Chapter Twenty Five

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Amy started to wake, she could see daylight and she could hear noises like heavy machinery and Sirens.
She could hear someone calling but she was so thirsty she couldn't speak.  Being the smart woman she was she tried to think how to talk to them but she knew she was seriously Dehydrated and her head still didn't feel right, like it was full of cotton wool. 
Amy looked at her phone and thought, close proximity but no signal = Bluetooth .
She opened her phone and switched bluetooth on and waited for it to search. Eventually her phone locked on the closest and she typed,  *can't talk,too Dehydrated,  Thirsty* send.
The rescuer who was calling to her felt his phone go off, he opened it up and saw it asking to connect via bluetooth, so he did. He read the message.
Everyone cheered,  they started to communicate  with Amy.
The first to go was the Paramedics as they needed to know how she and baby were coping, they messaged back about trying to find a way to get her some water. This went on for a while and being able to communicate made Amy feel a little more hopeful.
The rescuers explained to Amy that they were waiting for a large Crane to lift the Boulder off her Truck, then they can concentrate on getting her out. She messaged back that she understood.
A little later Ty arrived and was overcome seeing the state of her truck, but more so because Amy was still in there, the bloke who'd been talking to Amy explained that she couldn't speak properly due to Dehydration and to use his Bluetooth.
"Was this her Idea by any chance".
"Ha,Yes it was".
Ty switched his on and scanned for Amy's phone, when he had it he asked for a connection,  as soon as Amy saw Ty's phone asking for a connection she got all excited and emotional,  they started talking back and forth then Ty asked about her battery,  she looked and thought 50% was good as it had been off all night thankfully, so told him.
The messages were getting a little personal so Ty mentioned it to Amy that others could pick them up but he loved her so much and would be with her the whole way.

Later on Ty had been trying to connect with Amy but was getting no reply.  He walked over to the Paramedics and mentioned his concern,  they assured him that Amy may have blacked out again due to exhaustion and the Dehydration wasn't helping, but the Crane was about ten minutes away.
Sure enough it wasn't long before everyone heard it's engines coming up the road.

The Crane driver didn't waste anytime  in getting the cables and Chains around the Boulder.  Within 20 minutes he was ready, workers had guide ropes attached to help steer the Boulder away from the truck.
The whole family was watching as the engines fired up and very slowly the big chunk of rock started to lift inch by inch, once it was clear of being caught on any part of the truck which was only about a six inch height the driver started to move backwards,  everyone held there breath as they did not need it to crash back down on top of Amy, after five minutes it was almost away from the engine block and then it was clear, the driver put it back on the ground but left it connected for safety.


It took the engineers about 30 minutes to make a hole big enough for Paramedics to get to Amy's head and arms to give her treatment. They took the passenger door off and the passenger seat out, then were able to pull the bulkhead up and away from the top of her.
Ty moved forward a little as he needed to see her beautiful blonde hair, but he was shocked at what he saw, her hair wasn't blonde,  it was Red very red. The medics realised that her blackouts and speach were not due to Dehydration it was due to Blood loss, one medic estimated that Amy had lost at least 2 pints of blood by what they saw on the floor .
They were Bandaging up her head, putting in IV's to get her blood pressure back up. They were concerned about her Neck as by the hit she took on the head which was split she may have damage. They remarked to each other that she had to come out Now.
Baby Nugget was apparently doing well and had a monitor attached.
One of the engineers came to speak with the medics and they asked if they would cut off the driver's side as they couldn't see her legs and needed to see that there were no other injuries,  they new the steering wheel was in there somewhere but where and what damage could it be causing.

It wasn't long and they had the door off, and the seat out . They called over one of the medics to look and thankfully Amy's legs were clear.
Now they needed to get her on a Spinal board but Amy being protective had curled herself around her belly and they needed to straighten her out, they tried but it was as if she was frozen in that protective position.
Ty was watching and knew there was a problem so slowly walked over and asked what the problem was.
After they explained,  he said he may be able to help.
Ty climbed in carefully and held her left hand,  he started to whisper in her ear and then started doing something similar to T Touch on Amy's temples continually whispering to her. Slowly Amy relaxed and the medics got the board on her and turned her flat on her back  they secured her head and neck and strapped her in.
Ty grabbed his keys and asked Jack to drive his truck. He looked around but only Just realised that Amy's Big Rig Trailer wasnt here. Jack told him that as the Rig was untouched Karen had hitched it up with Spartan who was okay and gone back to Heartland.
A big roar went up as Amy was pulled out of her protective tube made by the Boulder and put in the Ambulance,  Ty got in and Two medics followed  instead of just one. The Ambulance set off for the hospital with a police escort.

To be continued

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