Chapter Twenty Seven

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Amy went into Labour herself and Lyndy Marion Fleming Borden was Born, she was as beautiful as her mother,  Blonde, and piercing Blue Eye's,  Ty was overwhelmed with emotions and thought how Lucky he truly was.

Four months Later and Amy and Ty were Married in front of the Ranch house Fireplace which was also there New Home after Ty said Yes to staying in the house.

Life moved on and Amy and Ty were not actually in business together to start with due to being a partner with Scott in the Clinic, Amy was doing well and revised her pricing for different problems with horses but only she saw that, it was her guid...

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Life moved on and Amy and Ty were not actually in business together to start with due to being a partner with Scott in the Clinic, Amy was doing well and revised her pricing for different problems with horses but only she saw that, it was her guide and she couldn't give a quote as horses took as long as they need.
Amy only worked part time but still made a good living, her accident did cause a problem for her and that was Her concentration.  She was fine at home, doing the usual things a mum would do or watching TV, but when working with a horse she couldn't do anymore than an hour which she found was okay to live with as she could work with 3 different horses throughout the day. 3 hours was enough for her.
She still loved her trail rides and Lou would watch Lyndy for her for a couple of hours.  Life was good , her and Ty were more in love with each other than they had ever been.
The Clinic was busy but Ty always made time for his Wife and daughter.
Everything was running well and three years past so quickly it was time for Lyndys 3rd Birthday.

Lyndy had a great time and had friends from Pre School over

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Lyndy had a great time and had friends from Pre School over.

Lou and Peter built their place just as Amy suggested and the Dude ranch was thriving now that Lou was actually living there. They had a little girl too named Katie and it was her birthday in three weeks time.

News of Amy's accident was everywhere,  Newspapers,  National and Local News channels and of course all over Facebook and the Internet,  this was noticed by Tim he also found out about the birth and the Wedding,  it seemed like he had a spy in Hudson feeding him the information. But he stayed away, after Amy had stood up to him and pulled her Gun on him he decided he wasn't going to chance it.
Amy was still the only thing that proved he was the attacker but they couldn't prove anything if they never found her. One thing still mistified Tim, no one has said anything about it and they must of worked it out by now.

But Ty and Amy were enjoying there life living on Heartland Just as they had been for the last 8 years.
They were all sitting in the Lounge room after dinner,  Lisa was reading Lyndy a story from a book she came back with from preschool.  Ty and Amy were cuddled up on the Sofa  both reading and Jack was reading a fishing magazine . It was wet and a rain storm blowing outside when Ty's phone rang.
"Arghh, not tonight please.  Hello Scott, what's up, okay,  yes she's here, hang on I'll have to ask her, I'll  phone you back".
"Really tonight".
"I know love, but it's a horse, just arrived at Calgary Airport  from the Middle East, Scott wanted to know if you could come as well, apparently he had a bad flight in this storm and cant settle him down".
Amy looked at Lisa and Lisa smiled, " Go on, I'll put her to bed,  ".thank you Grandma ". Amy  went over and kissed Lyndy goodnight,  "Be good for grandma and GG.
"I will Momma ".


Ty and Amy arrived at the airport not long after Scott had got there, as they walked into the hanger Amy noticed Emir. Adrian the Head Trainer couldn't calm him down and watched as Amy slowly walked up to Emir talking to him in a quiet soft voice.
She slowly put her hands on either side of his head , gently caressing him and moved her hand to his forehead all the while talking softly,  then she started doing T Touch and ran her hand to his neck again doing T touch.
Within a few minutes Emir was as calm as a baby.
Adrian asked Scott and Ty how she did that.
"It's  a gift she has, some people call her the Horse Whisperer and believe me I've seen her do things that even now blow my mind". Ty was very proud of his wife.
The Prince seeing unknown people near his horse shouted to Adrian to get them away.
Of course Amy didn't care who he was and shouted back "Your Welcome ".
She then had a word with Adrian and told him he was fine to be Trailered back now.
Eventually they got home back to Heartland and Amy just wanted her bed  she was so tired , she'd been out of sorts for a few days now.

Amy was still feeling off but was trying not to worry anyone, which was difficult when Lou seemed to have a knack of noticing things, she hoped she didn't come to the house yet. Grampa also noticed.
"Amy, are you feeling okay, you look pale and tired".
"I think I may be coming down with something Grampa, nothing to worry about,  I'll get Lyndy up for breakfast, Ty had an early start this morning".
As Amy was putting Lyndy's bowl of her favourite cereal in front of her they heard the noise of a powerful sports car.
"Oh Great, Mr Highness stuck up much has just turned up. Can you answer the Door please Grampa ".
"Mmm, no problem".
There was a knock at the door.
Jack went and opened it and immediately wasn't sure about him, Jack's usually a good Judge of character but couldn't see through this prince.
"Good morning, I was told I could find a Miss Amy Fleming here".
"Yes, she is here but first let me put you right on something,  Amy is a Mrs and it's Borden, Mrs Amy Borden".
Jack left out the Fleming on purpose.
"Oh, she's Married ".
"Yes she is and very happily,  I take it you need to speak with her".
"Err, please yes, I have a horse I would like her to look at".
"Then you better come in, you'll have to excuse us as it's breakfast time".
When the prince came in he saw that Adrian was right, she was beautiful.
They introduced each other and he explained what was wrong with his horse called Emir, Amy asked him to bring the horse to Heartland so she could see for herself what the problem may be.
But the Prince wanted Amy to go to his Stables, she explained that Heartland was quiet and there were no people about which was much better for her to concentrate on the horse.
"I've watched your videos and your very good, I'd prefer you to work at my stables and work with Emir and get to the root of his problem, and only work with him so you won't have time for other horses and I will compensate you for that"
He then handed Amy a check for too much money.
"Your Highness, "Please call me Ahmed" as I said Your Highness I do not call Clients by there first name and Those that I do are acquaintances or Close friends,  I have never met you before  and I prefer to stay on a business footing, I will work with your horse but only at Heartland as I have other commitments to consider like my Daughter here and my Husband as well of course my Clients."
" Er I will have to think about this, I will be intouch". and he walked out.
Jack looked at Amy smiling and shaking his head.
"I liked the way you dealt with him".
Amy took Lyndy to the school bus on Spartan much to her excitement as she needed a trail ride after.
While she was out on the trail ride Amy really didn't feel right and felt giddy so got off Spartan and loosely tied him up, Amy went to grab the tree but missed and collapsed in the grass.

To be continued

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