Chapter Twenty Four

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At Heartland Jack, Lisa, Lou, Peter were waiting for Amy to get back.
Lou thought she had found Karen's number but no one was answering, they'd tried Amy's Mobile phone but obviously no signal. It was now 7 pm and the latest time for her to get back would of been about 6 pm.
"What if she's broken down Grampa".
"Then that would be a blessing Lou".
Peter turned up with a map and laid it on the table, "which way would she come back from the Kanninastas Jack".
"I have No Idea, Peter look, that's where Karen's place is, but look how many roads go to and fro, also some are death traps from cliffs giving way and sending a car or Truck 6 or 700 mtrs down, Rock falls with rocks so big they'll flatten anything ".

Amy woke a little, her head was killing her, it was dark and the temperature was dropping, she started to feel around looking for her phone but she was limited for space, she then heard a loud groan and something shifted, she could feel it touch her as if the truck was wrapping itself around her, the bulkhead was moving down then suddenly something fell near her arm. She felt around, her phone, she switched it on and the light exploded in the darkness and she saw the bulkhead above her wedged into the seats.
She went to the sat nav app on her phone to see if she could get her coordinates, thankfully it worked.
She copied them then went to messages she wouldn't try calling anyone yet she remembered Ty telling her a few years ago that sometimes a text message will go through but a call wont. She decided to send a multi contact text to at least four people so hopefully one would get through.
She clicked Ty, Jack, Lou, Lisa and Soraya, she copied the coordinates onto the message then typed.
Rock fall
Truck being crushed
Can't move
Please help me
In car well
Bulkhead crushing me
Then checking how much signal she had 4 bars!!!! She pressed send and off they went. Then she switched off her light, she felt funny again and the darkness took her.

Six years later , Lou comes out the Barn followed by a little blonde girl with green eyes, Just as a car pulls up towards them .
"Can I help you".
"Well I hope so, It's been a long time since I visited Heartland I'm looking for Amy Fleming actually".
The little girl looks up at the man, "That's my mommy's name".
"I thought the looks were familiar, can you get her for me".
She shook her head "My mommy's in Heaven".
"I'm so Sorry I had no Idea".
"That's Okay, we dont actually do horses here anymore, Lyndys dad is a vet and the Ranch went back to being a Cattle Ranch after the accident ".
"Oh , err is Jack Bartlett still around ".
"No I'm sorry, the shock of losing Amy so horifficly brought on a massive heart attack.
TY WOKE UP, so fast he almost gave the old woman next to him a heart attack.
"Bad dream dear".
Ty felt like he needed to talk and this old lady seemed really nice so told her about the dream but didn't say names as that was too personal .
He told her that he can't wait to see his fiancee as he's a vet and been helping in BC with the the wolves. They chatted a bit more and before he knew it they were landing.

When Ty got through and collected his bags he headed for the phone shop on the concourse and explained what he caught a so called friend doing but now he couldn't even get a signal.
"Let's have a look, I think I already know what he's done. Yep he turned off your service provider, it's back on now. Just need to do a restart".
"Thank you so much ,how much".
"Nothing mate you have a good day ".
When Ty's phone came on there were missed calls and messages.
The calls were from home,Jack ,Lou,Lisa, Ty then looked through his messages which were the same except for the newest one, Amy.
Ty clicked on it.
Rock fall
Truck being crushed
Can't move
Please help me
In car well
Bulkhead crushing me
Ty straight away thought of his dream and went cold, a hand clapped him on the shoulder and it was the old Lady.
"You alright love".
"Err no, my fiancee has had a crash I need to go sorry".
"She'll be Okay Ty, let me know how she is".
"I don't have your number".
The old lady gave him her number and he put it in his phone.
"Oh your name ,
"Lucy dear, Lucy Parson".
Okay thanks must go.
"I love that name dear in your dream, Lyndy, right".
Ty suddenly went ice cold again and turned but the old lady was gone, he looked around quickly but couldn't see her.
He never mentioned any names.
He called Jack immediately.
"Ty, thank god, we have a situation, look its 10AM and".
"Jack I know where Amy is, did you get a text message from her".
Okay I just sent it to you Jack, she's in a bad way Rock Slide on one of the back roads and she's trapped and being crushed, that was sent at 3 AM this morning, I've only just got my phone to work thanks to the phone shop".
It's got the coordinates in the message".
"Yep, I've got it, well see you there, I'm on to rescue now".
Jack phoned the emergency Services and explained everything , gave them the coordinates and they knew of that place. Jack then told Lou and Lisa who wanted to go, so peter offered to drive his car which was quicker.
On the way Lou phoned Karen and updated her.
Ty went straight to his Truck and prayed it would start, first time it purred away. He put the coordinates in the phones sat nav and set off.

To be continued

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