrong ".
"Dumb and Dumber are back and causing problems already, but I want you to be careful please, the last thing I want is for Jesse to bait you into doing something that could put you in prison for a long time or a short time because you'd end up with a record and you wouldn't be aloud to practice as a Vet, that's what he wants, then his second part would come in where if I agree to marry him he will drop the charges and he'll get his hands on Heartland ".
"Shit Amy, he thinks ahead doesn't he"
"Yeah he does ,and I wouldn't be surprised if Ashley trys it on with you with witnesses about who'll say you came on to her to break us up".
"You know I wouldn't do that to you Amy".
"Ty, please stop getting defensive ,  I know you wouldn't do that to me, but that's how Ashley will try to make it look, hoping I'll break up with you which would never happen, I love you so much. Their rich and think they can play these games.  Jesse's interest in me is to do with Land only, he wants to get his hands on Heartland,  and I can tell you now Mr Borden that if me and Jesse were the last pair of humans on the Planet, humans would go extinct ".
"Okay Amy I promise,  and I'll make sure someone is with me, he'll want me on my own if he wants to try something ".
"We are going to play them at their own game Ty, You say I'm smart, so let's prove it and make them wish they'd never started it  Val will probably send em back to Florida. "

While Ty was finishing his school work which was his last piece before graduation  Amy went and phoned Soraya to put a plan in place. Soraya also informed Amy that there was a camera at the back of Maggie's that no one knew about. So they hatched a plan

The following morning Val Stanton storms into the police station.
"I want to see The Chief of Police,  Now get him".
Chief Jim Adam's can hear Val Stanton  from his office.
"Mrs Stanton come through please".
Val enters his office and sits down as Jim motioned with his hand and then he sat.
"What can I do for you Mrs Stanton ".
Almost immediately she starts shouting.
"I'm here to listen to you not be shouted at".
"Sorry,  I'm rather angry that my son was talking to Amy Fleming and she threatened him with her Dog and then pulled a gun on him  Is she allowed to be armed and why".
" I see, well obviously for Civil rights reasons I can't deny whether Miss Fleming is armed or not, but I did get a report in this morning from Amy Fleming that she was being stalked and threatened by Jesse Stanton".
"That's totally untrue and she can't prove it".
"May I continue Mrs Stanton ".
"Sorry, Yes".
"Thank you, and please do not interrupt me again, as I was saying,   he is stalking her and threatening her, he also threatened to plant false charges against her Fiance Mr Borden and send him to prison for a long time if she didn't marry him instead, oh and get rid of her unborn child".
"Shall we watch a video Mrs Stanton".
Jim puts on the video from the back of Maggie's.
"There's your son hiding Val and as soon as miss Fleming goes to walk to her truck he jumps out into her face, but as you can see he jumps back when the Dog growls at him for getting to close to her. " You see she was about to set that unruly dog on my son". No interruptions I asked, that dog is a police dog Mrs Stanton, now may we proceed.
Please continue to watch your son".
They watched the rest of the video and then Jim looked at Val Stanton.
"I saw No gun did you, and the dog was watching your son like a hawk,  had he touched her, your son would be in Hospital,  You heard the things he said and I'm in two minds as to whether I should Charge him".
"Err, look Chief Adams I'll send him back to Florida , there's people down their who keep him in order, I thought he'd learn't his lesson but obviously he hasn't ".
"I don't want to see Jesse Stanton in Hudson again and if that means you have to sell up and move everything down to Florida then so be it, Now get your son out of my Town, if he's still here in the morning I will arrest him and he will go down for a long time".
"Yes  I'm sorry about this, he lied to me, Goodbye Chief".

As she fled out the station madder than a hornets nest Chief Adam's laughed to himself at how young Amy got one up on the Stanton's. Now all that was left was to see how Amy dealt with Ashley Stanton.

To be continued

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