Chapter Eleven

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After dinner Ty and Amy went to do night check which always took longer than anyone else but no one ever mentioned it.
When they got back in they went to bed, Amy made sure her door was locked and got in bed, Ty noticed she was only in her bra and panties, she snuggled up to him then after she'd built up her courage she rolled back over and Ty saw her underwear get thrown in the corner and she snuggled back up to him, this time he knew she was naked, then her hand moved down south under his shorts. As soon as he felt her hand gently grab him he almost shot out of bed.
"Err, Amy , are you sure about this, I don't have any protection".
"Well I thought it was time we moved on with our relationship and I've got it covered, I'm on the Pill Ty".
Ty and Amy had their first magical night together although he warned her to keep the noise down if she made any as others in the house may hear them or rather her.
The following morning they were both up early although Amy wasn't satisfied with Just last night and wanted round two.
They eventually walked into the kitchen but there was only Lou.
"Where's Lisa and Grandpa Lou".
"Well they said they were going to get some sleep at Fairfield, something about being kept awake by noises last night".
Amy went beetroot red, " Ha ha ha, I'm joking Amy, nobody heard a thing, well I may have but I soon fell asleep".
Both Amy and Ty were still bright red.
"Oh my God, sorry, you did actually do it last night then".
Lou mentioned to Amy after Ty walked over to the Barn.
"Sooo, was it what you expected or better".
"Oh my God Lou it was better than I realized and Ty was so gentle with me, I love him so much".
"Are you being careful Amy".
"Lou, I'm on the Pill okay, I thought it was time to make our relationship have more meaning if you know what I mean".
"Yes I do know what you mean, how was Ty, surprised.".
Amy laughed, "Surprised is not the word I'd use".
"So Birthday, Just a nice home cooked meal with the family and one very strongly locked door "
"Yes please Lou".
" What would you like ".
"Well I can't remember ever having it but I have had a piece recently and I think they call it Roast Gammon".
"We have had it but not for probably over ten years, but I agree its lovely and that's what you'll get".
"Thanks Lou".

Amy was working with both horses getting a sort of show together to show Pierre and working with her clients horses, the days were ticking away, Ty was busy with Uni and the shifts he was doing for Scott.
Scott had recently given Cass a written warning, he addressed the problem from before but it once again gropped up but this time Ty wasn't playing ball and every time she wasn't going to turn up for a shift she would phone Ty but he always declined the call , it left Scott to cover for her when infact she thought Ty was covering and it backfired. Cass can't afford to not have a job so promised Scott to get her act together.


The day of Amy's 20th Birthday she was woken up by Ty with breakfast in bed, much to her surprise.
After getting dressed she walked into the kitchen to lots of Happy Birthday shouts and a few presents.
Ty bought Amy a beautiful Neckless of a diamond Horseshoe, Lou and peter bought her some new chaps and Jack and Lisa got her a new pair of Cowgirl boots. There were lots of kisses and hugs.
Amy helped Ty with Chores and feeding, he only has one class today and had booked the shift off as it was Amy's birthday.
" I'm going to get going Amy".
"Okay Ty, and thank you for breakfast in bed and the food ". Amy giggled as she reached up and kissed him.

She was working with Spartan and Zephyr after finishing with her clients horses after Lunch. Ty had been watching her just out of sight and was mesmerized by how both horses were in balance with her, following every move she made. He then saw someone quietly approaching Amy and as she finished he started clapping.
" Pierre, you're always creeping up on me".
"Well I don't like to interfere when anyone is working, can you put on a show tonight for me and your family".
"I'm really sorry but we have plans tonight as it's my 20th birthday, but I could tomorrow ".
" Okay, lets go and see if they'd like to watch you tomorrow ".
Amy took both horses back with no harness or ropes and stabled them with a big net of Hay, then walked Pierre to the house".
" Come in Pierre , ,,, Everyone this is Pierre from Dark Horse".
Everyone introduced themselves and when Ty introduced himself as Amy's Fiance , Pierre took note.
"Well Ty I'm sure your going to agree at how talented Amy is, and I'm very impressed with her".
"Now I did ask Amy if she could show me what she learnt and taught Spartan and Zephyr tonight but Amy explained that it's her Birthday so would you be free tomorrow night about 6pm at where we are camped about 5 miles away".
"Yes definitely ".
"Okay, well apart from showing us what Talent she has we are also Auditioning so this may or may not be something Amy may wish to do, the decision will obviously be yours, so I will see you all tomorrow at 6pm and this is where we are". Pierre says handing over the address to Jack.

Pierre walks out and drives off.
"Wow Amy".
"Lou I am not an entertainer and I have a business to Run but I would like to do this to prove to myself that I can do it at Least".
"Amy, you have to prove it to yourself after all the time you've put into it".
"Thank you Ty, I love you".

"Right everyone get ready for Dinner".
"Whatever it is Lou it smells delicious".
" Thank you Grandpa "

To be continued

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