Chapter Twenty Two

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Ty arrived home in a fowl mood, everyone was making decisions for him and he wanted to get off and do vet work, he had a lot to live up to after all those honours he was given by his Tutors, but he was suddenly terrified of being a father, he also suspected that he was going to be like his father and walk away but could  he be responsible for a small child,  so he was hiding in his work and going to BC would help him to forget for a while.
Ty walked in and it was dead quiet, he walked to their bedroom or was it, he wasn't sure and walked in, Amy was asleep so he starts packing some clean clothes and puts the dirty in the basket
"What are ya doin".
"Change of Clothes for the morning".
"Just stay here, it's gonna get colder"
"Nah, that's okay".   "Please Ty I want you to hold me, were supposed to be getting married and nugget is kicking like mad".
"Look Amy, I need to do this job in BC".
"Seriously, it's not a Job Ty, you dont get paid, I can't work ,so what am I supposed to buy food with and diapers etc, will you be back for the birth of our baby".
"I don't know Amy".
"So, BoB talked you into going, and what if something was to happen to me Ty".
"Nothings gonna happen to you".
"Oh, like when I got Pneumonia,  we didn't expect that did we".
"You'll be fine".
"So, I'm no longer the most important thing in your life which is what you told me  or our child, you don't care anymore since you graduated, your a Vet now and we dont matter anymore, fine if that's the way you want it pack your stuff up and clear out, you may as well have this back as well then because it doesn't mean a thing to you anymore, I know it means a hell of a lot to me and the promise that you made me,  does it mean anything to you at all, Nothing to say, fine I'll Just be a single mother then ".
Amy gently throws the Engagement ring to him and tells him to get out, she'll pack his stuff up tomorrow.
Ty walks out , tears in his eye's, holding the Ring in his hand,  he honestly didn't think it would go like this, he thought he could go and carry on when he got back. Who the hell was he kidding,  he just walked out on his pregnant now ex Fiancee , now he's lost the partnership he's been looking forward to, all because he's scared. Why cant he be honest and tell them what he's thinking.


After that night Amy stayed in her room all day unless she needed a drink or the bathroom.
Jack had heard there conversation as he went to the kitchen for a drink just after Ty came in. Jack was fuming with Ty but he was more worried about Amy as she'd been quite all day and Lou felt the same as she also heard last nights argument,  if you could call it that as not once did Amy raise her voice, Lou checked on Amy regularly but she was always asleep  or pretending to be.
The next day Amy went into town to see Scott, and if he knew what might be going on.
They talked for a long time, Scott explained to Amy that he could understand the pressure that Ty was putting on himself after the Graduation and how he probably felt that he needed to prove himself due to the Honours and compliments he got .
But Ty didn't have to prove anything to anyone.
Amy was upset about him losing the partnership but Scott told her it was still his and he used it hoping to bring him back to reality.
Amy told Scott that she tried the same trick by giving him her Engagement ring back.
Amy then elaborated on what she thought the problem was,  He's scared of being a father, and thinks he's Just like his father, running away.
Shane could here them so knocked the door and was called in. He then told Amy about the conversation he and Ty had and he thought Amy had hit the nail on the head about being a father. He was scared apart from proving himself.
Scott suggested that she give him some time to sort his head out.

When Amy got back she grabbed a decaf coffee, she still liked her normal coffee but was alternating between the two. She could tell that Her Grampa was angry with Ty, so sat down to talk to him about what Ty was probably thinking and the pressure he was putting on himself.
After an hour of talking Jack was starting to understand where Amy was coming from and surprised how calm she was.
"I still Love Ty so much Grampa, Just like even now you still Love grandma Lyndy even though you have Lisa, I need to give him some time to sort out his head ".
Two weeks later Amy ask Dr Virani for a 3D scan of little nugget,  she wanted to send a picture to Ty to remind him of what they created together. She sent it to him with hearts and kisses telling him that she still loved him very much.

Amy knew in her heart that Bob hadn't helped with his constant badgering of Ty about going to BC and had her fingers crossed that Ty would sort himself out.
But she needed money and the only way was to work, maybe a few clinics doing Liberty work with Spartan  would help. So Amy got intouch with Karen in the Kanninastas region about 2 hours drive away to organize one for about 2 weeks time.

Ty heard his phone go off and picked it up Just as Bob was about to.
He saw the photo Amy sent him and that photo caused Ty to start thinking about what he was doing. He Text back saying Thank you and how it made him cry. He also told her he was seriously thinking about coming home because Bob lied to him about how bad things were ,but he didn't want to leave them in the learch without enough Vets.

A week later Ty was in the bathroom and heard his phone, "I'll get that in a minute Bob".
"Nah, your okay it was mine"
Ty thought it sounded like his so moved the cabinet mirror so he could see his phone, he saw bob pick it up and a few seconds later put it back in the same place.
Ty came out the bathroom telling Bob it was clear for him to use and sat on his bed.
After Bob went in and locked the door  Ty grabbed his phone to see who the message was from.
When he looked there were no messages or Emails or calls.

To be continued

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