Chapter Twenty Eight

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Jack had been out for a while and when he returned he found Lou in the kitchen.
"Hey Lou".
"Hi Grampa,  where's Amy".
"She took Lyndy to get the bus on Spartan this morning then said she was going for a ride for a couple of hour's, isn't she back yet".
"No sign of her it's been four and a half hours and Lyndy will be back soon, so she'll need picking up ".
"I must admit Lou she wasn't looking good this morning ".
"She hasn't looked well for the last couple of weeks Grampa,  I thought she was just tired but if I asked she told me she was fine".
"Okay, you get Lyndy and Katie and I'll go look for her".
"Thanks Grampa ".
Lou went to get the girls and Jack went to look for Amy.

Jack decided to take Amy's usual routine of her Trail ride and kept his eyes open for anything unusual.
He realised that Amy had been missing for over 2 hours.
As Jack reaches the highest point of the ride he sees Spartan by a few trees and makes his way over, as he gets closer he sees that Spartan has been tied loosely to the tree meaning that Amy hadn't fell off her horse, so where was she.
He got off Paint and put him near Spartan then walked a little way  but noticed something in the Long grass.
Fearing it was Amy he ran and sure enough there was Amy laying on her front almost hidden in the overgrown grass. Jack always hated this part but he knew he had to check her pulse.
He sighed with relief when he felt it ,  it was a little weak but she was alive. He checked her all over and noticed that she had a fever, infact it seemed high but his hands were a little cold so  it may not be that bad.
Jack pulled out his phone and had a signal which was usual for the top of the ridge and phoned for an Ambulance.
After Jack ended the call he thought about how he was going to get Amy back. He'd seen her Training Spartan to do many things and one was to do with getting Wheelchair users on a horse. Jack didn't know what commands she used so played it by ear.
He manoeuvred Spartan to near where Amy was and saw Spartan look at her, then to Jacks surprise Spartan got down ready for Amy. He dragged her over and put her in the saddle then tied her on so she wouldn't fall off.
Lou was in the kitchen and her phone rang  seeing Grampa's name she answered "Grandpa have you found her yet  is she okay "Lou shut up please"  sorry Grampa ".
Yes I found her and she's still unconscious but not hurt, if the Ambulance arrives before I get back tell em I'm on my way *then the signal went* hello Grampa, are you there".
Lou phoned Ty and informed him what was happening and to meet the Ambulance at the Hospital.
The girls were playing nicely in the Lounge and Lou was pacing back and forth between the two kitchen windows when she saw the Ambulance round the corner,  as they pulled up she ran out and told them that her Grampa was on his way with her sister.
Jack appeared 10 minutes later,  they helped him get Amy down and on to a gurney  then straight into the Ambulance.
Lou informed Jack that Ty would be at the Hospital waiting for them.


Jack and Ty were waiting patiently when Lou walked in, "It's okay Lisa is watching the girls,  any news yet".
" No , there running urgent blood tests to try and find out what's wrong ".
"She hasn't been herself for almost 2 weeks grampa".
"What !!!".
"You mean that you haven't noticed how bad she's been looking and feeling Ty?".
"Err, we've been that busy at the Clinic we've hardly seen each other".
"Well as your sister in Law I suggest you spend more time with your wife and Daughter and be more observant of what's going on".
"I've been on at Scott to get someone to help out while Shane's away".
Just then a Doctor came out "Mrs Amy Borden".
They got up and walked towards her , she asked them to follow her and were soon sat in an office.
"Okay, I'm sorry it took so long but we had to wait for the blood tests to come back".
"What's wrong with her Doctor ".
"Mr Borden, it's nothing serious,  has she been unwell at all in the last week or so ".
Ty looked at Lou rather sheepishly.
"Yes Doctor she has, almost two weeks,  I kept asking her if she was okay as she was tired a lot and rather pale, she Just kept saying that she thought she was coming down with something ".
"Ahh, that would probably explain it then, Mrs Borden has Subacute thyroiditis, this can be brought on by the common Cold or Respiratory infection or similar,  the main symptoms are
and Fatigue   which is obviously why she collapsed.
We have her on an IV with high strength Steroids , usually it would go on it's own but if she was already feeling weak then it would feel worse.
We noticed that she's Anemic as well so she will need to go on Iron tablets for a while.".
"When will she start feeling better ".
"Give her a couple of days and she should be feeling much better ".
"Thank you so much Doctor ".
"No problem, she's in room 216 and she will wake up eventually once she's rested".
The next morning Lou popped up to the Ranch House to take over for Ty, he wanted to get to the Clinic and have words with Scott. They were supposed to be partners but Ty was taking the brunt of the extra shifts while Scott was keeping to his normal routine , then he needed to go and see Amy.
Lou saw the girls off on the bus  picked up the post and came back to the Ranch House.  As she was making a fresh jug of coffee she heard a sports car,  Lou hadn't met The Prince.
Lou looked at the car then the person who got out , she'd dealt with people like this in New York, Jack had updated Lou about his last visit and she would of been impressed with the way Amy handled him.
The door knocked and Lou made her way slowly to the door, "May I help you".
"Yes, I want to speak to Miss Amy Fleming ".
"Oh, you must be the Prince".
"Yes  I am, Prince Ahmed Al Asaid".
"Well I'm Mrs Lou Fleming Morris,  I'm Amy's Sister".
"Pleased to meet you, now can I talk to her".
"Well, let's get things right first shall we, My sister is Mrs Amy Borden and yes she's married as I'm sure you've already been told".
"Ahh yes, I keep forgetting ".
"Well it's not that hard to remember is it".
"The other thing is that my sister was taken seriously ill yesterday Lunch time and was rushed to Hospital,  she's going to be there for a while I'm afraid, and then she will need to recover at home, so I would give her a couple of weeks before you try again".
"Nothing serious I Hope".
"The Doctors are  confident she'll make a good recovery as long as she's allowed to rest".
"Very well I'll try again in two weeks ".
"Thank you Your Highness ".
Lou closed the door quickly before he could reply.
"I don't think he knows who he's up against between you and Amy".
Jack sat down Laughing.

To be continued

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