Chapter Twenty Three

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Amy had about 4 or 5 weeks left so this Clinic would be the only one she could do, hopefully it would help out with the items that she still needed to get which shouldn't be all that much, as long as she had the essentials. She knew Lou was about 2 or 3 weeks behind her.
Ty had been to speak to one of the Senior Vets on the rescue mission about going home, he explained that his Fiancee had about 4 or 5 weeks to go and needed to be back home with her but didn't want to leave them short.
He was very understanding and thanked him for his concerns he explained that there were 3 other Vets who needed to return home also due to either personal or business reasons but they were always thankful for whatever amount of time they could spare. He also had 4 new Vets coming in the day after.
Ty found this odd as Bob had always said that they looked down on Vets who didn't commit to there cause.
He thanked Ty and told him he could leave with the others in the morning, so Ty asked if he could put Bob on a different Team just for tomorrow as he didn't want a big argument with him.
At the end of the day Ty was in the bathroom having a wash when he definitely heard his phone as he changed the notification sound, he came out and Bob went in and locked the door. Ty picked his phone up but there wasn't anything there.
He decided to look at his folders and found 6 messages in the delete folder unopened all from Amy. He opened the oldest which was the first week they were there and it was from Amy letting him know how much she loved him and she hoped that he could sort things out in his mind because he was going to be a fantastic father and he was nothing like his father which he had proved many times over.
He slowly went through them all until he read the one before this one which worried him as it was the day before.
Amy thought he was ignoring her and she needed money as she wasn't working so was doing a clinic tomorrow ( Today ) with Spartan at Karen's in the Kanninastas, Ty realising that it would take him a day just to get to the airport would not get home till lunchtime the day after that, had he got the messages he could of stopped her saying he was on his way home.
He heard Bob coming out the bathroom and walked up to him "Thanks for nothing Bob". and punched him.
"What the hell was that for".
Ty and Bob then had a massive argument about him messing around with his phone.


Bob went off with the Team he was with in the morning and Ty got in the mini bus, at the same time Amy was already on her way to Karen's but Ty had no signal to contact Jack.
Amy got to Karen's and she had someone waiting to get Spartan out the large Rig.
"So you brought the big Trailer".
"Yeah, it's got more room but it's safer on the road due to it's size and
weight ".

"Is Amy still asleep Lou".
"I don't know Lisa, I'll go and check".
Lou opened the door and it was empty except for a note on the bed.
Lou read it and her stomach dropped.
"What's up Lou".
"Amy,,,, she says, Need some money, gone to Karen's in the Kanninastas to do Liberty Clinic with Spartan, don't worry not working with any other horses, Karen helping me, see you dinnertime ".
"What is she thinking, Lisa".
"She's thinking with no Ty she needs to buy what she needs for the baby, I know she's not poor but that money she told me, was to build a house in that corner over there because she doesn't feel right about Jack being woken up at night by two newborn babies ".
"Ohh God".

The clinic was going well Amy had shown them what they could do and now some of them were trying it out for themselves with great success, Amy was thrilled and she had 20 people there so earned herself a tidy sum, over 5 grand, more than she needed so food and gas were covered as well until hopefully Ty came back.
Time was pressing on and she knew she'd need to get going soon.
Her phone started ringing but didn't recognize the number so answered anyway Just in case.
"Hi beautiful hows the clinic going ".
" TY, TY OMG how are you".
"Better hearing your voice, I'm So So sorry Amy, I Love You and on my way back".
"Where's your phone ".
"Long story, Bob's been messing with it, all those messages you sent me he was deleting them in case I decided to come back, but now I can't get a signal".
"What the hell".
"I know, I punched him last night when Ì found them all".
"I'll punch him too next time I see him".
"You do that, so how the Clinic go".
"Brilliant, all I can say, absolutely brilliant ".
"Good, I'll be back by lunch time tomorrow love, I'd better let this chap have his phone back, I Love You Amy,".
"Love you too, so much, Bye".

Amy was bubbling inside, Ty was on his way home.
Amy sent a message to Lou to say she was leaving soon and that Ty would be home by Lunch time tomorrow.
Karen helped Amy get Spartan loaded and she was all set for the journey home.
Karen waved as Amy drove away with a nice pay check to keep her going.
As she was running late Amy set the Sat Nav for the shortest route, she was driving at a nice steady speed taking no chances as she rounded a corner, The Noise was deafening until something hit her Cab roof which came in on top of her hitting her head and everything went Black.

To be continued

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