Chapter Fifteen

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"What do you mean Gone".
"Exactly what I said Jack , Amy's Left for a while, she explained in her letter you haven't opened yet, She said she needed time away from Heartland to get her head in the right place and she's frightened that if Tim Turns up again she'll Shoot him for real."
" Oh, Amy," Lou burst into tears.
"I'm worried she may do something stupid Jack".
"No, Ty, she loves you far too much to do that. Besides, it says here to see you soon, and Lou, we'll have to start planning our wedding, P.S. Lou, go and see Dr Virani,  please do this for me. "


It had been a month since Amy had disappeared with Spartan.
Ty was worried most of the time, but so far he'd had four messages telling him how much she loved him and one selfie, but Ty could tell by her photo that she still wasn't herself.
One message she'd mentioned was that she didn't know who she was because of the way she was conceived.
This broke Ty's heart at what she must be going through.
He'd told the family.
"Lou, did you do what Amy asked about seeing Dr. Virani?"
"Yes, Ty, she just wanted a vile of blood and said that as soon as she got the results, she would be in touch  but I'm still waiting."
"Did she mention what it was for?"
"All she said was that it was a theory that you put into Amy's head but needed us both to do it to either rule it out or give the correct answer."
"Ahhhh, right, I think I know what she's doing."
"Care to expand on it Ty".
"How long it has been, Lou."
"Four weeks, ".
"Any day then, Lou."

Three days later there sat in the kitchen and Ty shows everyone the latest Selfie from Amy and she's starting to look more like herself, she explained to Ty that she's not ready to talk face to face or on the phone as she will want to come home and she feels like she's getting somewhere,  except for a stomach bug she's picked up.
The phone rings, and Lou is the nearest, so she answers it.
"Hello Dr Virani,  yes I remember , we've  sort of been wondering what it's all about, well Amy has her phone on her although were not sure where she is at the moment, but she does keep in touch. Let me put the phone on speaker if that's okay with you. "
"Yes, that's fine."
"Okay, we're all set."
"Okay, well Amy had a Theory given her by Ty, but she'd expanded on it after a lot of thinking and asked me to get a  DNA test between you both and I have the results here in front of me".
"Okay, what does it show apart from the fact we have the same mother?"
"Well Lou, it shows that you both have the same FATHER."


After finishing the conversation with Dr Virani, they all sat down totally. Gobsmacked.
"I told Amy at the Hospital that something about Marion's attacker didn't sit right, I think she knew it was Tim, but she still loved him and wanted him home where he wouldn't  get himself killed and they could be a proper Family".
"Thanks, Ty, but why tell her to terminate the pregnancy? He obviously didn't know what she did, that it was him probably drunk."
"Because Amy was the key to the attacker by DNA."
Lisa and Lou, more or less, did the same thing, hands over their mouths shouting OMG.
Lou looked at Jack.
"Grampa, why did he bait the wolves,  it's fairly obvious it was him."
"That S.O.B  because nine wolves against a young woman Amy's size would have torn her to pieces and eaten her  including her bones, there wouldn't have been anything left to identify."
"Oh God, I feel sick."
"You okay Lou."
"I will be."
"But there's one person he didn't bank on Lou, Spartan,  he would have given his life to protect Amy, and that's why she survived. Ty tell Amy not to worry about killing Tim, I will".
"Will do Jack."

Lisa's looking at Ty, then thinks how to word it.
"Ty, are you going to phone Amy about the DNA results?"
"Err I was, but it's getting late and as Tricia phoned Lou I think Lou should be the one to tell her, when she messaged me she wasn't feeling very well so she may have turned in
early. "
"Ty." "Yes Lisa".
"Can I see that photo again of Amy, the latest photo?"
"Yeah, here."
"Thank you. You know, she definitely has started to look better. Hang on a minute. "  Lisa enlarges the photo.
"Ha, got ya, I don't know where she is, but I know who she's with and probably looking after her."
"That would be."
"Oh ha ha, I just enlarged the photo, and a sign says *Dark Horse* ".
"Well, at least we know she's safe."
"She definitely is Jack."
"Hopefully she'll be home soon Ty".
"I think this was a good idea for her to get away and sort her head out."
"I'll phone or message her tomorrow Ty, see if I can find out when she's coming home,"
"Thanks Lou".

Ring Ring Ring, "Hello Amy,"
"Sorry this isn't Amy, this is Rachel who's calling."
"Er, I'm Lou ,Amy's sister, is she okay?"
"Oh Hi Lou, we've heard a lot about you, how's her hunky Fiance".
"Fine, he just wants her home."
"Well, if I'm right, I think he'll get his wish, depending upon what the doctor says."
"What is she ill,  Ty said she had a stomach bug.
"Err can't really say, that's up to Amy, ah here she comes, hang on.".
"Oh hi Lou."
"You're sounding more like yourself
sweetie. "
"Thanks Lou, I am, So you're phoning me."
"Whats wrong with you Amy".
"You first Lou, why the call?"
"Dr Virani phoned with the results of the DNA Amy, and you and Ty were right about mum's attacker. It seems we share the same mother."
"Duh  LOU  I know that."
"Ha ha, we also share the same Father  Amy. You are 100% my true sister."
"Are you pleased?"
"Yes, Ty was right."
"So, You, at the Doctor's!!."
"You can't say anything to Ty or Grampa and Lisa , I need to tell Ty myself if Grampa doesn't kill me first."
"Amy, you're an adult,  you're 20 years old, and after what you've been through, he won't care, so I think I know, but you need to tell me."
"I'm two months pregnant, Lou."
"YESSSSSS , Me Too Sis according to my scan."
"Meant to tell you when you got out of Hospital Amy, but you weren't really in a good place, so was going to tell you later, but you Left".
"OMG, I'm so sorry Lou".
"Don't worry about it, we both know now. You'd better phone Ty tonight or in the morning between sickness bouts. "
"Ha ha, yes I will, is Ty there ,Uni or Clinic.".
"Clinic today Amy, call him. He's missing you."
"I miss him too, Lou, Byee."

To be continued

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