Chapter Thirty Seven

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After Tim left Amy called a nurse by pushing the Button, when she came in Amy asked if they had what she needed, the nurse assured her that it wouldn't be a problem and went off to get it.
Later, Ty turned up and saw Amy's beaming face looking at him.
"Hey gorgeous, you look happy".
I am, and I have a surprise for you".
"Oh yeah, and what's that".
"Remember about eleven weeks ago you took me for that fantastic Trail ride and we skinny dipped and we did other things ".
"Ohh Yeahhhh, That was a great day".
"Well when we left, we brought something else with us".
Ty looked surprised although he already knew after the Doctor spoke with him but didn't want to steal Amy's surprise from her.
"Your going to be a daddy again".
He gently hugged her and they had a little make out session of kissing and hugging.
"So your nearly three months already".
"Yeah, no morning sickness or anything, a little brother or sister for Lyndy".
Amy was smiling, so happy she never lost this little nugget when she fell off Spartan.
After a couple of hours Ty had to get to work.
"So when do you want to tell
everyone ".
"You can let them know tonight unless I see anyone first".
"No big announcement!!! ".
"Not this time, I just want everyone to know, if that's okay with you of course".
"I'm fine with telling everyone as soon as possible ".
"Okay then".
"You know, since I got here, you haven't stopped smiling ".
"Neither have you, ha ha ha".

Ty walked into the clinic with the smile still on his face everyone noticed and he was going to burst, ever since the Doctor told him what she'd found out through the blood Tests he wanted to tell everyone but he'd asked the doctor to make sure Amy found out somehow , as it turned out Amy had found out herself.
"I'm going to be a father again" he blurted out, Scott, Shane and the two new assistant's all cheered with him".

Amy was phoning her Dad, Tim answered his phone "Hey Love, what's up, everything okay".
"Yes Daddy, all is great, I wanted you to know first after Ty obviously, I'm Pregnant, 11 weeks ".
"That's great news sweetheart, Congratulations to you and Ty ".
"Thank you Daddy".
"I'll see you later".
"Okay, Bye".
Amy was going to phone home but decided to let Ty tell the family, it was only fair.
Then she thought of Soraya and phoned her but swore her to secrecy until the following day.
Amy was so Happy, but by 4 pm she was starting to lose that high she was on. No one apart from her Dad and Ty had been to see her, No Jack, Lou, Lisa, not even Georgie.
Amy decided to go to sleep instead as she couldn't stop yawning, being in Hospital always made her feel sleepy.
Ty popped in to see her after work for an hour and her Dad had also popped in.
"I think they must be angry with me or something because not one of them has come to see me today, not even for 15 minutes ".
Ty could see Amy was not the fun loving person he saw this morning, so just hugged her.


Ty walked in the Ranch House about 8 pm, Lou looked Round then looked at the time.
"Blimey you must of been busy , did you eat at Maggie's ".
"No, and I'm starving, hi Lyndy you been a good girl, "Yes Daddy".
"I'll see if I can find you something to eat Ty".
"What about dinner, I can Just warm it up. Where's Jack n Lisa".
"I fed the girls and as for Grampa and Lisa they decided at the last minute to go away for just a couple of days ya know one night, they'll be back tomorrow about dinner time ".
"Oh, right. No problem. I'll look after Lyndy tomorrow Lou, I've got the day off and Amy's upset that no one popped in to see her, she has something she wants to tell everyone in person". Ty was going to tell them all but as no one was there except Lou he decided to let Amy tell them.
"Oh that's great, I could use a hand down at the Dude Ranch".
"Sorry Lou it's my day off and already have plans, thanks for watching Lyndy though", Ty got Lyndy and took her to get ready for bed, a story and a warm malted drink.
Lou got Katie and drove back to her house at the Dude Ranch.
After Lyndy was settled Ty decided he'd empty the dish Washer but it was Empty. He looked around and found just plates and cutlery for Katie and Lyndy, and thought to himself that Lou didn't bother cooking a meal which was fine. No one expected her to be there personal cook but had he known he would of got something from Maggie's .
He felt that something was off, Lou's acting funny and didn't answer him when he said Amy was upset and Jacks buggered off when he knows Amy's in hospital.
He suspects that he knows what it may be, but can't be certain, that's why he didn't say anything about Amy being pregnant.

Lou's back at home and Katie's in bed.
Her and Peter are on the Sofa.
"I was waiting for your call or Text to say dinner was ready but never arrived".
"I fed the girls but couldn't be bothered to cook a meal".
"So what time did Ty get back".
"Almost 8 pm, must of been busy at the clinic".
"He wasn't at the Clinic Lou, you know where he was".
"I'm going to bed".
"Hey, what's going on Lou, did you take the girls to see Amy".

Amy was getting more upset by the Minute, she couldn't understand what was going on, she decided to find out. Peter was sat on their sofa trying to figure it out himself when Lou's phone rang, she'd left it on the table. Peter saw it was Amy but thought better of answering Lou's phone.
Amy was really upset now, she was very emotional and couldn't understand why Lou was ignoring her, eventually Amy cried and ended up really sobbing to the point where she had to hold her wound as it was hurting really badly, eventually she cried herself to sleep.
In the morning, Lou was getting Katie ready when her phone rang, without thinking she picked it up and answered, "Hello".
"Hey Lou, its Dad, I was waiting for your call yesterday so we could catch up".
"Oh, well I thought you'd be busy with Amy all Day to be honest".
"What, I wasn't with Amy all Day, Just 7 till 9 when Ty turned up, then I had to go to work. Why'd you think I was there all day, anyway she said she was expecting you to turn up at some point and was really looking forward to seeing you and the Girls, especially Lyndy, said she needed to tell you something and couldn't wait".
" Oh, well she didn't call me".
"Well I phoned the Nurses Station late last night to just make sure she was okay, but they were worried about her and were thinking of giving her something to calm her down, apparently she was really upset about something to do with No One visiting her all Day and cried herself to sleep, what's going on Lou".

To be continued

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