Chapter Thirteen

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Ty came walking into the kitchen.
"Morning Ty, Hows Amy this morning  and yourself of course "
" It was a rough nite Jack , she was so restless ".
Jack noticed Ty look out the window.
" Is she still asleep ".
" No, she's either in the Barn or gone out on Spartan , her trucks there".
"Were you expecting it not to be".
" I don't know Jack, I'm worried she may Just run to get away".


   Tim was driving back to BC but everything was going round in his head, he'd  actually been scared when Amy pulled that gun on him, and starts talking to himself.

I didn't  see her hand shaking, no tears,   Just a cold threatening look on her face.
Have I pushed her to far, damit tim it's been 20 years and no one's come for you.
What if I killed her, no ,can't do that they could still find out.
Shit Tim , maybe I should let it go, disappear.
Did Marion know , is that why she refused the Test.
I should of Just packed up the Rodeo when she asked then I wouldn't be in this mess, and I wouldn't have had that accident.
Shit, Shit.


Amy was on her trail ride thinking about everything,  she was thinking about what Ty said last night about her mum knowing her attacker.
Amy knew her mum loved her so much , always there to talk to and plenty of hugs on the Sofa.

Jack told Ty he'd look out for Amy and to get to his classes.
Amy looked at her phone to check the time, it was almost noon so made her way back, she was very quiet and somber, not really able to think about anything in particular.
She knew Ty would be home soon and just needed him to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.
She went in the Barn and opened her Laptop,  did what updates she needed to do and was finished.
Amy noticed a bag of rubbish in the corner of the Barn and picked it up to take it to the large bin at the side of the house by there front door.  She always thought it strange that the Mudroom door was at the front but the front was at the side.
She put the bag in the bin and went to walk in through the front door.

As she opened the door she stopped when she heard Jack, Lisa and Lou talking about Tim.
" Grandpa, I was so worried last night when Dad was here arguing with Amy, I thought he may let the cat out of the bag".
" Well Amy's clever she'll figure it out one day Lou and if she finds out we knew, admittedly only recently it's going to affect her and I don't want to see her get hurt anymore".
"Maybe  Marion was already pregnant  Jack".
"Not possible Lisa, Tim said that he and Marion hadn't been intimate for 6 months, I know Lisa, but I love Amy so much and the fact that Marion used to call her that nick name, Her little Miracle Girl,  which is amazing that she actually got called that in the papers after saving that horse of Steve Forresters. I'm  scared too you know, if she finds out that Marion was raped in the attack and that she is the result of that vile act her world will
collapse ".


Amy's world did suddenly implode in her head, she slammed the door and ran.
Lou got up to look out the kitchen window and saw Amy running across the grass and through the gate towards the Barn where Ty's Truck was parked.
"OMG, Amy heard us ,she's running to Ty".
Lou turned with tears in her eyes.

Amy was sobbing, shaking, and couldn't breathe as she ran into the Barn straight into Ty's arms.
Ty looked at her and was trying to calm her down,  Amy tried to talk but couldn't,  her Chest had seized up and she couldn't breathe,  her eyes were puffy and tears flowing down her face.
Ty was worried because she was going purple and still hadn't taken a breath,  then everything Amy knew went Black.
As she collapsed he caught her before  she hit her head on the concrete floor.
Ty checked her pulse which was weak and noticed that after she blacked out  she hadn't started breathing again.

He pulled out his phone and called the  house phone on speaker.
Jack answered,  but could hear Ty counting, stopping,  a breath then Ty started counting again.
"Jack, Amy's collapsed and she's not breathing,  looks like Shock, need Ambulance ".
Jack then heard the same procedure.
"Lisa, Lou get to the Barn Amy's not breathing,  she collapsed in Ty's arms".
They ran as fast as they could leaving Jack to phone for help, when they got there Ty was still performing CPR, Lou burst into tears seeing her sister like this ,when Ty said she was breathing on her own again and put her in the recovery position and covered her with a thick horse blanket that was near to hand.
" What the hell happened Lisa".
Lisa explained that Amy was coming in through the main door and must of heard the three of them talking including the part of Marion being attacked and Raped and Amy was the result.
" Jesus, this is Shock Lisa, she couldn't breath or talk then went purple and collapsed ".
Jack suddenly appeared and saw Amy in the recovery position.
"Please  tell me she's okay Ty".
"She's breathing again but as I Just said to Lisa n Lou she's in shock".
"Why come back through the front door ".
"Jack, when I got back there was a bag of rubbish in the corner I was going to throw away but it was gone, my best guess is Amy took it and that's why she was coming in through that door because that's where the bins are".

The Ambulance arrived and checked her over saying that she'd be okay, they put her on oxygen and took her to Hospital with Ty by her side.

To be continued

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