Chapter Thirty Five

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Jack and Tim saw Amy and The Prince both laying in the grass, Four Shots had rang out, a single shot and then a triple shot, they both ran for Amy, Jack gently cupped her head then pulled his left hand away that was under her head, blood. He looked around realising that the area was covered in small rocks. Tim was checking for a bullet wound and found it, straight in her right side just below her ribs, she was bleeding but not excessively, Jack went over to Ahmeds body, picked up his gun with his little finger in the trigger guard  then checked for a pulse, he saw the holes in his shirt and looked, three shots to his heart in a cluster. "Jeezus Amy".
Jack then Put the gun back exactly where it had been.
"Phone for help Jack, Amy's took one in the side".
Jack immediately phoned the RCMP and asked for medical assistance.
Amy opened her eyes, her head was pounding, she was trying to focus her eye's but knew that voice.
"Amy, can you see me". Tim was worried about blindness due to her hitting her head.
"Can't focus".
"That's okay as long as you can see light".
"Yeah, I can".
"Daddy, is it really you".
"Yes Amy, I'm so sorry we didn't get here in time".
"T- the p- prince".
"He's dead".
"Good, I did warn him".
Amy got her left arm and threw it round his neck and hugged him then sobbed as reality set in that she could of been killed by that maniac.
After Jack had finished with his call he phoned home.
"Hello Heartland".
"Hey Lisa".
"Jack, what the hell was going on, Lou said you and Tim hightailed it out of here something about Amy".
"Yeah , Amy's alive but she killed The prince, Amy got shot too, were waiting for help to come".
"What, how did he know where she was".
"Don't know ".
Lou was listening to Lisa's side of the conversation as the girls were in the room.
"Jack, how bad has Amy been Shot".
Lou looked up at Lisa, tears starting to swell in her eye's ".
"She was on Spartan and his aim would of been difficult, but he got her in the right hand side, not front to back Lisa , side to side ".
"Did you tell em its an emergency ".
"Course I did Lisa, must go, hear sirens".
Jack went to meet the Ambulance leaving Tim to handle a sobbing Amy".
"You really are my Daddy, you do know that right, and Mom loved you so much , I I love you ddaddy".
Amy stuttered because she felt the blackness approaching and fell unconscious.
"Jack came running over with the medics who immediately started checking her.
"We need to move now she's bleeding internally and we don't know what mess that bullet did on it's way in"
Tim, you go with her, I need to personally let someone know his wife has been shot".
Tim threw Jack his keys, "Go Jack, let him know".
"I'll see you at the Hospital ".
Jack ran off to tell Ty what happened


At the Clinic Scott, Ty and shane were busy working, Ty kept looking at the clock, only an hour left and he could go home and see his beautiful wife and Daughter.
They heard a noise and looked round.
"Hey Jack what brings you here this time of day"scott said.
"Err I need a moment with Ty".
Scott new that look.
"Jack, is it serious ". "Yes Scott ,very".
Scott went over and Told Ty that Jack needs to speak with him.
"What's up Jack that couldn't wait till I got home". Jack looked at Ty and Ty saw the look in his face and his eye's were starting to water.
"Jack, please tell me it's Not Amy, please ".
"Sorry Ty , it is Amy, The Prince found her, and let's say there was a lot of Shooting".
"Is She". "No, she's alive". "Cant say the same about the prince though he did shoot her and she fired back , 3 in concession, grouped straight in his Heart, but Amy's bleeding internally, he shot straight into her side which is how she obviously manoeuvred herself, small Target, she'll be there by now".

Ty and Jack walked in and Ty went to the reception desk to let them know that he was there, then went to sit by Jack.
Jack had already brought Ty up to date on Tim's reappearance and how he was drawn back to try and save her but unfortunately they were to late to stop the gun fight.
Ty and Tim shook hands and Tim asked Ty if later sometime they could have a talk as he had a lot to explain and apologise for.

Lisa had gone to collect Spartan as he was still there, as Lisa approached she saw all the police and crime investigation unit, she asked if it was okay to collect her Granddaughters horse as he needed water and food.
She was given clearance and walked slowly up to Spartan, as she got closer she noticed all the bloody gauze etc from when the medics were working on Amy, she then saw all the blood on the ground. Jeez , come on Amy please be strong, Lisa started to move Spartan away and saw a covered body which must of been  the Prince, she finally got him back to the Barn.
Lisa went inside the house and Lou noticed there was no colour in her face. "Was it really bad Lisa".
Her eyes filled with tears as she nodded, "I Just hope Amy is strong enough to pull through this one after everything that Prince has put her through, is Lyndy okay".
"Yeah she's playing with Katie.
Lisa, the last two times she's been in hospital was due to the stress he put her through,now he's dead, she and Ty should be able to live a normal life".
"Let's hope she has the strength to get through this first Lou, then her and Ty will need some time away, what Amy did taking on the Prince like that knowing that even though she could shoot a strand of hair off his head could still have cost her, he could of killed her as easily as she killed him".

Amy was in the OR for 4 hours as doctors repaired the damage to parts of her organs and blood vessels that his bullet hit on it's way in to her body.
Amy was in recovery and stable, everything had been repaired and blood vessels tied and sealed, she was receiving blood transfusions and being watched. Over the last couple of months the two doctors who had looked after her on both occasions had come to respect her positive look on life and her strength when up against an adversary as evil as The Prince who abused his status.
Now they had to let the family know how she was doing.

To be continued

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