Chapter Thirty One

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Ty woke up on the bed in the Loft, he looked around and saw what a mess he'd made.
Lisa was giving Lyndy her breakfast and as it was Friday kept her off school as Lisa was worried sick for Amy and just wanted Lyndy for company.
Ty walked in looking very sheepish and apologized straight away for his actions last night. He saw the look of concern on her face.
"I need to grovel on my knees to someone else". He started to walk to their bedroom when Lisa finally managed to speak.
"Your going to need to do more than grovel Ty, maybe start praying for starters".
He turned round and saw tears in Lisa's eyes.
"Lisa, what's happened ".
"Have you finished sweetheart".
Lyndy nodded and said yes, so lisa suggested she go and play in her room while she has a chat with daddy.
"You knew Amy wasn't fully over this Thyroid problem and yet your Anger at The Prince and Jealousy spilled over at your wife who had done nothing wrong and she was trying to stay away from him leaving him to Lou and Jack to deal with, Yes".
"Err, Yes".
"Well your actions yesterday and last night put Amy in the way of Trauma with a broken Nose "What" and you put her under such Stress that She was rushed to Hospital ".
"Is she okay Lisa".
"She's in a Coma and they don't know if she will pull through." Lisa's eyes were pouring with tears, Ty was stunned and collapsed into one of the kitchen chairs.
"What's happened to her ".
"Do you remember what the Doctor warned you about, keeping her calm, no stress, and definitely no Trauma, and what the consequences could be".
"Something about her Thyroid ".
"AMY, had a Thyroid Storm last night, and Ty, they can be Fatal".
Ty burst into tears as he realised he caused it, he always told Amy he would never hurt her and that's what he'd done.
"It took Jack and Lou everything they had to convince the Doctor not to have you arrested for Spousal abuse and Neglect, She is not happy with the way you looked after your wife. I know this Prince is the cause Ty, and he decided to increase the pressure because he has an unnatural Obsession about Amy.
That young woman has been in Love with you since she was 15years old, she's been through hell and back thanks to Tim and you stuck with her, helped her ride it out, she doesn't deserve this, you turned into Tim, and those were the last words Amy spoke before they rushed her to Hospital, I honestly don't know if you and Amy can come back from this Ty, I'm so sorry, but I am going to do something about that prince".


Jack and Lou had stayed all night and were still waiting, but in Amy's room, suddenly the door opened and the Doctor walked in, she looked at them both and smiled, "She's through the worst of it, now we need to continue treatment, but I can't say how long her Coma will be, Hormones can be tricky, so I'm afraid it's wait and see".
Just as she finished talking the door opened again and in walked the Prince.
The Doctor looked and asked Jack if that was who she thought it may be, both nodded.
"I'm sorry sir this is Family Only, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"I've come to see Miss Fleming ".
"Then you have the wrong Room Sir this is not the person who your looking for".
"Yes it is ,that's her".
"That is Mrs Borden not miss Fleming"
"Oh, same person ".
"Please leave now or I will have Security escort you out and off the Hospital grounds".
Ahmed wasn't budging so the Doctor said she'd be right back.
Ahmed started towards Amy's bed but Jack was in his face quicker than he thought he could and started pushing him back.
"Who did this to her".
"You did you idiot, the stress you put her under triggered a reaction, she was ill and you almost killed her ". Lou couldn't help but shout at him.
As Jack was pushing him to the door 2 burly Security guards came in and grabbed him, Jack informed them he was not allowed anywhere near her.

Ty calmed down as did Lisa then the phone rang, Lisa answered listened said thank you and love you too, then she started crying again but these were happy tears.
"Amy's out of danger, the medication is working, apparently Jack and Lou got her to Hospital so fast it made a big difference ".
"Oh thank god".
"Why don't you go see her Ty, I've got Lyndy".
"I will, but I need to pay someone a visit first on my way".

Ty pulled up at Caleb's, and knocked the door.
"Hey, was surprised that you went home last night".
"Yeah, well I wish I hadn't ".
"Ohhh was she pissed at you, did she confess".
"No Caleb because she didn't do anything wrong, your the one who was wrong by filling my head with all the wrong ideas and scenarios".
"I say it as I see It man".
"Well say it as you see this" and sucker punched him. Caleb ended up on his Butt, Ty turned , got in his truck and left for Hudson General.

Later as Ty entered Amy's room his hands went to his face when he saw her laying there knowing that he could of Lost her. Lou could see he was in turmoil as his feelings battled with each other, they'd all cooled down, and Lou got up and hugged him holding him tight as he sobbed, Jack also got up and the three of them held each other knowing that Amy was on her way to recovery.

Lisa was on the warpath and arranging meetings and phone calls with anyone she knew who may be able to help.
Her first call was Antonio in Spain who was part of the Security service, after Lisa explained he informed her that he had plenty of information that would put Ahmed behind bars for a very long time, they spent an hour on the phone and copies of it would be sent straight to her Lawyer by fax.
The same happened from France and Germany. Now she had to see if the Canadian government could use any of this information, lisa was sure they could because Drugs were involved as well as x rated blackmail using sex.

To be continued

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