Chapter Forty Three

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Soraya phoned the Police and an Ambulance, then ran out taking two of the men who were regulars at Maggie's,  when they almost got to Amy and Ty she saw them both laying on the floor .
One of the men saw a Black SUV driving off at speed and turn right out the carpark so he ran back to the front of Maggie's and saw it drive past,  he glanced at the driver and took the License Plate number .
Soraya could see that Amy had been hit with something as her head was bleeding but Ty looked terrible,  Soraya thought he must of been hit at least a few times.
Being in Town it didn't take long for the Police and Ambulances to arrive .
Soraya then had a horrible thought and spoke to one the Medics about her worries that possibiliy  her friend Amy may of been hit in her stomach as she's eight months pregnant.
The medic assured her that her friend  wasn't badly hurt and her and baby were fine  also her wound was superficial but she would have a big headache when she wakes up,  he also mentioned that by the position of her Hand/wrist it was very likely broken and pointed to Amy's phone about 6 foot away.
However her husband was beaten badly and he was in the Ambulance on his way to hospital.
It was at this moment that Tim was coming into the parking Lot and noticed the police and Ambulances,  one was leaving on Blues and Two's,  he looked at the person on the gurney and his blood ran cold.
Tim pulled into the first bay and switched off the engine,  he got out and so did Jenna who Tim had been to collect as she decided to move to Hudson as she was missing him.
Tim got to Amy and asked what happened, so Soraya filled him in but said she hadn't informed the rest of the family yet.
Tim asked about Ty as he had realised how good he was with Amy and always tried to protect her and his dislike for Ty was all down to his Jealousy and he really did like Ty.
The medics explained that he'd been beaten with something hard like or similar to a baseball bat quite a few times.
"You mean like that one under that car" Tim mentioned pointing to the car.
"Which Hospital * Hudson *. "
"Yes sir, he should be there by now".
Tim went to speak with Jim the Chief of Police.
"Any idea's yet Jim".
"No sorry Tim, were going to look at the Security Ctv footage, then we need to know if Amy can tell us anything when she comes to and one of the men who was helping Soraya got the Make, Model and Registration plate of the truck as it was speeding off".
"Please keep us in loop Jim and the Family will keep their eye's and Ears open too, Thanks Jim".
After Tim had kissed Amy he and Jenna left for Heartland .

Jim was left stunned, he looked at Soraya,  "Is that the Same Tim Fleming  from over Three years ago ".
"Yep, he stopped the drinking and went to counselling with the help of his girlfriend ".
Tim was going to Phone Jack, but decided to do it in person with Jenna by his side
Lou was looking out the kitchen window getting really worried when she saw her Dad drive into Heartland and park by the fence.
"Grampa Dads here with I assume is his girlfriend".  The door knocked and Lou opened it. "Oh, hi Dad and I take it you must be Jenna".
"Yes, hi Lou".
"Lou I need to speak with the family, I was going to phone but thought it would be better if We told you in Person ".
"What about dad, because at the moment were really worried about Amy and Ty as the've not been in touch and we cant contact them".
"That's why were here Lou to tell everyone about what's happened ".
They all sat in the Lounge room and Tim first of all introduced Jenna to everyone.
"Right, well we were stopping at Maggie's for food as it had been a long Journey,  as we pulled in we saw two Ambulances,  one was just leaving on its Blues and Two's but as we got closer to the other Ambulance my blood ran cold when I saw Amy on the Gurney.  We parked quickly and ran over and Amy looked so pale  we asked what had happened and the RCMP said they'd both been attacked.
Ty was in a bad way but they reckoned Amy had been hit once on the back of the head, the medic assured us that she would have a CT scan to check her skull but thinks she'll be okay apart from a bad headache and a broken hand or wrist,  Amy and the Baby are fine.
The police have some leads including the bat I saw under a car. Including a witness who saw the car, driver and Registration number.
As for Ty we dont know, because we came here to tell you about it".
"Okay, thanks Tim we better get to the Hospital, are you gonna follow".
"Yeah we'll follow you".
"I'll  stay with the girls".
"You sure Lisa".
"Yes Lou, go now check on your little sister ".
"Thanks Lisa, see you later".

They arrived at the Hospital and found Amy awake but her words were a little slurry.
Jack and Tim went to find the Doctor after they'd said hello to Amy.
They found the A&E Doctor and asked what was wrong with Amy.
"Hello , can I ask what connection you have with Mrs Borden ".
"Yes, I'm Tim her Father and this is Jack her Grandfather".
"Okay, well her skull is fine, there's no fractures,  we stitched up the gash on the back of her head but when she spoke we noticed the side of her face and her speach so sent her for an MRI,  unfortunately we found that the blow to her head caused a small Stroke,  so we've started her on blood thinners and keeping her on 24 hour observations".
"What about Ty Borden,  my Son-in-law".
"He was beaten quite badly,  he has three small fractures to his skull, some bruises and were just waiting for him to wake up.

To be continued

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