Chapter Thirty Eight

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It was early in the morning about 6 am and the medical staff were doing morning rounds and checks.
When the Nurse came to Amy's room she wasn't in bed , she moved to the other side but couldn't see her,  thinking she was using the bathroom she called out her name turning at the same time and saw her feet just inside the bathroom and ran over.
The nurse pressed the emergency button and started checking Amy over.
Ty was up and Lyndy was dressed as she did every morning by herself although her colour matching needed working on.
Ty's phone rang and he answered, then everything went into overdrive,  what to do with Lyndy, after last night he wasn't calling Lou.
As he had Lyndy he took Amy's Truck, he loved his old GMC but it was a work truck not a family one and if he was honest with himself he loved driving Amy's truck, it was a monster and the biggest on the Ranch, thankfully Amy had full insurance Coverage so they replaced her truck Like for Like after her Truck got crushed.
As Ty was driving towards Hudson he tried Lyndys friends Mum who told him to drop her off. He'd left a note on the kitchen table just incase someone turned up at home.

During the phone call between Lou and Tim this morning, Lou used the same excuse that she was busy and lost track of time, but Tim didn't buy it.
"Well please go and see her okay, I have to be out all day with my boss looking at Bronks. Call me so we can get together ".

Ty got to the Hospital and was met by another doctor.
"Mr Borden,  please follow me and I will explain what's happened".
As they sat the Doctor said that Doctor Harris was in the O.R. working on Amy.
"Working on Amy, what's that mean, what happened ".
"She collapsed in the bathroom and after taking her vitals Doctor Harris said she was bleeding internally,  something had caused one of her  wounds to open up".
Ty was thinking to himself about how
Yesterday started so well,  then when Ty went to see her after work her bubliness had gone, "Amy was very upset last night when I saw her and tearful ". The Doctor looked at Ty.
"She was very upset about 2 am and Sobbing,  I think hormones were probably to blame for making it worse and the clenching of her muscles may have opened one of the stitches,  as soon as Doctor harris has stopped the bleeding and Amy's in recovery she will come and see you".
"How serious is it ".
"Not serious as in life threatening because she was found early but the loss of blood is what caused her to collapse,  She'll be fine once it's been resealed".
"Thank you so much for acting quickly ".
Ty left the office and went to the Cafeteria. He sat there thinking and was definitely going to be having words with Lou and Jack.
Ty decided to Text them both, he wasn't in the mood for talking.
Lou and Jack.
I'm disgusted at the way you have both Just abandoned Amy in Hospital.
I think I know the reason and you should both grow up.
Tim has only seen Amy twice for an hour, which left you plenty of time to go and see her.
Because of your actions she was very badly upset and ended up pulling a stitch out due to her sobbing,  in case your interested she's in OR having emergency surgery to stop the internal bleeding after being found this morning collapsed on the floor.
I'm so angry at both of you at the moment and don't want to talk, so don't bother phoning.
Ty knew he'd been harsh  but he thought that's what they needed,  he sent it to them both then knowing Jack he won't say anything to Lisa so sent it to her as well then for good measure he sent it to Peter.


Jack and Lisa were having breakfast at the Motel they stopped at when both their phones went off.
They both read there messages and Lisa waited for Jack to say something .
"Anything interesting Jack".
"Err  No, Just Ty updating me on Amy"
"How's she doing,  improving I hope"
"Err, she's had a bit of a relapse but she'll bounce back".
Lisa was quite for a moment ,thinking of her response, but her anger was starting to show. Eventually she put her knive and Fork down ,put her hands under her chin and looked at him.
"What's up".
"I'll tell you you what's up Jack Bartlett,  ( Jack knew he was in for it) how can Internal bleeding be a relapse especially when Amy's been rushed for emergency surgery".
"I take it you got the same message as me then".
"Ty's not daft Jack, he knew you wouldn't say anything about it, so yes he sent it to me as well ".
"Finish up, we're leaving now, and I'll be having words with Lou too".

Ty was waiting patiently when Doctor Harris came to see him.
"Hello Mr Borden, Amy's going to be fine, it was a stitch on the bottom of her spleen and being completely honest with you it hadn't been stitched properly which wouldn't really have mattered and would of healed, but because she was so upset, the movement of her muscles due to the crying must of worked it lose, I'm so sorry this has happened ".
"I think her family should be sorry not you dr Harris,  I'm disgusted with them".
"Would you like to go see her, ( Ty nodded ) follow me".
Ty spent a couple of hours with Amy and sent a text to Tim as he hadn't been able to get intouch, as he came out on his way to get a coffee he saw Jack, Lisa, Lou and Peter sat in the waiting area,  he stared at Jack then Lou and walked straight passed them to get to the Cafeteria.
"You stay here ,I'm going to have a word with him,  you realise he feels betrayed by you and Lou because of your Jealousy, Jack".
As Lisa walked into the Cafeteria she saw Ty sat at a table and Joined him.
"I'm so sorry Ty , there acting like kids, I really can't believe it ".
"I'm so angry with both of them Lisa, Amy was so happy yesterday and was on top of the world,  we both were actually,  she had some news she wanted to share and couldn't tell anyone because no one came to see her and she wanted to tell in person or I could tell everyone,  but when I got back home Lou was acting strange and you and Jack had took off so I didn't say anything.  She decided to tell Tim first because he was the only one who popped in, he didn't stay long because he had to get to work. Last night she sobbed so much she pulled a stitch in her Spleen  and started bleeding internally then collapsed sometime early morning in the bathroom and thankfully a Nurse found her".
"OMG Ty, I'm so sorry, I told Jack that it wasn't the best time to go but he said that Tim was with her, can you tell me what it was she wanted to tell us".
"Yeah, it doesn't really matter anymore as the Joy we were feeling yesterday has gone,  Amy's Pregnant,  about 3 months gone".
"Oh Ty, Congratulations , I'm so happy for both of you".
Lisa had tears in her eyes not because Amy was pregnant but because of how she must of felt".
"Just so you know Lisa, Tim offered to sit with her from 7 till 9 as I had to get Lyndy ready in the morning,  I popped in untill 11am then went to work and Tim popped in again about 4 till 6 then I stayed till 8pm. So Tim was there for a couple of hours twice".
Lisa went back up to the waiting area and started on Jack and Lou telling them exactly what she thought, she told them what had happened and then  why Amy was so upset because she had news she wanted to tell them in person".
Ty then walks in and tells Jack n Lou that Amy would like to see them, and gives them the room number. He'd said goodbye to her with a loving kiss and told her to be firm with them both, tell them how it made you feel,  he was off to collect Lyndy and take her to Maggie's for Dinner.

To be continued

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