Chapter Twenty one

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Amy spent 3 days in hospital and they cleared up the infection,  but to be on the safe side they gave her some Antibiotics as capsules to take for a further 4 days as the usual course is always 7 days. They also found that she was Anemic and put her on some Iron Tablets.
By the end of the week Amy was feeling normal again and back to her old self.
The Wedding was put back until little Nugget was born as Amy suddenly started to bloom and her bump size grew.
Ty's Graduation was amazing and were all pleased at how well he did and the honours he was given. Ty was now at the Clinic full time and Scott had asked if he was interested in a partnership, Scott was a little surprised at how quickly Ty was making decisions with out saying or talking to Amy, he'd been contacted by someone who Scott knew who wanted help in the Northern regions of B.C. with Wolves, but Scott informed her that Ty's Fiance was about 3 or 4 months away from giving birth by now and she wanted someone for 4 months which not only would his fiance not be pleased but it would be Cutting it to close.

Scott asked Lou to pop in for a chat, he wouldn't normally get involved but he was worried that all the newness of being a Vet had gone to his head and he wanted to do everything now, forgetting that he has years ahead of him to try and do different things plus he'd Just asked Ty about a partnership  which he couldn't offer him if he went off on some expedition. 
On top of that it was voluntary, so he wouldn't get paid and they had a baby on the way.
Amy had now stopped working because she was in the last part of her pregnancy, so only Ty was earning.
They did manage to get a Vet from college named Shane who had graduated the same time as Ty and Scott was impressed with his and Ty's performance.
Bob at the local rescue centre had asked Ty if he was going to BC to help with the Wolves but Ty had told him that he'd been offered a partnership at the Clinic and he also had a very pregnant Fiancee.
Bob accused him of putting money before the animals which Ty defended by His and Amy's future and they needed to buy things that the Baby would need and as it's Voluntary he wouldn't get paid, no money, no baby items.
This argument had been going on for a week and was now working it's way into Ty and Amy's relationship.
Amy had seen a change in Ty she didn't like since he graduated, as if he was better than anyone else including Amy's alternative treatments now he had Letters after his name, he ran down any ideas she came up with using herbs, and seemed to talk down to others.
At Dinnertime they were all sat eating when Amy reminded Ty about the checkup for baby tomorrow at 11 am.
"I can't Amy, I'm really busy tomorrow. "
"Ty, were talking about 30 minutes and the clinic is 4 minutes walk away, I'm sure you can manage that, this is the most important check up of them all".
"Sorry but I can't ".
Amy threw her knife and fork on the table and walked to there room and slammed the door.
"Ty, this is a very important check up  not just the baby but Amy as well and you need to be there".
"Thanks Lou but as I said I'm busy".
Jack didn't like this.
"Ty, what's so different about you being busy now as when you were busy before you graduated, because I don't see any difference at all".
"Look Jack this is between me and Amy".
"And me if you upset my Granddaughter, do you hear me".
Before Ty could answer Amy came out with a holdall and threw it on the floor by Ty's feet.
"You can sleep in the Loft".
Then Amy went back to her room.
Ty felt really embarrassed at being kicked out of their bedroom. Jack looks at Ty, "Now I am involved because now Amy is upset at your attitude,  and I don't think much to your high and mighty attitude either, I think you need to come down off that plinth you put yourself on".
Ty got up, left his plate , grabbed his bag and walked out.

Lou looked at Jack and told him what Scott was telling her about the partnership but if Ty goes to BC he will offer it to Shane and it will be Ty's loss. Plus he won't earn any money while in BC leaving Amy vulnerable without money, she isn't poor but using her savings for their own house for food and gas is not acceptable plus they need to buy baby items.
Jack was getting more angry by the second and couldn't understand what had happened to Ty since Graduation to turn him back to the 17 year old with an attitude.
The next day Jack went to see Scott to see what the problem could be, Ty wasn't there.
"Hi Scott, Ty gone with Amy for the check up". Jack asked as it was 11.10 am.
"Didn't know she had one Jack, Ty never mentioned it ".
"Yeah, she reminded him at dinner last night, he said he was really busy".
" Ha, Busy!!!!!! , it's been a slow morning so sent em for a break over at Maggie's ".
"What ".  "There over there now Jack"
Jack walked out and straight into Maggie's where he saw Ty flirting with Kit, he slapped the back of his head infront of Kit who was flirting with Ty , he chastised him about so called being busy , while  his very Pregnant Fiancee is at an important check up to check the Baby and make sure there's nothing wrong with Amy.
Kit looked shocked, " Why the hell aren't you with her Ty, is this how your going to treat her.  Thanks for telling Jack, I think I dodged a bullet with him" Kit then walked out.
Jack looked at Ty  "You had better get your act together Ty, before it's to late to rescue what your destroying.  I thought you loved Amy yet I'm seeing the opposite".
Jack walked out, Ty could here murmurs and saw women with children who were shaking their heads in disgust.
He walked back with shane who had kept quiet until now.
"You know Ty, at university all you could talk about was Amy and how she was your soul mate, now you hardly mention her and your treating her like this, why man, I thought you really loved her".
"None of your business ".
"Something's wrong man, spill, are you regreting it all for some reason or are you scared about being a father".
Ty ignored Shane, which Shane took to mean he hit the nail on the head".
Ty got an email from the woman looking for Volunteers to go to BC, she explained that she understood that he couldn't commit due to his Fiancee being very pregnant but she may need help again another time and would put him on her list for the future.
Ty stormed in to Scott's office and asked if it was him who told the woman that his Fiancee was pregnant and couldn't go.
"What did you expect me to say to her Ty, I wasn't going to Lie to her, we've been friends a long time, so I told her the truth and she agreed that you need to concentrate on Amy and leave the wolves to Vets that aren't going to be worried about something else at home".
"You had no right scott".
"Yes I did Ty, and what about this Partnership,  are you really interested  because I can't offer it to You if your going to go to BC.
It's make up your Mind time Ty, Amy the mother of your child and Fiancee plus your career here with me running the Clinic".

To be continued

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